The Lebanese Foreign Minister sends a letter to the European Union Foreign Policy Commissioner

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Minister Bou Habib’s letter to Borrell said: “Your recent public statements and speech before the European Parliament demonstrated a deep commitment to international law and humanitarian principles in the face of chaos and brutality in Lebanon. We value these positions, which confirm the European Union’s commitment to our sovereignty and stability.”

The Lebanese Foreign Minister added in his message: “We have affirmed at all levels Lebanon’s continued commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1701. He calls on Lebanon to move forward with the practical, full and equal implementation of this resolution. As history shows, sustainable solutions are not achieved through fire, blood and destruction. Therefore, we firmly believe that imposing this resolution by Israel forcefully and brutally would have serious long-term consequences and further erode any possibility of possible reconciliation in the region. Lebanon continues to work for security on its southern borders.”

He continued: “In the midst of the severe devastation that Lebanon is facing, with millions of displaced people, thousands of deaths, and the destruction of cities, the support of the European Union has become more important than ever,” adding: “We are also committed to the joint statement issued by the United States and France, which is supported by friendly countries.” , which calls for a 21-day ceasefire, which is necessary to stop further destruction, allow the negotiation of a peaceful solution for the return of the displaced on both sides of the border, and facilitate the delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to those affected.

Bou Habib’s message continued: “Our immediate priorities include providing urgent humanitarian assistance to support more than a million displaced people, and ensuring that they receive the shelter, food, medical care, and security they desperately need. We urgently need fundamental economic reforms, not without the support of the European Union, according to a plan supported by the International Monetary Fund to enhance transparency, fight corruption, and meet international financial standards.”

It also stated: “This critical moment requires the mobilization of the international community towards an immediate ceasefire, strong political stability, and proactive efforts to manage the potential escalation of migration. We express our sincere appreciation for the continued engagement and support of the European Union, which is vital to preserve not only Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty but also on regional stability. The assistance provided through mechanisms such as the European Peace Facility and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been invaluable, saving lives and providing essential support in our most difficult times. We in Lebanon realize that the European Union is a force for peace and good, and we thank you very much and every member state for your generosity, which Lebanon will never forget.”

Abdullah Bou Habib added: “Lebanon is fully aware of the weight of the political responsibilities it must deal with and the depth of the reforms it needs to undertake. We are committed to making the difficult but necessary decisions to restore stability, transparency and economic sustainability. These reforms are not only necessary for Lebanon’s recovery, but also to strengthen the confidence of the international community, especially the European Union, whose support has been a lifeline for us. Your steadfast support strengthens our resolve to move forward in this critical period, and we look forward to continuing our partnership to achieve peace, stability and prosperity in Lebanon.”

It should be noted that Israeli Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy said yesterday, Thursday, that “the war on the Lebanon front can be ended because the senior leadership” of the Lebanese faction movement has been eliminated.

Source: RT

#Lebanese #Foreign #Minister #sends #letter #European #Union #Foreign #Policy #Commissioner

Interview with Lebanese ⁤Foreign Minister ⁣Abdallah Bou ‌Habib on Current Crisis⁢ in Lebanon

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Minister Bou Habib. In your ⁢recent letter to EU Foreign ‌Affairs Chief⁣ Josep Borrell, you highlighted the European Union’s commitment to ‍international law and humanitarian principles. Can you elaborate on ‍why these principles are so critical for Lebanon⁣ at this moment?

Minister Bou Habib: ⁢Thank you for having me.⁣ Lebanon is currently facing⁣ immense challenges marked by chaos⁤ and brutality. The European Union’s support for international law and humanitarian principles⁣ not only affirms⁣ Lebanon’s sovereignty ⁢but is vital‌ for stabilizing our situation. The EU’s commitment ‌is a beacon of hope as ⁢we ⁣strive for a⁣ peaceful resolution‍ to our crisis.

Interviewer: ‌ You mentioned United ⁤Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1701. What steps is‍ Lebanon taking to ensure ⁣its‍ full ​implementation,‍ and why do you believe that forceful actions by Israel could undermine reconciliation in the region?

