Behind every disaster lies profit and the logic of “cost-benefit”

Table of Contents

Beginning his speech, he referred to “the great barrage of strikes today, by teachers, food workers, seafarers, dockers, workers of the Zone, who are on strike bringing to the fore the needs of the workers, taking the baton from the striking health workers and delivery men in the previous days. On November 6, the builders will follow, and on November 20, the nationwide strike in the public and private sector,” he noted, calling on the government “to satisfy the fair demands of the thousands of striking workers.”

“This strike barrage is a resounding response to those hypocritically concerned about whether there is an opposition, but also to the government that says it needs an opposition to become better! Well then, satisfy the demands of the strikers”, said D. Koutsoumbas and reminded that “the government rejected the amendment recently submitted by the KKE for the restoration of the 13th-14th salary and pension while the other parties did not make a sound!”.

“What workers are taking to the streets today is not at all unrelated to the issue we are discussing today. Their common denominator is the fact that workers’, people’s, and social needs are sacrificed on the altar of capitalist profit and its service by a selectively incompetent state,” he then emphasized.

Regarding the fires, he denounced “the cost-benefit policy applied by the government, not only to fires but to natural phenomena as a whole, ultimately sacrificing the people’s needs on the altar of profit by the selectively incompetent state.”

“If we wanted, gentlemen of the government, to put a title on all the stages that your anti-fire policy includes, it is the following: “Individual responsibility on the one hand and state service of business interests on the other”” he said epigrammatically.

“The comparison with the SYRIZA government and the crime in Mati, the “climate change” that became a “climate crisis”, the “extreme weather phenomena”, the “only the fire in North Attica escaped”, the “few affected residents” , the “morphology of the soil”, the “destruction of fewer acres compared to other years” and so many other excuses by the government, to cover the main point, which is that in the logic of cost – benefit, in the context of EU policy, it does not build projects to prevent and protect the people, which are not eligible from the EU because they are not profitable for the business groups,” he said.

Regarding “individual responsibility”, he noted that “this is applied in all sectors, from the cleaning of plots that must be done, but at the expense of the owners, to the insurance of the houses that the government intends to make compulsory . At the same time, the state does not assume its responsibilities for cleaning the forests, for opening fire zones, for fire protection structures, for guarding the forests”.

He also complained that “1,500 foresters and 10,000 forest workers are missing in the Forestry Departments, over 4,000 in the Fire Department, while at the end of the month 2,500 will be laid off as their contracts expire and the government does not make them permanent, even though they cover permanent and permanent needs”.

He referred to “the businesses promoted by the government in the forests, handing over the natural wealth through reforestation to the business interests of the timber manufacturers and timber merchants, but also to the interests of the so-called “green development” that are ravaging the mountains of the country – even Grammos was put in the eye- while electricity is sold at a high price to the people”.

D. Koutsoubas emphasized that “together with the government, the biggest culprit for the situation that our people experience every year with fires, but also with floods, as well as when there is an earthquake, and in the event of a major “accident”, is and the policy and directions of the EU, which are fanatically implemented by the ND government today and fanatically supported by all parties of capital”.

As he explained, “it is about the guidelines that cynically and defiantly say the following: How fire protection projects, and all their counterparts, are “not eligible” for financing from the various packages, such as for example the notorious Recovery Fund, due to high costs that it does not yield the corresponding “benefit”, i.e. financial gain for some. Because that’s the only way you measure the benefit, with what and how much the various astute capitalists will put in their pockets.”

“Part of this policy,” he then noted, “was the unscientific breakdown of unified forest management, with the separation of prevention from extinguishment and the transfer of forest firefighting responsibility from the Forestry Service to the Fire Service. A split that began in 1998, during the PASOK government, and has continued until today through all governments, with tragic results.

This is a logic that, for reasons of cost, transforms the management of forest fires from a political and scientific issue of evidence-based integrated management and protection from all hazards, into an operational problem, starting from the moment the forest fire breaks out and not before it breaks out , as it should be”.

“The fault lies with the current state and its selective incompetence. Incompetent when it comes to the needs of the people and the protection of human life… Competent where it wants to be!

Like, for example, when it is to throw people out of their homes with the auctions of crows. When it is to send frigates to the Red Sea and F-16s to accompany nuclear bombers in NATO exercises” he underlined.

“Against all these perpetrators of serial crimes, the greatness of the contribution and strength of our firefighters, as well as the residents, volunteers, among them the members of the KKE and the KNE, who entered the battle to save houses, properties, animals and forests, to organize solidarity with the affected, putting into practice the motto “only the people save the people”.

And it is this people that has the power, with their struggle, to claim both preventive and restorative measures, but also to definitively overturn this eternally dangerous policy, this state, which sacrifices the needs and lives of the many for profits of the few.

The moment will come when, en masse, all those who trusted you and gave you “trato” for so many years will turn their backs on you and today they feel that they have been bitterly disappointed”, emphasized D. Koutsoubas, ending his speech.

