Is milk and meat safe?

Table of Contents

The main effort to contain sheep pox is located in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, given that no other cases have been reported in Magnesia and Corinthia or other parts of the territory. Yesterday, the staff of the FSA led by General Secretary Giorgos Stratakos held meetings in Komotini and Alexandroupoli

Today, with the participation of Deputy Minister Christos Kellas, corresponding meetings were held in Xanthi and Kavala. Tomorrow they will take place in Serres and Thessaly.

An effort is being made to make the most of the 10 days of the implementation of the measures prohibiting the movement of sheep and goats. The success of the effort to contain and eradicate smallpox will be judged by whether or not biosecurity measures are faithfully implemented everywhere.

In the effort made by the levels of the HYPAAT, which are supported by veterinarians from all the supervised bodies as well as from the Regions, EL.AS is helping. and in the ports of Alexandroupoli and Kavala and the Coast Guard.

Also, the Secretary General of the HYPAAT Giorgos Stratakos is in consultation with the officials of Egnatia to install disinfection points at the toll roads. At the same time, an announcement is immediately issued for the recruitment of veterinarians outside ASEP by the AMTH Region.

To date, there are 110 cases across the country

24,000 animals have been killed

The sanitary burial of animals is carried out in compliance with all the protocols stated in the European regulation

Useful facts about sheep pox

1: Sheep pox

  • There is no public health concern as it is not transmissible to humans.
  • Preventive measures are aimed at avoiding spread from animal to animal and eradicating the disease.
  • The measures also apply to goats, as they are vectors of transmission.

2: Consumer Inquiries

A. Is milk safe?

  • Yes, milk is safe for human consumption after high pasteurization heat treatment.

B. Is meat safe?

  • The meat can be eaten normally.

3: Symptoms shown by animals

  • Skin lesions: Spots and papules on the head and hairless parts, which develop into scabs.
  • Other symptoms: Fever, swollen lymph nodes, decreased milk production, anorexia, collapse, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, salivation, pneumonia.

In case of suspected illness:

  • Notify veterinary services immediately.
  • Isolate the sick animal and limit the herd.

4: Management of the disease

  • We follow the European emergency plan to eradicate the disease:
    • Killing and sanitary burial of animals on the contaminated farm.
    • Demarcation of 3 km protection and 10 km surveillance zones around the infected farm.
    • Conducting epidemiological research.
    • Payment of enhanced compensation to breeders.

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#milk #meat #safe
It looks like you've shared a snippet of JavaScript code that sets up various ad slots and targeting options for a web page using Google Publisher Tag (GPT). This​ code contains⁢ definitions‌ for ad slots,‌ targeting configurations, and services related to ​Google AdSense, Disqus, and others.

Here's a structured overview of what​ the code does:

1.​ Definition of Ad ​Slots

The code defines multiple ad slots for an article page, including inline ads, in-read video ads, sidebars, and common ⁤ad units such ⁤as prestitial ads. Each slot‌ is defined with specific dimensions and size mappings that determine how they'll display based on the screen size.

2. Targeting

The code sets up targeting parameters for the ad slots using googletag.pubads().setTargeting(). ⁤This targeting includes:

  • pageType: Set ‌as 'article'
  • category: Set as 'ellada'
  • article_id: Set as '1550807'

3. Bootstrap and Initialization

Important to ad serving, the initialization section collapses ⁣empty ad divs, disables initial loads to ‍prevent ads from loading before all settings are ready, enables single request mode for efficiency, and centers⁢ the ads on the page.

4. Displaying Ad Units

The function displaySlot is ​called for each defined⁣ ad unit⁢ to actually display⁣ the ads on the page. ⁣It checks for mobile conditions to⁢ determine which sidebar ads to display.

5. Google AdSense Setup

The‍ script attempts to modify ads displayed based on whether the user is on mobile or desktop, removing adsense ‌elements that​ are not‍ applicable.

6. Async Script Loading

There are placeholders for loading various scripts asynchronously, including those for Phaistos Adman, Disqus, Taboola, Google AdSense,⁣ and others. The⁢ actual URLs and script ​loading mechanisms are indicated but‍ not specified in the snippet.

7. Comments and Unused Code

The code contains many commented lines and‌ placeholders ⁤that​ indicate potential‍ setups for other ad servers or functionalities that might be⁤ implemented later.

If you⁤ need help with a specific ⁢aspect of this code, like implementing certain features or debugging, feel free to ask!

Overview of JavaScript Code for Ad Slot Setup

The provided snippet of JavaScript is designed to configure various advertising slots and implement scripts for different advertising and tracking purposes on a web page. Here's a structured breakdown:

1. Ad Slot Definitions

  • Slots Display Logic: The script uses functions like displaySlot() to manage where and when ads will appear based on the conditions specified (such as device type).
  • Mobile vs. Desktop Handling:

- If the user is on a mobile device (window.isMobile), specific sidebar ads are omitted, focusing on mobile-optimized ad units instead.

2. Google AdSense Integration

  • Dynamic Ad Handling:

- The script checks for the presence of AdSense slots and dynamically removes or manipulates them based on whether the user is on mobile or desktop.

- This is done via document.querySelectorAll() to target elements that contain the classes .adsense-for-desktop or .adsense-for-mobile.

3. Third-party Script Management

  • Asynchronous Loading:

- The script initiates asynchronous loading of various advertiser scripts like Adman, Taboola, and others using the asyncLoadScript() function.

- There are also conditions that trigger loading based on the existence of specific elements (e.g., document.querySelectorAll('.adsbygoogle').length).

4. OneSignal Notification Service

  • Push Notification Configuration:

- The OneSignal service is initialized to enable web push notifications by providing an appId.

5. Disqus Comment System Integration

  • Comment Configuration:

- A configuration function (disqus_config) is set up with details like page.url and a unique page.identifier which assists in linking comments to specific articles.

6. Additional Tracking and Analytics

  • Microsoft Clarity & Yandex Metrica:

- These analytics tools are loaded asynchronously to collect user interaction data and insights on the webpage’s performance.

  • Facebook Pixel (Commented Out):

- The section shows a setup for the Facebook Pixel, which is usually included for tracking and retargeting users but is currently commented out.


The code snippet outlines a systematic approach to managing ad placements, user tracking, and interaction while ensuring compatibility between mobile and desktop environments. By utilizing asynchronous script loading, it enhances the page's performance while maintaining functionality. This setup is crucial for optimizing ad revenue potential, adapting to user devices, and ensuring effective audience engagement strategies.

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