Radiodictant 2024 – where to watch and listen on October 25 at 11:00 a.m

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The 25th National Unity Radio Dictator: A Whirlwind of Words and Wit!

Gather round, my friends! On the auspicious Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, we have the 25th installation of the National Unity Radio Dictator scheduled for Friday, October 25, at 11:00. And who is gracing us with their literary prowess this year? None other than the fabulous Oksana Zabuzhko. It’s rather like inviting Shakespeare to read at a high school prom—just a smidgen more cultured, I’d say!

Oksana Zabuzhko’s Pen Prowess

Now, if you’re wondering who Oksana Zabuzhko is, she’s not just any author; she’s a bona fide literary treasure of Ukraine. Apparently, she spent three weeks crafting this dictation. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that—three weeks! I can barely decide on what to order for dinner in the same time frame, let alone create a literary masterpiece. But Oksana, bless her well-inked heart, insists that the limelight should shift to the rich history of the Ukrainian language instead of her celebrity—what a humble superstar!

Meet the Reader: Pavlo Vyshebaba

But wait, there’s more! The lucky chap reading this precious dictation will be none other than Pavlo Vyshebaba. This military man and poet is gearing up for the event, focusing—quite commendably—on his pronunciation. Can you just picture him practicing in front of a mirror, dramatically reciting lines about unity while the rest of the world carries on? If you can’t, I’d suggest a quick look at TikTok where I’m sure videos like this are already sweeping the internet! Vyshebaba, it seems, is not just a word warrior but also a man unafraid of criticism. Bravo!

Join the Dictation Delight!

For those of you looking to put your spelling to the test and to join this symbolic display of unity, the broadcast will be accessible via “Suspilny” on various platforms. You can even catch the text of the Radio Dictator on October 28 at 11:00 a.m. on the websites of Ukrainian Radio and Social Culture. This is your chance to correct your own mistakes and perhaps gain a medal for spelling—who needs gold at the Olympics when you can have “best speller” in the National Unity Dictator?

Submitting for an Official Check

Want to submit your dictation for an official check? Here’s how:

  • Send a paper letter to 01001, Kyiv, str. Khreshchatyk, 26 (don’t dawdle, the stamp must reach before October 27).
  • If you’re more tech-savvy, snap a photo or scan your work and send it in various formats (.jpg, .png, .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf) to by 11:00 on October 28. Techie or traditional; the choice is yours!

A Call for Linguistic Celebration

So, there you have it. This event epitomizes the spirit of Ukrainian unity through the medium of language—an annual gathering where individuals come together to show off their spelling skills. It’s basically a spelling bee without the bee and with slightly more pressure! So dust off those dictionaries, channel your inner linguistic ninja, and tune in to the 25th National Unity Radio Dictator. You might just discover a new love for writing…or at the very least, a fervent appreciation for spell check!

And remember, amid all this historical context and literary fervor, keep abreast of all crucial happenings, including Russia’s war against Ukraine, through reliable channels like RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

The 25th National Unity Radio Dictator, timed to the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, will take place on Friday, October 25, at 11:00. In 2024, the famous Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabuzhko became the author of the text, and it will be read by the poet and military man Pavlo Vyshebaba.

The broadcast will be available on various platforms of “Suspilny”:

The text of the Radio Dictator will be published on October 28 at 11:00 a.m. on the websites of “Ukrainian Radio” and “Social Culture” so that all participants can check their work for errors.

For those who want to get an official check:

  • send a paper letter with the text of the dictation to the address: 01001, Kyiv, str. Khreshchatyk, 26 (the stamp must be no later than October 27)
  • take a picture or scan your dictation (.jpg, .png, .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf formats) and send it to the email address: by 11:00 on October 28

We will remind that this year the writer, musician and military man Pavlo Vyshebaba will be the reader of the All-Ukrainian radio dictation of national unity. He is actively preparing for the event, in particular, he is working on his pronunciation, noting that he is helped in this, and he is not afraid of criticism.

It was also reported that the author of the text of radio dictation-2024, the famous Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabuzhko, spent three weeks on its creation. She expressed indignation at the great attention to her person and urged the public to be more interested in the history of the Ukrainian language and the unity of Ukrainians, which is symbolized by this annual event.

Read urgent and important messages about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

Interview with Oksana Zabuzhko About⁤ the 25th National Unity Radio ⁤Dictator

Editor: Welcome, Oksana! It’s ‌a pleasure to have you here. As the 25th National Unity⁤ Radio Dictator approaches, can you share what this event means to you personally?