#disaster #lies #profit #logic #costbenefit
It⁤ looks like you're working with a ‍JavaScript code snippet related to Google Publisher Tags (GPT) for ⁣ad management, in conjunction with other advertising services like⁣ Google⁣ AdSense and OneSignal. The script defines ad slots, sets targeting information, and initializes various ad ‍services.

Here's an overview of the main components of the code:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions: The script defines multiple ad slots for different placements​ on your website. Each⁢ slot can have‌ multiple sizes, allowing ⁣for responsive ads based on the device and screen size.
  1. Targeting: Targeting parameters are‌ set for the⁣ ad slots, which ​can help⁢ serve more relevant ads ⁤to users based on ​their behavior or the context⁣ of the content they ⁢are‍ viewing. This includes setting ​parameters ‌like ⁣ pageType, category, and⁢ article_id.
  1. Bootstrap and Initialization: The code ‌contains initializations for the Google Publisher Ads, options to collapse empty divs,⁣ disable initial loads, ⁣enable single requests‌ for ad loading, ‌and‌ centering ads ‌on‌ the page.
  1. Conditional Logic‌ for Mobile/Non-Mobile: There are certain ad‍ placements that are only made for ‍desktop versions, controlled by the isMobile ​ flag.
  1. AdSense‍ Integration:‌ The script manages ad slots ⁢for Google AdSense,‍ ensuring mobile users see mobile ads and vice versa.
  1. Third-Party Integrations:⁢ The snippet initiates third-party services like OneSignal for push⁢ notifications and ‍Disqus for comments. ‌
  1. Asynchronous Loading: There are placeholders for loading⁢ other scripts asynchronously, which are commented out. This is​ useful for enhancing ⁢page load performance by loading scripts in the background rather than blocking ‍rendering.


  • Comment Clarity:‌ Make sure⁣ your comments describe what ⁢each block is doing more clearly. This helps maintain the code over time.
  • Script Loading: Ensure that the commented sections for loading‍ additional scripts (like Google AdSense or third-party services) ⁤are filled in properly. Check for any⁤ missing URLs to avoid loading issues.
  • Error ⁣Handling: Consider adding⁤ error handling for dynamic script loading, so if a script fails to load, it won't disrupt the user‍ experience.
  • Testing: Rigorously test the ad placements across different devices⁢ and screen sizes to⁢ ensure proper rendering and ⁣no overlap with‌ content.

If ‍you need further assistance or specific suggestions about ⁢parts of the code, feel free to ask!

Here's a breakdown of the JavaScript snippet you provided, along with an overview of its key components and functionalities:

Overview of Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The script begins by configuring advertising slots through functions like displaySlot('prestitial'), which likely renders a specific advertisement placement on the page. The alternate placement comment for mobile_sticky indicates the flexibility towards device-specific advertising.

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- Although the targeting parameters section is commented out, the intention is to target advertisements based on user or content attributes. This could enhance ad relevance and performance, enabling better monetization.

  1. AdSense Logic:

- There’s conditional logic to handle Google AdSense advertisements based on whether the user is on a mobile device. The appropriate ad slots are either removed or retained depending on the environment.

  1. Ad Slot Management:

- All AdSense slots are queried and counted. This helps determine if any AdSense slots exist on the page before running further logic, preventing unnecessary operations if no slots are present.

  1. Push Notification Initialization:

- The integration with OneSignal is established to handle push notifications, initializing it with an application ID (appId). Conditions under which it loads can enhance user engagement.

  1. Disqus Configuration:

- Disqus is set up for enabling comments on the webpage, providing a way for user interaction. A delay is introduced by using setTimeout before loading the Disqus script, which may help with page load performance.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

- Functions like asyncLoadScript are frequently referenced but were commented out or not fully detailed. These functions likely handle the asynchronous loading of other necessary scripts, such as external advertisers or analytics.

  1. Integrations for Other Services:

- Various other integrations are present, including attempts to load scripts for Phaistos Adman, Taboola, Glomex, Microsoft Clarity, and Yandex Metrica. Each integration leverages asynchronous loading practices to enhance performance without blocking the main thread.

  1. Meta Tags for Facebook Pixel Analytics:

- While commented out, there's a setup for Facebook Pixel that tracks user interactions on the site, providing valuable analytics for retargeting and advertisement performance measurement.


Integrating advertisements and analytics through JavaScript snippets can improve website monetization. The provided code focuses on device-response (mobile vs. desktop), including multiple ad networks (AdSense, third-party services), push notifications, analytics scripts, and user engagement tools like comments. Conditions and logical checks ensure optimal user experiences while maintaining flexibility in ad placement and tracking.


  • Performance: Be mindful of how many scripts, especially asynchronous ones, are being loaded to avoid potential performance issues or increased loading times.
  • Privacy: Ensure compliance with user consent laws (such as GDPR or CCPA) when handling cookies or tracking user data.
  • Testing: It's essential to test the implementation across various devices and browsers to confirm that ads load correctly and relevant targeting takes effect.

If you have additional questions or need further elaboration on specific parts of the code, feel free to ask!

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