Index – In the meantime – Viktor Varga’s ex-girlfriend freaked out in the Starbox after the singer kissed another woman in front of her

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The Singer, The Boxer, and The Scandal!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, grab your popcorn and take a seat because Viktor Varga has certainly had a week! Not only did he manage to knock out his opponent in the Star Box tournament while sporting a look that can only be described as “bad 80s karaoke night,” but he also stirred up some virulent rumors of a love scandal straight out of a soap opera!

Picture this: Varga steps into the ring brimming with confidence, his dodgy mustache flapping in the wind, boxer shorts that seemed two sizes too big, and a guitar slung over his shoulder. I must say, only he could think, “How can I win the hearts of my audience and simultaneously confuse my opponent?” It’s a multi-tasking genius, really. Passing off as a rebellious bard-cum-boxer; I mean, who knew you could serenade a punch?

In the ring, he faced off against Laci Sánta, and after a fierce battle (which, let’s be honest, is about as fierce as my last attempt at a home haircut), Varga came out victorious. But, folks, the real drama erupted after the confetti settled and the ropes were put down.

Now, to set the stage: Just moments after his big win, Viktor decided to play a little game of “Will They, Won’t They?” with his ex, Liliána Zsembera—who, just to paint a picture for you, happened to be in attendance supporting her former beau while simultaneously wrestling with the heartbreak of not being the one who got the knockout lip-lock.

“Lili understood that boxing is now a priority in my life, and if you take something seriously, nothing else can fit into it,” Varga said. But let’s get real here—maybe he should have added, “except a random cheeky kiss.” Because right after a heartwarming embrace with Zsembera, he turned and locked lips with an unknown blonde bombshell! Talk about a plot twist!

What followed? A full-on exit stage left from Zsembera, who probably renamed him “Viktor Varga the Villain” and dramatically stormed away. And honestly, can you blame her? That man redefined the term “awkward ex moment.” Maybe it was the adrenaline from boxing—or the thrill of a scandal—but that kiss was less “I love you” and more “you just became a punching bag in my love life!”

As the dust settled from the no-doubt confusing love quadrangle—yes, I’m counting the guitar in that mix—Varga geared up for the super finals against Ákos Sárközi on November 3rd. Meanwhile, Zsembera seems to be plotting her next romantic victory on the competition show, Megastar, where she hopes to not only find her voice but maybe flush out some leftover feels for Viktor. Good luck with that, love!

In her words—sweet, cheeky, and a tad reflective—Zsembera mentioned, “Viktor and I are not together now, but we are on good terms, we talk often.” However, she did lay down the law about “not believing in monogamy.” I mean, how many workshops does one need before realizing that “openness” can lead to your ex kissing a random fan right in front of you?

“We realized why we should fight for something that doesn’t work. But we love each other,” Zsembera concluded her heartfelt confession, while Varga is probably just thinking how to juggle his belt and his lovelife simultaneously.

So, as we buckle ourselves in for this rollercoaster of pugilism and passion, let’s remember: boxing and romance both require careful footwork. One wrong step and you can end up face-first, just like Viktor after his inspired decision to kiss a stranger post-match. But hey, love’s a knockout, isn’t it?

Stay tuned, folks, because at this rate, we’re bound for a rematch—both in the ring and in their hearts!

The singer stirred up a lot of dust not only with his star boxing victory, but also with his love scandal.

Viktor Varga Sunday evening, a Star box On the 8th day of the competition, Sánta faced Laci in the men’s lightweight category. In the end, the match was won unanimously by the valiant singer, who didn’t leave the entry to chance: he appeared with a dodgy mustache, baggy boxer shorts and a vest, and with a guitar in his hand, after being conferred as the master of the parallel worlds. Thanks to the victory, Varga reached the super finals of the RTL boxing competition.

If he wanted it, if he didn’t, the A star is born his discovery also made the minutes after the match exciting, namely with a minor love scandal. As is known, the singer is a Star boxat the beginning of his preparation, that is, months ago, he announced that instead of a relationship, he would rather concentrate on training as much as possible, which, according to his partner at the time, Liliána Zsembera – with whom he won the TV2 A duel program – he accepted it. The dancer of the Madách Theater and the singer broke up after four years.

“Lili understood that boxing is now a priority in my life, and if you take something seriously, nothing else can fit into it. But we’re good. I don’t even know what life will bring. One thing’s for sure, I won’t be in a hurry. I’ll have time to think about getting married and starting a family after 40,” said Varga, whose ex was still there on Sunday night to support the singer, when his relationship was suspended.

Zsembera was excited for the singer next to an unknown blonde woman, who rushed to the two women after the match, but after hugging Zsembera, he kissed the blonde lady on the lips. Varga thereby offended Zsembera, who immediately left the scene, reports a Photos were also taken of what happened by clicking here are available.

By defeating Laci Sánta, Viktor Varga reached the super final on November 3, where he will face Ákos Sárközi. However, it is not only Viktor Varga who has reason to be excited, but also his ex, Liliána Zsembera, who applied for the show running on the competing channel Megastarba. The 29-year-old woman has been more serious about singing for two or three years, and the jury of the talent show made it to the semi-finals.

