For the Greek people, it is not convincing that everything is going like clockwork

Table of Contents

Speaking in the context of the debate on the account of the fire fighting period, Nikos Pappas left sharp points against the prime minister and the government who seem to maintain that “everything went well” and wondered why Mr. Mitsotakis did not explain “why the fire in Attica reached the urban tissue?”, while rebutting the opposition’s criticism that what he is advocating is “a figment of a morbid imagination”.

Specifically, he referred to the number of 4 million acres that have burned since 2019, to the 3,500 organic gaps in the Fire Department, to the majority of Fire Department vehicles that are over 20 and 30 years old, while he also presented data on overpriced rental costs and aircraft purchase. “Which of this is a product of imagination”, he wondered, and demanded answers from the prime minister, underlining that for the Greek people it is not “convincing” that “everything is going according to plan”.

“Civil protection requires prevention, firefighting, rehabilitation”, N. Pappas emphasized, underlining the need to strengthen the forestry services and the fire brigade both with personnel and equipment, while he pointed out that the rehabilitation of the burnt areas so far is insufficient. He strongly criticized the government for the anti-flood projects that have not been completed in Thessaly, speaking of “inaction”.

Continuing his speech, N. Pappas also referred to issues that primarily concern the economy, in view of the passing of the budget, accusing the government that its policy essentially favors the “few”, the “shareholders of energy companies or banks “, as he characteristically said. In particular, he spoke of “anemic growth”, refuted the government’s narrative of tax cuts, stressing that in 2025 “we will pay 2.5 billion more in taxes”, while pointing out that the country is last in Europe in terms of purchasing power but and foreign investments. “Greece is not experiencing a development miracle”, characteristically stated N. Pappas, explaining that with the government’s policy, the majority of households are experiencing a “recession” and a “decrease in the standard of living”. In this context, he accused the government of intending “huge privatizations” and of responding with new divestments.

“From 2010 to 2014 we had the absolute collapse, the period 2015-2019 is characterized by the stabilization of the economy and reconstruction and from 2019 onwards we have anemic growth for a few”, he said, summarizing N. Pappas, while accusing the government for an attempt at “revisionism” in order to “not let the world look to the Left again”.

Referring to the issue of the election of the President of the Republic, he stated that “there are no blind spots” and that “it is time for a president from the Left or the broader progressive faction”, noting that there are personalities who have proven that they “can protect society”.

Regarding national issues, he asked for answers regarding the government’s discussions with Turkey and specifically addressed the following questions: “how can “calm waters” be compatible with the “blue homeland” strategy”, “if the Cyprus at the top of the agenda”, “if the EEZ agreement with Cyprus is final”.

In closing, N. Pappas stated that SYRIZA is “here” and referred to specific parliamentary initiatives it has taken as part of its strategy for a programmatic opposition, while emphasizing that “the country needs a progressive change”.

“In this direction, only a strong and reconstituted SYRIZA-PS can be a catalyst. For the support of society, the strengthening of the economy, the protection of the Republic. You guarantee the multiplication of crises and the Left their overcoming”, he concluded.

#Greek #people #convincing #clockwork
The provided code⁣ snippet is related to setting ⁤up ad slots using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) for a website, ​likely an online news platform (as indicated by ⁣the references to articles and categories). Here's ⁤a breakdown⁢ of the ⁣key components:

Key⁣ Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code defines various ⁣ad slots with specific sizes and targeting ‌criteria.

⁤ ⁤ - Each ad slot is defined using​ googletag.defineSlot(), which specifies the ad⁢ unit's path, targeted sizes, and a unique identifier.

  1. Size Mapping:

- The ad slots use defineSizeMapping() ‍to adaptively‌ choose which ⁣ad sizes⁣ to serve based on the screen size or ‌device type (mobile‌ vs. desktop).

⁤ - ‍Different size mappings are provided⁢ for ⁣article-related slots (articleSizes, sidebarSizes) and billboard ads (ocmBillboard).

