Síne Quinn: From Editor to Author of The Faerie Isle

Table of Contents

The Remarkable Síne: A Faerie Tale Worth Reading

Ah, Síne Quinn! The name rolls off the tongue like a well-aged whiskey on a cool Dublin evening. Born in 1972, this gem of a person has been as curious as a cat since childhood – always poking her nose into a book rather than a suitcase, I imagine. And it turns out, that was a rather good investment for her future!

Fast forward to 1995: finishing college and blissfully unaware that a life-changing career was just a cousin’s job offer away. She learned you could work with books—an epiphany so bright it would have illuminated the entire campus! Yes, indeed, she could be an editor. When a cousin works in publishing, it’s like finding out you can get free ice cream after school. Who wouldn’t want that?

After moving to America and gaining some valuable publishing experience, Síne returned to Ireland during that glittery economic boom known as the Celtic Tiger. She turned her attention back to local publishing houses, hopping from O’Brien’s to Veritas, like a literary Tigger bouncing around the Hundred-Acre Wood.

But here’s the twist: after dabbling with ghostwriting—yes, think of it as a literary séance—she finally conjured up the courage to step into the limelight with her own book, Holy Shocking Saints, in 2020. If that title doesn’t turn heads, I don’t know what will! It appears dark faeries have been haunting her ever since, in a delightfully spooky sort of way.

¿Who is Síne Quinn?

  • Date/place of birth: 1972 / Dublin
  • Education: Newpark Comprehensive; Sallynoggin Art Foundation; Trinity College, Dublin (Theology and an MPhil in Children’s Literature)
  • Home: Dublin
  • Family: Husband Martin, twins Daniel and Benjamin, and an incredibly grumpy dog, Poppy. Life in the Quinn household sounds like a sitcom waiting to happen!
  • The day job: Commissioning editor at Merrion, where she also runs book clinics for Children’s Books Ireland. A double whammy!
  • In another life: She dreams of being a tightrope walker. Perhaps we should save that for the next high-wire act?
  • Favourite writers: An impressive list including Camus, Almond, Keegan, Donoghue, McCann, Crossan, and Forde. Clearly, she knows the good stuff!
  • Second book: Currently researching a non-fiction piece while trying to continue a children’s novel.
  • Top tip: “Lots of tea; lots of fresh air. Keep a notebook and don’t beat yourself up. Just do what you can.” The universal mantra for creative spirits! Can I get that on a t-shirt?
  • Instagram: @Sinelquinn – because how else will we keep tabs on her adventures?

The Debut: The Faerie Isle

Now, let’s discuss her debut book: The Faerie Isle, illustrated by the talented Dermot Flynn. Priced at a modest €16.99 in print and just €13.31 for the Kindle version, it’s practically begging to be snatched up and hidden under bedtime pillows! This book isn’t just beautiful; it’s a kaleidoscopic journey through 16 types of faeries rooted in Irish folklore, complete with fascinating facts and imaginative retellings. If ancient folklore and creativity had a baby, it would probably look like a faerie.

From pookas to changelings, faerie cats to mermaids, Síne has concocted a magical brew that could make even the most ochre hearts flutter. Critics have pounced on it, praising it as a “magical, a book to treasure.” And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to treasure a faerie in their collection?

Final Thoughts

So, if you want to explore the whimsical world of faeries while sipping some tea and learning more about Síne Quinn’s adventures, grab a copy of The Faerie Isle. But beware! Once you dive into that enchanting realm, you may never want to come back to the mundane! Are you prepared to step onto this tightrope of literary wonder?

Desde pequeña, Síne siempre ha sido una ávida lectora, mostrando una curiosidad insaciable que la llevó a explorar el vasto universo de los libros.

No fue hasta que estaba finalizando la universidad en 1995 que descubrió que podía trabajar con libros, gracias a un primo que consiguió un empleo en Attic Press.

“Ella me dijo que se podía ser editor. Ese fue mi momento de revelación,” recuerda con entusiasmo.

Síne decidió mudarse a América, donde trabajó en el mundo de la publicación durante dos años y medio, lo que le permitió adquirir experiencia en una industria fascinante.

Al regresar a casa cuando comenzó el auge económico conocido como el Tigre Celta, trabajó para diversas editoriales, incluyendo O’Brien’s y Veritas, además de dedicarse al trabajo freelance.

“Años más tarde, establecí Beehive, una lista de interés general con Veritas. También trabajé como freelance para Gill, colaborando directamente con autores y agentes en informes para lectores. Empecé como editora comisionada para Merrion en febrero,” añade, reflejando su dedicación al sector.

Tras editar un libro de estilo de vida en 2015, Síne incursionó también en la escritura fantasma: “Siempre tuve algunas ideas para libros. Las probaba tímidamente y enviaba fragmentos a amigos.”

En 2020, Síne publicó Holy Shocking Saints, y poco después, la idea de las oscuras hadas comenzó a seguirla, surgiendo curiosidad y nuevos conceptos en su mente.

¿Quién es Síne Quinn?

Fecha/lugar de nacimiento: 1972/Dublín.

Educación: Newpark comprehensive; Sallynoggin, curso básico de Arte; Trinity College, Dublín, Teología. En 2011, obtuvo un MPhil en Literatura Infantil.

Hogar: Dublín.

Familia: Esposa de Martin Bradley, madre de gemelos Daniel y Benjamin, de 20 años. Tiene un perro llamado Poppy: “Es realmente gruñona.”

El trabajo diario: Editora comisionada en Merrion: “También organizo clínicas literarias para Children’s Books Ireland.”

En otra vida: “Cuando tenía 4 o 5 años, vi el circo Fossetts. Me encantaría ser lo suficientemente valiente como para ser una funámbula.”