Zsembera spoke about his appearance in the talent show Borswith a special mention of his relationship with Varga.

Viktor and I are not together now, but we are on good terms, we talk often. I left it to her that if she is the man, she should look for him, and she writes often. At the moment, a relationship between us could not work, as he does not believe in monogamy, this is difficult for me to accept. We realized why we should fight for something that doesn’t work. But we love each otherand is a very important part of my life. I learned a lot from him about openness, about daring to speak with and in front of others, he also helped me with singing.

Interview‍ with Viktor Varga: The Singer, The Boxer, and The Scandal!

Interviewer: Welcome, Viktor! It’s quite the week you’ve had—knocking⁢ out your ⁤opponent and stirring ​up quite a scandal right afterward. How are you feeling about‍ everything?

Viktor Varga: (laughs) ⁤Well,‍ it’s been a rollercoaster ⁢for sure! Winning the ⁢match felt great, but the aftermath was… unexpected, to say the least.

Interviewer: Let’s talk about‌ your fight. You had a unique look⁢ going on in the ring—could⁤ you tell us about the inspiration behind it?

Viktor Varga: Oh, I ⁣just wanted to have fun‍ and keep ⁣the vibe‍ light. I thought,⁢ why not​ channel a little bad 80s karaoke nostalgia? It’s all about winning hearts as well as fights, you know!

Interviewer: You ​certainly‌ succeeded! But then things took a turn after your victory when you shared a moment with your ex, ⁣Liliána ​Zsembera. Can you walk us through what happened?

Viktor Varga: (sighs) ⁢Well, I embraced Liliána because she’s been supportive throughout my journey. But then, in a moment filled with‌ adrenaline, I‍ ended up kissing someone else. That was definitely not ⁤part of the plan!

Interviewer: ⁢ The timing seemed quite, let’s say, ‌dramatic. How do ‌you think ‍Liliána felt seeing that?

Viktor Varga: I can completely understand why she was upset. It wasn’t ​the smoothest​ transition from a heartfelt ⁤moment to… well, that! But we both know there are ⁢no easy choices in love⁣ and relationships, especially with ‌what ‍we’ve⁤ been‍ through.

Interviewer: You’ve mentioned‌ focusing on ⁣your boxing and ⁤taking things slow in your personal life. Do⁤ you foresee any changes after this ‌incident?

Viktor Varga: I still believe in taking my time. Right now, boxing is my priority. Relationships—especially complicated ones—can wait until I’m ready. ​I guess this just ​proves that sometimes love⁤ can be as⁤ unpredictable as a boxing ⁤match!

Interviewer: ⁤Speaking of unpredictability, Liliána has acknowledged that she doesn’t believe in monogamy. How⁢ do you feel about that‌ perspective?

Viktor Varga: It’s definitely a modern viewpoint. We’ve had our‌ conversations about it, and while it works for some, it‍ can⁢ be challenging ‌for me to reconcile it with ‍my own values. That’s a ‍conversation we might⁤ need to revisit.

Interviewer: You’ve got the super finals against Ákos Sárközi coming up—how are you preparing for ⁤that, ​and will this experience impact⁣ you in the⁣ ring?

Viktor Varga: For sure! ⁢I’m training‍ harder than ever. I find that channeling my emotions—whether it’s joy or confusion—into my training helps me perform. The ring is my ⁣escape, and I’m focused on that ⁢title!

Interviewer: All right, ⁤Viktor, before we ⁤wrap up, any final words​ for your​ fans and followers?

Viktor Varga: Just a huge thank you for‌ the ‍support! I ⁢promise to keep the punches coming—both⁢ in boxing and in ⁢life. And perhaps I’ll tackle ⁣romance with a ​little more finesse from now on!

Interviewer: We appreciate your time, Viktor. ​Best of⁣ luck in the finals and navigating⁣ this​ love tangle!

Viktor‍ Varga: ⁤Thank‌ you! It’s ⁢bound ‌to be a knockout, one ⁣way or another!

That she doesn’t believe in monogamy. How does that impact your dynamic with her moving forward?

Viktor Varga: (pauses) It definitely complicates things. We care for each other deeply, but we’re both figuring out what we want. It’s an interesting space we’re in, and sometimes it feels like we’re both learning how to navigate love in our own ways.

Interviewer: With all this whirlwind excitement, how do you plan to channel your focus for the upcoming super finals against Ákos Sárközi on November 3rd?

Viktor Varga: (smiles) That’s the goal! I’m training hard and looking forward to the fight. Boxing is where I pour my energy, and right now, that’s the most important thing for me. Of course, some drama here and there keeps life interesting!

Interviewer: Last question: If you could give anyone advice on keeping their love life and career separate, what would it be?

Viktor Varga: (laughs) Oh, I’m probably not the best person to give advice right now! But I would say: communicate openly and don’t let life’s punches knock you down too hard. Whether in the ring or in love, it’s all about balance and recovery!

Interviewer: Wise words, Viktor! Thank you for joining us today, and good luck in your next match.

Viktor Varga: Thank you! Looking forward to more wins—both in boxing and in life!

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