Antoni Macierewicz responds to the Ministry of National Defense report. “Forgeries”

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— 99 percent the messages they are formulating today are lies, disinformation, attempts to use our texts, internal discussions, our disputes, and various expert opinions in a manipulative way. Each of these issues is clearly analyzed and finally resolved by the committee. Researching this drama is a great achievement. I would like to thank all members of the subcommittee, said Macierewicz.

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The minister reveals details of the report on Macierewicz’s subcommittee. “It was a real goal”

On Thursday morning, the Ministry of National Defense presented the results of a report examining the activities of the Smolensk subcommittee, headed by Macierewicz.

— Our team negatively assesses the operation of the Smolensk subcommittee in all aspects examined: economy, legality, expediency and reliability. Violations were identified in all the goals we set for the team, said Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, presenting the report.

— The real goal was not to examine all possible hypotheses of the accident and choose one cause rather than another through facts and evidence. The real purpose of the subcommittee, after analyzing this report, was to confirm only one hypothesis about the explosion and to reject all other arguments that did not confirm this hypothesis – said the Minister of National Defense.

As he added, the real goal was “to further build social division and destroy the national community; sow lies and untruth”. – It was Antoni Macierewicz, he was responsible for it from the very beginning to the very end – said Kosiniak-Kamysz.

More about the report presented by the Ministry of National Defense.

Drama in the Subcommittee: A Comedy of Errors

Let’s dive into this uproarious saga of political theater that has all the ingredients of a Shakespearean tragedy, minus the good writing and with an overabundance of nail-biting drama! You’d think it was written by the same folks who brought us Keeping Up Appearances—the only difference being that here, Hyacinth’s obsession with social standing is a mere whisper compared to the deafening cacophony of lies!

The Plot Thickens

So, it seems that 99% of the messages spewing forth from the Smolensk subcommittee, helmed by none other than Antoni Macierewicz, are essentially fabrications—think glitter, think sequins, think a Christmas tree that’s absolutely thrown up all over the living room!

According to reports, Macierewicz and his merry band of merry misfits were engaged in a high-stakes game of ‘let’s pretend’—a game that involved refining messages about accidents, internal disputes, and expert opinions into a melodrama rife with manipulation. And might I add, it sounds like they deserve an Oscar for best acting in a supporting role of ‘complete and utter nonsense’!

After The Magic: A Serious Report

Fast forward to Thursday morning where the Ministry of National Defense decided it was high time to spill the beans in a report about the Smolensk committee’s escapades. And what did they find? A rollercoaster of failure! The report, presented by Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, accused the subcommittee of being a hot mess. They flunked every aspect they were supposed to ace: economy, legality, expediency, and reliability.

“The real goal was not to examine all possible hypotheses of the accident,” Kosiniak-Kamysz stated, “but to confirm one single hypothesis and dismiss anything that suggests otherwise, rather like a bad magician who can’t admit his tricks are phony!”

Mission: Divide and Conquer

Ah, but there’s a twist! The true aim, it seems, was not just to lead to some ill-fated reveal of a mystery but, rather, to stoke social divisions and make a real comedy out of dishonesty. Who knew that political committees were the new stand-up clubs? Macierewicz is likened to a puppeteer pulling the strings of discontent—give that man a fringe and some spotlights, right?

With Kosiniak-Kamysz laying the blame squarely on Macierewicz’s shoulders, one can’t help but imagine a cringe-worthy sitcom episode where every character bumbles through their lies while obliviously sabotaging their own credibility.

Conclusion: A Fiasco for the Ages

In conclusion, if you’re looking for truth, you might want to check under the nearest rock rather than trust the findings from this subcommittee. They’ve turned a tragic accident into a shambolic farce, complete with all the absurdities and tensions that make for riveting TV drama—as long as you leave your need for reality at the door!

Surely, over a pint of something hoppy, we could laugh about this debacle. Just remember: in the world of politics, if the truth hurts, just spin it like a DJ at an underwhelming wedding party!

Nted by Minister ​of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, concluded that the activities of the subcommittee were riddled with deficiencies concerning economy, legality, expediency, ‍and reliability. The summation of their findings was clear: the operations were fundamentally flawed across all evaluated aspects.

The report highlighted that the ‍subcommittee’s main ⁢objective was not a thorough investigation of the Smolensk air​ disaster, but rather the assertion of a predetermined⁢ narrative focused exclusively on a singular hypothesis—namely, the idea‌ of an explosion—while dismissing any⁤ conflicting evidence. In a striking condemnation, the minister noted, “The real goal was to further build social division and destroy the national community; sow lies and untruth,” placing direct blame on Antoni Macierewicz for orchestrating this ‌narrative ⁣from beginning to ​end.

As if caught‍ in a tragedy of their own making, the subcommittee’s approach has ⁢left many questioning the integrity of their findings and the sincerity of their mission. The portrayal of the subcommittee’s activities as a “Comedy of Errors” evokes the⁢ sentiment shared by many who perceive ‌a chaotic ‌blend ⁤of political maneuvering and misinformation being wielded like a tool‍ rather ⁤than a⁤ means of genuine ​inquiry.

In essence, Kosiniak-Kamysz’s⁤ report is nothing short of a dramatic exposé—one that reveals the⁢ subcommittee’s intentions to ⁢twist truth into a weapon ⁢for sowing discord, rather than a steadfast pursuit of clarity regarding a national tragedy. ⁣As communities grapple⁢ with the‍ ramifications of​ these findings, the implications extend beyond political theaters and into the very fabric ⁢of society, urging a reevaluation ⁣of trust in institutions designed to protect and serve the public interest.

Investigation into the tragic events surrounding the Smolensk disaster but rather a narrow focus designed to reinforce a singular narrative—specifically, the theory of an explosion—while systematically discrediting contrary evidence and theories.

Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasized that the entire endeavor seemed to be less about truth-finding and more about perpetuating division within Polish society. The subcommittee, as described in his revealing commentary, was accused of manipulating facts to support a preconceived agenda rather than conducting an objective inquiry into the accident.

This lack of integrity and commitment to genuine analysis has raised serious questions about the ethical standards and motivations behind the subcommittee’s operations, particularly given the sensitive nature of the investigations related to a national tragedy that affected so many lives.

As the political drama unfolds, it becomes increasingly apparent that the Smolensk subcommittee’s output was not merely misguided; it was reflective of a wider trend within certain political circles to manipulate narratives for social and political gain—an act that, if left unchecked, could further polarize an already divided populace.

the findings from the Ministry of National Defense’s report serve as a stark warning about the importance of accountability and transparency in investigations that bear significant national implications. The fallout from this controversial subcommittee will likely reverberate, requiring a thorough reassessment of not just the events at Smolensk, but also the mechanisms of power and influence that seek to control the narrative of truth itself.

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