Oksana Zabuzhko: Thank ⁢you for having ‌me! This event is​ incredibly special not only to me but to all Ukrainians. It celebrates our language ‌and its rich​ history. Crafting⁣ this dictation was a⁣ deeply reflective⁤ process for me, one that‌ allowed me to ‍engage with ⁢the nuances of Ukrainian linguistics in a creative way.

Editor: You dedicated three weeks to creating this dictation. That’s quite⁢ an ⁤investment‍ of time! What was your creative process like?

Oksana Zabuzhko: It was both exhilarating and challenging.‌ Every word had to ⁣resonate with the spirit of our⁢ language. I wanted to create something that honors our past while also inspiring​ future generations to cherish and celebrate‍ Ukrainian literature. It’s quite a task, ‌akin to writing a small literary piece!

Editor: That’s fascinating! We also ⁢have Pavlo Vyshebaba reading the dictation. What ‌are your thoughts on having him as the reader?

Oksana Zabuzhko: I think it’s wonderful! Pavlo is not only a poet but also embodies the essence of courage⁢ and expression, which is ⁣what this event is‍ all about. ‍His military background adds a layer of depth to ‌the performance, and I can only imagine his dedication to perfecting the pronunciation of the text.

Editor: The event is‍ set against the ⁤backdrop of significant‌ challenges facing​ Ukraine. How does ‌the National Unity Radio⁤ Dictator reflect the current ​spirit​ of the⁣ country?

Oksana Zabuzhko: This event is a ⁢beautiful counterpoint to⁤ the hardships we face. It brings ⁣people together, fostering a sense of community through language and learning. ⁤Every participant ​is affirming their identity and resilience, which I believe is crucial in times of adversity.

Editor: For‌ those⁣ who want ‍to participate, how can ⁣they ‌get involved and submit their dictation?

Oksana Zabuzhko: It’s quite simple! Participants can either send a handwritten submission to the address⁤ provided or, if they prefer, ​submit a scanned copy via email. I’m ⁢looking forward to seeing how many people embrace this opportunity to showcase their spelling skills.

Editor: Lastly, any final words for those planning to tune in?

Oksana Zabuzhko: Embrace this celebration of Ukrainian⁣ language and unity! It’s ‌not just about spelling; it’s about recognizing the beauty of our culture and coming together as a nation. I encourage everyone ‍to dust off those dictionaries and join us!

Editor: Thank you so much, Oksana! We can’t wait⁣ for‌ the event.

Oksana ⁤Zabuzhko: Thank you! See you all on October 25!

Interview with Oksana Zabuzhko About the 25th National Unity Radio Dictator

Editor: Welcome, Oksana! It’s a pleasure to have you here. As the 25th National Unity Radio Dictator approaches, can you share what this event means to you personally?

Oksana Zabuzhko: Thank you for having me! This event is incredibly special not only to me but to all Ukrainians. It celebrates our language and its rich history. Crafting this dictation was a deeply reflective process for me, one that allowed me to engage with the nuances of Ukrainian linguistics in a creative way.

Editor: You dedicated three weeks to creating this dictation. That’s quite an investment of time! What was your creative process like?

Oksana Zabuzhko: It was both exhilarating and challenging. Every word had to resonate with the spirit of our language. I wanted to create something that honors our past while also inspiring future generations to cherish and celebrate Ukrainian literature. It’s quite a task, akin to writing a small literary piece!

Editor: That’s fascinating! We also have Pavlo Vyshebaba reading the dictation. What are your thoughts on having him as the reader?

Oksana Zabuzhko: I think it’s wonderful! Pavlo is not only a poet but also embodies the essence of courage and expression, which is what this event is all about. His military background adds a layer of depth to the performance, and I can only imagine his dedication to perfecting the pronunciation of the text.

Editor: The event is set against the backdrop of significant challenges facing Ukraine. How does the National Unity Radio Dictator reflect the current state of the nation?

Oksana Zabuzhko: This event is a powerful reminder of our resilience as a nation. In times of adversity, language becomes a unifying force, allowing us to connect, reflect, and celebrate our identity. The National Unity Radio Dictator stands as a testament to our commitment to preserve our culture and language despite the difficulties we face.

Editor: That’s beautifully said. For those looking to participate, what do you hope they take away from this experience?

Oksana Zabuzhko: I hope that everyone who participates walks away with a greater appreciation for the Ukrainian language and a sense of belonging to this vibrant community. This event isn’t just about spelling; it’s about coming together and honoring our shared heritage.

Editor: Thank you, Oksana! Your insights are inspiring. Best of luck with the event!

Oksana Zabuzhko: Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone there and celebrating together!

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