“What the News?” tells you about the journey of Kamala Harris, candidate for the White House

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Welcome to the Whirlwind: The Race for the 47th President of the United States!

Ah, travel back in time with me to one of the most riveting moments of modern politics—like watching a high-stakes game of Monopoly where everyone’s just trying to avoid landing on Boardwalk. We’re talking about the 2024 presidential election between the infamous Donald Trump and the current reigning vice president, Kamala Harris. That’s right, folks! One’s trying to build a wall, the other’s trying to demolish ceilings—no, not the ones you look up at, but the glass ones that seem to hang over all of us!

So, let’s get into it! The article mentions it will be revealed on November 5, 2024, who’s going to take the crown in this intense political make-believe. I mean, if elections were a game, they might as well have confetti and a marching band announcing who won—“Surprise! It’s your brand new political leader!”

Now, if Kamala Harris were to win—hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen—she would represent a historic leap! We’ve never had a woman as president! Not to mention, she’d be the first woman of African-American and Indian descent to strut into the Oval Office. So, if she does win, I can just picture that dramatic music during the inauguration: "Here comes the first female president, folks! Get your popcorn ready!" Meanwhile, Trump will probably be somewhere throwing a Twitter tantrum.

And let’s not ignore the other half of this odd couple: Donald Trump. Can you believe he’s back again? It’s like a sequel nobody asked for! Just when you thought it was safe to come back to politics, he pops up, and you’re left saying, “Oh great, I guess we’re doing this again!”

Reflecting on Harris’s rise, the article mentions that her career has not been a walk in the park. I mean, she started as a DA! WHOA! Talk about a cinematic origin story! “From the courtroom to the Oval Office—coming soon to a theater near you!” Her parents were apparently quite instrumental too. They pushed her to excellence. Kind of makes you wonder if Trump had similar parental guidance. Did they encourage him to be “the best?” And by "best," I mean offering the most outrageous sound bites!

The quote from Kamala Harris—“Most important things don’t come easily”—is a poignant reminder that great things take hard work. Come to think of it, that’s probably what Harris tells herself right before she heads out to debate—“Just breathe, Kamala. No dodging questions tonight!”

As we sit ten days away from this climactic showdown, I can’t help but think that watching the campaign unfold has been like observing a dramatic reality show. "Who will win? Stay tuned for the shocking finale! Will they call it a showdown or a show-up?"

And just to remind you kids—yes, 12-18-year-olds—this is not a game of Fortnite. This is real-life stakes, and those stakes come with enough drama to fill an entire season of “Keeping Up with the Candidates.” So keep your eyes peeled, be curious, and who knows? One of you might just end up holding the campaign signs at a rally someday!

Don’t forget, you can catch the latest updates on this political rollercoaster on platforms like the usual—YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and even Instagram—because where else would you want to witness democracy in action but on your phone, right?

And remember, folks, as we gear up for the election, make some noise, grab your popcorn, and get ready for one heck of a show!

Published on 10/25/2024 7:13 p.m.

Reading time: 1min

“What’s the news?” is Franceinfo’s news media aimed at 12-18 year olds presented by Nacer Boubekeur and Marianne Théoleyre.

Who, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, will be the 47th president of the United States? Response on November 5, 2024, at the conclusion of the American presidential elections. If Republican candidate Donald Trump seeks a second term, this will be the first time that Kamala Harris, who represents the Democrats, has won the presidency. For “What the news?”, Nacer Boubekeur was interested in the career of the current American vice-president, who has continued to climb the ranks for thirty years.

“Most important things don’t come easily.”

Kamala Harris, then district attorney in California, in 2003

The possible victory of Kamala Harris would be a first on many points. Thus, she would become the first female president of the United States, the first woman of African-American as well as Indian origin. But Kamala Harris can only be reduced to her origins.

“I promise to be a president for all Americans. You can always trust me to put country above party and myself.”

Kamala Harris, not 2024.

Her parents, one a biologist and the other a teacher, pushed her to excellence from childhood, and from the start of her career as a prosecutor in California, the Democratic candidate built a presidential path. Will she be a match for Donald Trump? Around ten days before the election, the die has not yet been cast.

What’s the news? is franceinfo’s daily news meeting for middle and high school students. Videos, Monday to Friday, available on franceinfo.fr(New window) and can be found on our channel YouTube(New window)our account Snapchat,(New window) our account TikTok,(New window) et our Instagram account.(New window)

Interview: The Race for the‍ 47th President of the ⁣United States

Interviewer: Welcome, and thanks for joining ⁢us today! With​ the 2024 presidential election just around the corner, we have an incredible showdown between Vice President Kamala Harris and⁤ former President Donald ‌Trump. What are your‌ thoughts on this upcoming race?

Guest: Thanks for having me! It’s certainly shaping up to be an ‌electrifying battle. Kamala Harris represents a transformative ‌moment in history—if she⁤ wins, she would be the ‌first female president, and the first woman of African-American and​ Indian descent to‍ hold that office. That already sets the stage for ⁣a momentous occasion!

