Fundaseno warned about an uptick in breast cancer cases in Venezuela

Fundaseno warned about an uptick in breast cancer cases in Venezuela

Table of Contents

  • The foundation’s legal advisor highlighted the importance of undergoing screening exams in centers with advanced technology

Fundaseno’s legal consultant, Irma Gómez, warned about the rebound in breast cancer cases in Venezuela and its appearance in adolescent women.

Fundaseno warned about an uptick in breast cancer cases in Venezuela

Among the statistical information provided by the doctors with whom we work, and those of our foundation that has contact with the anti-cancer hospitals of Caracas, there is a worrying increase in the presence of the issue of breast cancer, even the age group has decreased,” Gómez noted in an interview for Unión Radio on October 25.

The expert added that they receive requests to have mammograms starting at 35 years of age; however, in cases of indications or family history, the evaluation is done earlier.

“We are also seeing worrying cases of adolescents in whom breast cancer has occurred,” said the Fundaseno legal consultant.

Gómez highlighted that Fundaseno is the pioneer foundation in breast cancer prevention in Venezuela, with a psychological and emotional support group, with guidance and recommendations on treatments for patients in several states of the country.

What tests are necessary for early detection of breast cancer?
Photo: Pixabay

“We have many strong activities but the ultimate goal is for people to have first-hand knowledge of how to prevent or identify the disease,” said the specialist about the importance of detecting the signs in time.

Breast cancer prevention

Fundaseno’s legal advisor also referred to two factors that can help in the prevention of breast cancer. Firstly, she insisted on the need for women to be alert to any physical changes in their breasts as well as to regularly perform self-examination.

Secondly, Gómez referred to the importance of going to experts to carry out the tests that detect the disease.

Early detection exams

Early detection exams are medical tests performed on women with or without symptoms, with the goal of finding cancer in its initial stages: mammography, breast ultrasound, X-ray, tomography, and bone densitometry.

How to assertively accompany patients with breast cancer?
Foto: Pexels

“When you get to the Pink Month, in October, there are places that have a mammogram from the last generation and they begin to launch offers. We must be careful with this, because currently there is technology that detects cancer even in an incipient form, but for that we have to certify that the doctor has that machine,” said the legal consultant.

The Fundaseno representative assured that this is the only guarantee that any type of anomaly that may exist in the mother is detected and can be attacked in time. In addition, he stressed that only a professional mastologist can verify the results and examine the patient.

Fundaseno turns 25 in November helping breast cancer patients and women in general to prevent the disease.

“Multidisciplinary teams are required to attack this disease. Psychologists, graduates in nutrition and dietetics, plastic surgeons, in short, a range of people necessary to support patients, which is why we formed the Pink Network. Our groups focus on prevention and support,” said Gómez.

Regarding the signs that should alert a woman to the possible presence of breast cancer, Fundaseno’s legal consultant mentioned lumps anywhere on the chest and armpit, rash on the breasts, orange peel skin, discharge from the nipple or other obvious physical change.

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Interview with Irma Gómez, Legal Consultant⁤ at Fundaseno

Editor: Thank you for joining us ⁣today, Irma. You’ve recently highlighted a worrying trend in breast cancer cases in Venezuela. Can you tell us more about this increase?

Irma Gómez: Thank you for having me. Yes, we’ve observed a significant rebound in⁣ breast ⁢cancer‍ cases, and unfortunately, we’re seeing this​ trend‌ extend to adolescent women. This alarming ‌shift, particularly in younger demographics, ‌necessitates urgent attention and action.

Editor: You mentioned the importance of advanced screening technology in cancer detection. Why is this crucial?

Irma Gómez: Advanced technology is vital for accurate detection. Facilities equipped⁢ with the latest imaging technology, such as⁤ digital mammography and ultrasound, can identify cancer at much earlier stages. This early intervention is critical in increasing survival rates.

Editor: Are there specific recommendations for women⁢ regarding​ screenings and mammograms?

Irma Gómez: Certainly. We recommend that women start getting mammograms at age 35, but if⁢ there’s a family history of breast cancer or other indications, they should seek evaluation earlier. It’s also essential for ‌women ⁤to perform regular self-examinations and⁣ be ‌vigilant about any changes in their breasts.

Editor: Fundaseno has been ‌proactive in this area. Can you elaborate on the services your foundation provides to support women?

Irma⁢ Gómez: Fundaseno is dedicated to breast cancer prevention and care. We offer not just screening and assessments but also ‌psychological and emotional support groups, and guidance on treatment options. Our goal is⁤ to empower women ​with information and support, allowing them to take charge of their ⁤health.

Editor: As breast cancer⁣ awareness peaks during ‍this month, what message do you want to convey to the public?

Irma Gómez: I want to stress the importance of being informed about breast cancer, recognizing the⁢ symptoms, and not‌ hesitating to seek ‍medical advice. Early detection saves lives, ⁢and we must utilize the resources available ⁤to us. Together, we ​can make a difference in our communities.

Editor: Thank you, Irma, ‌for sharing your ⁤insights ⁣and⁣ the important work that Fundaseno is doing ⁢to combat‌ breast cancer⁢ in Venezuela.

Irma Gómez: Thank you for the opportunity ‍to‌ spread awareness on such a critical issue.

Interview with Irma Gómez, Legal Consultant at Fundaseno

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Irma. You’ve recently highlighted a worrying trend in breast cancer cases in Venezuela. Can you tell us more about this increase?

Irma Gómez: Thank you for having me. Yes, we’ve observed a significant rebound in breast cancer cases, and unfortunately, we’re seeing this trend extend to adolescent women. This alarming shift, particularly in younger demographics, necessitates urgent attention and action.

Editor: You mentioned the importance of advanced screening technology in cancer detection. Why is this crucial?

Irma Gómez: Advanced technology is vital for accurate detection. Facilities equipped with the latest imaging technology, such as digital mammography and ultrasound, can identify cancer at much earlier stages. Early intervention is critical in increasing survival rates.

Editor: Are there specific recommendations for women regarding screenings and mammograms?

Irma Gómez: Certainly. We recommend that women start getting mammograms at age 35. However, if there’s a family history of breast cancer or other indications, they should seek evaluations earlier. It’s essential to stay alert to any physical changes in their breasts and perform regular self-examinations.

Editor: What are some signs that women should be aware of regarding potential breast cancer?

Irma Gómez: Women should watch for lumps anywhere in the chest or armpit, any unusual discharge from the nipple, rashes, or changes in skin texture, like orange peel skin. These are crucial signs that should not be ignored.

Editor: Thank you, Irma, for shedding light on this important issue and for your continued efforts in breast cancer prevention through Fundaseno.

Irma Gómez: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this vital topic. It’s important for everyone to be proactive about their health.

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