  1. Targeting:

⁣ ​ - The code sets targeting parameters using setTargeting(),⁤ allowing advertisers to target specific audience segments based on page⁢ type, ‍category, and article ID.

  1. Ad Loading Methods:

- The code features functions like displaySlot() to⁤ load the ad slots into⁣ the defined elements within the ⁣web page.

‌ - It employs various‍ methods to collapse empty ad containers and to ensure ​that ‌ads are ‍not loaded initially until‌ needed.

  1. Conditional⁣ Ad Display:

- The ⁢display of certain⁤ sidebar ads is conditioned on whether ‌the user is on‌ a ⁤mobile device.

  1. Integration‌ with Other Services:

-‌ There are ​fragments of code that suggest integration with external services: Google​ AdSense, OneSignal (for push notifications),​ and ‍Disqus‌ (for comments).

- ⁢The ​script also‍ hints at planned async ⁣script⁣ loading for⁣ Phaistos Adman, Taboola, ⁣and other advertising solutions.

  1. Disqus Configuration:

- The ⁤code sets up⁤ a disqus_config function for the comments section using Disqus, ⁤where the page identifier is specified⁢ for user comments.

  1. Asynchronous Script⁢ Loading:

- The⁢ function asyncLoadScript() is called multiple times but seems incomplete‍ or commented out, indicating that additional scripts⁢ will be dynamically ⁤loaded into the page for various ad services⁣ and integrations.


  • The script appears to be ‌handling a responsive design by accounting for different ‌screen sizes and types, promoting user experience while ​maximizing ad revenue.
  • Various ad‍ services ⁢are integrated, allowing for⁣ a comprehensive advertising‍ strategy, likely focused on both direct and indirect monetization.
  • There⁢ are several placeholder comments suggesting the ‌script may still be under development or requires additional functionality.


this code represents a sophisticated ad⁤ management strategy using Google Publisher Tag, aiming to ​effectively monetize webpage ‍views while considering user experience ‌on both‍ desktop and mobile‍ platforms.⁣ If you need⁢ specific guidance on enhancing this script ⁣or troubleshooting issues,​ feel free to⁤ ask!

Disqus_config function for configuring the Disqus comment system for the specific page. This function includes the page's URL and identifier, which are necessary for tracking and displaying comments related to that page.

Breakdown of Key Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- Google Publisher Tag (GPT) is used to define ad slots within the website. Each ad slot is associated with specific targeting criteria and size options.

  1. Size Mapping:

- The code utilizes size mappings to determine which ad sizes to display depending on the user’s device (such as mobile or desktop). This ensures that ads are appropriately sized for optimal visibility and engagement.

  1. Targeting:

- Targeting parameters are established using setTargeting(), allowing the ad server to tailor ad content to users based on their behavior, preferences, and the content they are viewing.

  1. Ad Loading Methods:

- The ad slots are loaded into defined HTML elements via functions like displaySlot(). The script also manages empty ad containers to enhance user experience by collapsing them if no ad is available.

  1. Conditional Ad Display:

- The visibility of some sidebar ads is contingent upon the device type, advocating a responsive design approach that enhances user engagement across different platforms.

  1. Integration with Other Services:

- There are integrations indicated for various external services including:

- Google AdSense: For serving ads.

- OneSignal: For implementing push notifications.

- Disqus: For managing comments and fostering discussion.

- Other ad networks such as Phaistos Adman and Taboola, suggesting a broader strategy for monetization through diverse ad partnerships.

  1. Disqus Configuration:

- The configuration for Disqus is set up to ensure that comments are linked to the correct content pages. The page URL and unique identifier (ID) are critical for proper integration and user interaction with comments.


This code snippet integrates various advertising and communication technologies to ensure efficient ad management, enhanced user experience, and increased monetization opportunities for the website owner. Each component works in tandem to create a responsive, user-friendly interface while effectively managing ad placements and user interactions through comments and notifications.

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