Interviewer: Absolutely a⁢ historic moment! On the other‌ hand, we have Donald Trump making a comeback. His tenure was ‌unprecedented ⁣and quite controversial. What⁤ does his ‌return to ⁢politics signify‌ in your perspective?

Guest: ⁤It’s like a sequel that‍ many didn’t ​ask for! Trump’s return has polarized opinions ⁣more than ever. For some, he ⁢symbolizes a defiance against establishment‍ politics, while for others, it triggers fears about the ‌return of ⁣divisive rhetoric. This election might very well ​come down to whether voters are looking for ‌change or a continuation of the past.

Interviewer: ⁣ Interesting points! Kamala Harris ​has had ‍her share of challenges and ‍triumphs in her political journey, notably her background as a ⁢district attorney. How do you⁤ think⁢ her past⁢ influences her campaign?

Guest: Her career trajectory is compelling; it shows resilience and dedication. Harris’s quote—“Most important things don’t come easily”—resonates well with voters, especially the ⁤younger demographic who will be impacted by her ⁢policies. Her journey from⁣ the courtroom to politics can serve as an inspirational story, but it also puts immense pressure on her to live ⁣up to those high expectations.

Interviewer: Speaking of expectations, what do you believe will be the pivotal ​issues‌ that ‌define‌ this election?

Guest: Key ‌issues will likely revolve⁢ around the economy, healthcare, immigration, and social justice. Each‌ candidate has starkly different approaches—Harris might focus on inclusivity and​ progress, while Trump may emphasize security and economic growth. The debates‍ will be crucial to⁤ understand how they plan to⁣ address these pressing concerns.

Interviewer: As we ​gear up for the election, there seems to be a lot of youthful ​energy ⁢involved, particularly with platforms like TikTok and Instagram providing a voice. How important do you think it is ​for young voters to engage in this election?

Guest: It’s vital! ⁣Young voters ‍represent a significant ‌portion of the electorate ⁢and their engagement can shape the election’s outcome. Social media allows them to mobilize⁢ quickly and express ‍their opinions, which can bring issues that matter⁤ to them—like climate change and social progress—into the national​ spotlight.

Interviewer: Well said! As we approach November 5, 2024, what should voters keep in mind as they navigate this “high-stakes game”?

Guest: Remember that this is not just a spectacle. It’s about the future direction of the country. Educate yourself on the ‍candidates, discuss with ‍peers, and ​ultimately, make your⁢ vote count! It’s your opportunity to voice your opinion and influence ⁤the nation’s trajectory.

Interviewer: ‍Great advice! Thank you for sharing your insights today. It’s shaping up to be ‍quite the political showdown, and​ we’ll all be ⁣watching closely ⁤on November 5th!

Guest: My pleasure! Let’s stay engaged and see how this all unfolds.

Interview: The Race for the 47th President of the United States

Interviewer: Welcome, and thanks for joining us today! With the 2024 presidential election just around the corner, we have an incredible showdown between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. What are your thoughts on this upcoming race?

Guest: Thanks for having me! It’s certainly shaping up to be an electrifying battle. Kamala Harris represents a transformative moment in history—if she wins, she would be the first female president and the first woman of African-American and Indian descent to hold that office. That already sets the stage for a momentous occasion!

Interviewer: Absolutely a historic moment! On the other hand, we have Donald Trump making a comeback. His tenure was unprecedented and quite controversial. What does his return to politics signify in your perspective?

Guest: It’s like a sequel that many didn’t ask for! Trump’s return has polarized opinions more than ever. For some, he symbolizes defiance against establishment politics, while for others, it triggers fears about the return of divisive rhetoric. This election might very well come down to whether voters are looking for change or a continuation of the past.

Interviewer: Interesting points! Kamala Harris has had her share of challenges and triumphs in her political journey, notably her background as a district attorney. How do you think her past influences her campaign?

Guest: Her career trajectory is compelling; it shows resilience and dedication. Harris’s quote—“Most important things don’t come easily”—resonates well with voters, especially the younger demographic who will be impacted by her policies. Her journey from the courtroom to politics can serve as an inspirational story, but it also puts immense pressure on her to live up to those high expectations.

Interviewer: Speaking of expectations, what do you believe will be the pivotal issues that define this election?

Guest: Key issues will likely revolve around the economy, healthcare, immigration, and social justice. Each candidate has starkly different approaches—Harris might focus on inclusivity and progress, while Trump may emphasize security and economic growth. The debates will be crucial to understand how they plan to address these pressing concerns.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights! As we approach this historic election, it’s clear that both candidates have unique narratives that will shape how voters engage with the issues. We’ll be sure to keep our audience updated as the race unfolds.

Guest: My pleasure! It’s going to be a fascinating journey, and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

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