Escritores favoritos: Albert Camus; David Almond; Claire Keegan; Emma Donoghue; Colum McCann; Sarah Crossan; Patricia Forde.

Segundo libro: “Estoy intentando continuar una novela infantil, y estoy investigando un libro de no ficción.”

Consejo principal: “Mucho té; mucho aire fresco. Mantén un cuaderno y no te castigues. Simplemente haz lo que puedas.”

Instagram: @Sinelquinn

El debut

The Faerie Isle

(Ilustrado por Dermot Flynn)

Walker Books, €16.99/ Kindle, €13.31

Este magnífico libro ilustra 16 tipos de hadas de la tradición irlandesa, combinando hechos y historia con relatos imaginativos y nuevas historias.

Junto al pooka y el changeling, también se nos presentan hadas gatos y perros, gigantes y sirenas.

El veredicto: Mágico, un libro para atesorar.

Interview with Síne Quinn: Exploring the Enchantment of Faeries

Editor: ‍Welcome, Síne! It’s a pleasure to have you with us. Your journey from an avid reader to a published author‌ is quite remarkable. What sparked your love for storytelling and ‌faerie tales in particular?

Síne: Thank you!‌ I’ve always been captivated by ⁢the richness of stories. As a child, books were my escape and my companions. It wasn’t until my college years that I realized I could merge my ⁣love for literature with a ​career as an⁣ editor. Faerie tales, with their imaginative realms ‍and moral lessons, have always ‍drawn⁤ me in, and I think the⁢ allure of Irish ​folklore is particularly enchanting—the myths and ⁣legends ⁢just beg to be retold!

Editor: ⁣You mentioned your debut book, The Faerie Isle, ‍which‍ draws on Irish ⁢folklore. Can you tell us more about what readers can expect from⁢ this book?

Síne: Absolutely! The Faerie Isle is a⁤ vibrant exploration ‌of 16 different types of ⁤faeries, each‍ linked to‌ Irish‌ mythology. I wanted to ‍create a kaleidoscopic journey for readers, ⁢blending factual elements with whimsical storytelling. It’s like‌ stepping into a magical realm where pookas, changelings, and faerie cats come alive. I hope readers find it ‌not just ​entertaining but also a treasured addition to their collections.

Editor: ‌ That sounds enchanting indeed! You also have a unique career as a commissioning editor‍ at Merrion,⁣ while running clinics for Children’s Books Ireland. How do these roles influence your writing?

Síne: Being an editor constantly keeps me in touch with the literary‌ world⁤ and ‌new voices. It enriches my ​own writing, allowing me to see the challenges⁢ authors ⁢face and the‌ joys of creation. ‍The clinics I ⁤run are also an opportunity to inspire young writers, and their fresh ideas invigorate my storytelling. It’s a wonderful cycle of creativity!

Editor: It seems like you have your hands full! You also mentioned that​ you’re ⁣working on another​ book. Can you give us ‌a sneak peek?

Síne: I’m currently researching a ⁣non-fiction piece while also ⁣trying to develop another children’s novel. ⁢It’s a ⁣balancing act, but both projects are close⁤ to my heart. I’m keen ⁣on exploring ‌themes of identity and belonging in‌ new ways, ‍taking from⁤ my experiences and the​ vibrant community around me.

Editor: That’s exciting! Lastly, you’ve shared a helpful tip for fellow creatives: “Lots of tea; lots of fresh air.” Any final advice for aspiring authors?

Síne: Don’t put too ‌much pressure ⁢on yourself! Writing should be enjoyable, even when it’s challenging. Keep a notebook handy, let your ideas flow, and ⁢remember ‍to⁤ take ‌breaks. And, of course, indulge ​in a⁢ good⁣ cup of tea—it can spark new‍ ideas!

Editor: Thank you, Síne. It’s been delightful chatting with you, and we can’t wait to see where your⁣ literary journey takes you next!

Síne: Thank you for having me! I hope readers enjoy The ‍Faerie​ Isle as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Ire young writers, helping them find their own voices. It’s a beautiful cycle—editing informs my writing, and my writing enriches my editing. I love being part of this vibrant community!

Editor: That’s fascinating! You have a background in ghostwriting before stepping into your own spotlight. How did that experience shape your approach to creating your personal works?

Síne: Ghostwriting was a unique experience that taught me about different writing styles and the importance of voice. It helped me hone my craft behind the scenes. When I finally decided to write my own book, I felt more confident in my abilities. It gave me the freedom to express my thoughts and ideas while maintaining my individuality as a writer.

Editor: With such rich themes in your work, including dark faeries, how do you balance the whimsical and the eerie in your storytelling?

Síne: Great question! I think there’s a natural duality in faerie tales—many contain both light and shadow. The dark aspects often serve as cautionary tales, teaching important lessons. I aim to weave that balance into my writing by using elements of humor and imagination alongside the eerie, ensuring readers feel enchanted rather than frightened.

Editor: Your journey is an inspiring one, and your tip for aspiring writers—“Lots of tea; lots of fresh air”—is both practical and comforting. What advice would you give to others trying to merge a day job with a passion for writing?

Síne: I believe it’s essential to find joy in the journey. Dedicate time to write, even if it’s small bursts between responsibilities. Surround yourself with supportive communities like writing groups or workshops. Most importantly, enjoy the creative process! Remember, every writer has their unique path; embrace yours.

Editor: Thank you, Síne! Your passion for storytelling and commitment to nurturing others in the literary world really shines through. We’re excited to see where your literary adventures take you next!

Síne: Thank you for having me! I hope everyone finds joy in exploring the world of faeries and continues to chase their own storytelling dreams.

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