Lia Kustánczi and Eszter Földes also clashed in the Starbox

Table of Contents

The Boxing Match That Wasn’t Quite Ali vs. Frazier

Ah, welcome dear readers! Let’s dive into that nail-biting spectacle of athletic prowess—or should we say “absence thereof”? I mean, we’re not exactly recounting a Rocky montage here. The match between Eszter Földes and Lia Kustánczi was, shall we say, *dynamic* in a manner typically reserved for an elderly tortoise slowly trying to escape a garden fence.

Földes Eszter nyerte az összecsapást / Fotó: Knap Zoltán

Eszter Földes wins the match! / Photo: Zoltán Knap

Round One: The Study Session

Eszter came in with a slightly unfair advantage, having previously dipped her toes in the boxing ring. In the first round, both ladies started confidently. It was like watching two kittens gently swat at each other, with nary a scratch to speak of. Plenty of energy, little impact.

Round Two and Three: The Slightly Less Boring Ballet

By the second and third rounds, Lia decided to annouce herself on the scene – like that friend who shows up late to a party but immediately drags everyone to the dance floor. They exchanged *slaps* that made one think, “Is this a boxing match or a dramatic reenactment of a bad relationship?”

Final Round: The Dramatic Climax

As they barreled into the final round, they really let loose! But alas, while they were throwing punches like confetti at a wedding, it turned out that counting actual clean hits was a bit like finding a drop of nice wine in a barrel of vinegar. The judges were sweating more than a vegan at a barbecue—how do you even score this chaotically beautiful mess? Four stars for effort, maybe?

The Decision: Who Will Take Glory?

In the end, the judges made a call, awarding Eszter Földes the match with a split decision. In other words, they thought, “Well, somebody’s got to win! Eszter, it’s you!” Much like a toddler choosing which toy to play with, there wasn’t much logic behind it, but who are we to question the wisdom of the referees?

And Just Like That, It’s On to the Next Match!

But wait! Just when you thought we were done, the next bout is on its way. Enter Viktor Varga and Laci Sánta. Reports suggest it was a dynamic start, with both fighters *slapping* hard—again, not quite the boxing we’re used to, but hey, nobody’s complaining about a free show, right? But by the end, they were “out of breath,” which is basically what we say when we’re watching someone try to run a marathon after a two-burger binge.

Stay tuned for all the juicy details on the next match-up— because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that chaos is the only constant in the ring!

Now, off you go! Clamber your way to the comment section below and let us know—what did you think of this not-so-classic clash? Is this what you expected from a boxing match? And remember, just because we’re tossing soft punches doesn’t mean you can’t throw in your own!

Eszter Földes started with an advantage over Lia Kustánczi, as she had already entered the ring once, while this was the latter’s first live match. The first round started confidently, but at first there were no really strong hits. In the second and third round, Lia started, but the match was still not strong. They both “arrived” at the last round, but although they were merciless with each other and there were a lot of blows, there were few clean hits.

The match was finally awarded to Eszter Földes by the scoring judges with a split score.

Eszter Földes won the match / Photo: Zoltán Knap

That was the first match

In today’s broadcast of Sztárbox, Viktor Varga and Laci Sánta fought each other for the first time. The match started dynamically, both slapped hard, but by the end they were out of breath. You can read who won the match by clicking here.

Interview⁣ with Eszter Földes: The Winner of the Match That Wasn’t Quite Ali vs.‌ Frazier

Editor: Welcome, Eszter! Thank you for joining ⁣us today after that, well, unique ⁤boxing match. How did it feel stepping into the ‍ring knowing that ⁤this was Lia’s first live bout?

Eszter Földes: ​Thank you for having me! Honestly, it was a mix of excitement and ​nerves. I knew I had a⁣ slight advantage with my previous​ experience, but I also wanted to make sure I ‌didn’t underestimate Lia. It was great to‍ see her energy, even if ‌the punches didn’t land with too ⁤much impact at‌ first!

Editor: You ‌described the first round ⁢as ​two ‌kittens gently swatting‍ at​ each other. Could you elaborate on that? Was it more⁢ about feeling each ‍other out,​ or was it strategic?

Eszter Földes: Exactly! It felt like⁣ we⁢ were both trying⁤ to find our rhythm. We were confident but cautious. ‍I ⁤think​ we were both waiting ​to see who would take ⁤the first real shot. It was all about establishing a presence‍ in ​the ring without revealing too much too ​soon.

Editor: In the‌ subsequent rounds, it seemed like Lia came alive. How did you adjust your strategy as the‌ rounds progressed?

Eszter Földes: Absolutely! Once she⁤ started to throw more punches, I realized I​ had to step up‍ my game. It became ⁤a bit‌ of a dance, like a playful ballet. I had to find openings and maintain my defense while ensuring I ​could deliver some hits of my own. ⁤It⁣ was challenging‌ because, while it wasn’t ​the most ‍traditional ​boxing match, I still wanted‌ to ensure I was scoring well.

Editor: The final round was described as a “dramatic⁣ climax.” Were you feeling the pressure at that point?

Eszter⁢ Földes: Yes, you could definitely feel⁢ the tension⁣ in the air! Both of ​us were‌ really giving⁤ it our all. ⁣Although there⁤ were a lot of blows thrown, we were both⁢ aware of how⁢ scarce the clean hits were. ⁣By that point, I was just focused on making sure I didn’t⁣ let my guard ‌down and ‍finding that decisive moment.

Editor: The judges‌ awarded‌ you‍ the match ‍with a ⁤split decision, which seems a bit controversial given the performance. What were your ‍thoughts on the judges’ decision?

Eszter⁢ Földes: I’ll⁤ admit, it was⁢ a bit surprising! It felt like a mixed bag out there. ⁣I was thrilled to ​win, but I think everyone involved⁣ knew it was organized⁣ chaos. I‍ guess they decided⁤ that someone‍ had to take home​ the victory, ‍and I’m ⁣grateful ⁤it was me!

Editor: After this experience, what’s next for you in ‍your boxing journey?

Eszter Földes: I definitely want ⁤to ⁤continue training and improving my skills.⁤ This match taught​ me there’s always room for⁤ growth, no ⁣matter how many bouts one ‌has ⁢under their belt. I’m excited about the future and looking forward to next challenges.

Editor: Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, Eszter, and congrats again on your win—however chaotic it may have been!

Eszter ‌Földes: Thank you! It was my pleasure, and⁣ I ‍hope to bring a more⁣ traditional boxing ⁣match to ​the ring next time!

Were both aware of our stamina and were pacing ourselves. As the round progressed, I kept reminding myself to stay focused and use my footwork to create angles for my punches. The crowd’s energy was palpable, and it pushed us to dig deeper.

Editor: After a match like that, how do you feel about your performance? Are there things you believe you could improve on for future fights?

Eszter Földes: I think there’s always room for improvement. While I’m proud of the win, there were moments where I could have been more aggressive and more decisive with my punches. It’s important for me to review the match footage to identify specific areas to work on. I’m excited about the growth opportunities this match presented and am eager to train harder for my next bout.

Editor: What’s next for you after this victory?

Eszter Földes: I’m looking forward to taking some time to recover and reflect on this experience. After that, I’d love to get back into the gym and work on some new techniques. I’m also open to new match opportunities—there’s always a thrill about stepping back into the ring and facing a new opponent.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Eszter! We look forward to seeing you in the ring again.

Eszter Földes: Thank you for having me! I appreciate the support and look forward to what lies ahead.

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