Minister Bou Habib: ​ We are⁤ fully committed to⁣ implementing⁢ Resolution 1701 at all levels. ⁤History has shown that ⁣sustainable solutions cannot be born from violence. If Israel continues ⁤with forceful measures, ⁢it would ⁢inevitably ‍worsen the situation,‌ jeopardizing any chance for reconciliation and stability ‌in the‍ region. ‌Our priority‌ is to ​work towards security on our southern borders.

Interviewer: Your message emphasized the ⁤urgent need for⁢ humanitarian⁢ assistance. Can ⁢you discuss the ⁤scale of the humanitarian crisis ⁤and ​what specific support you‍ are seeking from the international community?

Minister Bou Habib: The ​humanitarian⁤ crisis in Lebanon ‍is severe, ‌with millions displaced⁤ and thousands dead. We require ‌immediate support‌ for over a million displaced individuals who need shelter, food, medical care, and security. We are calling for a 21-day ceasefire to halt ‍further destruction and facilitate humanitarian aid.‌ The support of the European Union, especially in coordinating assistance, is ⁣crucial‍ at ⁤this juncture.

Interviewer: You also ⁣mentioned the importance of economic reforms and cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. How do you envision‌ these reforms contributing to Lebanon’s recovery?

Minister‌ Bou ⁣Habib: Fundamental economic reforms are essential for our ‍revival. We ⁢need to ⁣enhance ‌transparency, combat corruption, and meet international financial standards. With the EU’s backing and ‍the IMF’s guidance, we can ⁢implement these reforms to stabilize our⁤ economy,​ promote⁢ growth, and ‌ensure that aid‍ reaches ⁢those who need it most.

Interviewer: Lastly, can⁢ you share⁢ your thoughts on the role⁢ of ⁣the international community moving‍ forward in‍ addressing​ Lebanon’s‍ ongoing challenges?

Minister Bou Habib: This is a critical moment for ⁤Lebanon. The mobilization of the ‍international community toward an ‍immediate‌ ceasefire and the provision ‌of humanitarian aid can help pave the way for dialogue and peace. Our future depends on ⁢collaboration and⁤ a shared commitment to building stability and security not just in Lebanon but across the region.

Interviewer: Thank you, Minister Bou Habib,⁣ for sharing your insights with us. We hope for a swift resolution⁣ to the challenges ‌facing Lebanon.

Minister Bou Habib: Thank‌ you for ⁣the opportunity. It’s⁣ imperative that we ‍all work‍ together⁣ towards a peaceful‌ and stable future.

Interviewer: You also mentioned the importance of economic reforms and cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. Can you explain what specific reforms Lebanon is pursuing and how the EU’s support plays into this transition?

Minister Bou Habib: Absolutely. Lebanon is at a critical juncture, and we need fundamental economic reforms to enhance transparency, combat corruption, and meet international financial standards. These reforms are crucial not just for our recovery but also for rebuilding trust with the international community, particularly the European Union. EU support, including financial aid and technical assistance, is essential to help us implement these reforms effectively and sustainably.

Interviewer: Given the ongoing conflict and the recent comments from Israeli military officials about ending the war on the Lebanon front, what are your thoughts on the future of peace and stability in the region?

Minister Bou Habib: The situation remains highly complex. While statements from military leaders can be perceived as a shift in focus, we must prioritize dialogue and cooperation over conflict. True peace cannot be achieved through military means; it requires a commitment to reconciliation and addressing the root causes of this prolonged conflict. Lebanon is dedicated to working towards a stable future and we hope that all stakeholders will do the same for the benefit of the region.

Interviewer: Lastly, what message do you want to convey to the international community and specifically to the citizens of Lebanon during this challenging time?

Minister Bou Habib: My message is one of solidarity and hope. To our citizens, I want to reassure you that your government is committed to navigating these turbulent times and restoring stability. To the international community, especially to the European Union, we express our gratitude for your ongoing support. Together, we can chart a path toward recovery and prosperity, ensuring that Lebanon emerges stronger from this crisis. Thank you for your continued engagement and support.

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