New revelations about infant deaths

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The common face in the deaths of the three infants is Irene. The 24-year-old lost her two children two years ago and was roommates and friends with the mother of the 15-month-old baby who died on August 5. Two more events have come to light that make the 24-year-old an eyewitness to the death of two more children, one of her friends and her sister.

As the police editor revealed yesterday on Live News, two of the five children who “died” – with the 24-year-old being present at the unfortunate event – the medical opinion speaks of interstitial pneumonitis.

The Greek police since 2023, when the issue with the two children of 24-year-old Irini had arisen, had made a thorough investigation of what had happened, including the death of her sister. Today Vassilis Lambropoulos and Live News reveal that the death of Irene’s sister is also due to interstitial pneumonia.

Irene’s sister died in Argos in 2014, with the 24-year-old at the time being 2 years old and not a newborn, as she had said in an earlier report and Vassilis Lambropoulos pointing out the specific difference.

The police editor then reported that the relatives of 15-month-old Panagiotis who died on August 5 remain in the dark about the cause of his death, as the enormous workload in the two laboratories that perform histological tests is too great. As Vassilis Lambropoulos characteristically said “the histological examinations have not even started to be done, they have not been handed over to the competent pathologists in Athens”.

The death of Irene’s second child was attributed to pathological causes

Information from the police editor regarding the file created by the Ampelokipi police station on the death of Irini’s second child, who died at the “Agia Sophia” hospital, the medical examiner Mr. Kouvaris says in his conclusion “sudden death of a newborn of pathological etiology, history of epilepsy’. It should be pointed out that the phrase “pathological etiology” leaves no room for investigation into any criminal action, the police editor pointed out.

Dimitris Galenderis: “The finding of “pathological causes” does not determine the cause of death”

The revelation of Live News that a third child died of interstitial pneumonia was commented on the show by medical examiner Dimitris Galenderis.

“The finding of pathological causes of course is not a cause of death. With such a conclusion it is pointed out that there are no injuries or signs that prove a violent death”, clarified the expert and added: “Otherwise we cannot define a cause of death by making such a conclusion, therefore we have to consider that the exact causes are unknown” . “Interstitial pneumonitis is also not a clear cause of death, as we do not know what is the mechanism that caused it,” explained Mr. Galenderis.

Amaliada: New revelations about the death of Irene’s sister

Her sister, Zoe Iliana, “left” suddenly in her sleep, with Irini even claiming in an earlier interview that she was in front of the episode. “I was there when he did that episode. I was late to find out that the child died.” Irini maintains that although she was in front of her sister’s episode, she did not know the tragic outcome, that is, that the 1.5-year-old baby did not make it.

“Irini came and told us that the baby died”

Neighbors, however, who recall memories from that period, describe something different to Live News.

“No, no, no she came and told us. I remember very well that she told us that the baby had died. He came to our house and told us the baby died. I tell her what happened to the baby? He’s had a seizure, the baby tells me. “We found the child dead.” The funeral took place and after a while they left.”

Amaliada: He was also hospitalized at “Agia Sophia”

The case of Zoe Iliana bears many similarities to that of Irene’s second baby, as both were hospitalized at “Agia Sophia” for a long time without the doctors being able to find exactly what was wrong with her.

Her child was hospitalized for two weeks and died in her sleep, according to Irene’s mother.

“There was a lot of history. We have first from my sister. I have lost a sister to a respiratory infection. Which was hospitalized in Agia Sofia, not even in 20 days the child left”, Irini had previously said.

“They took out a lower respiratory infection, pneumonia, but the child had no symptoms,” said Irene’s mother.

When Irene’s second child was hospitalized at “Agia Sophia”, the doctors had thoroughly studied her sister’s file and had found many similarities. For this reason, after the death of Irene’s second child, the process of gene control immediately began.

Amaliada: “Irene took care of her little sister”

As the authorities try to solve the mystery surrounding the deaths of the 5 children, a revealing testimony brings to light Live News, according to which Irini, at the age of 14, was the one who looked after her little sister as the her mother was away from home for long periods of time.

– Did Irene notice?

-Irini took care of it. Her mother, I tell you, used to leave for Patras and used to come back. There was no family environment at all. She was taking care of it and we were told one night that she died.

-Who told you that? Do you remember that?

– Irini told us. Irini told us that the child died. The funeral took place and when the funeral took place they left. They went to Patras. And then we never saw them again.

“I took the 3 children under my arms and left, I looked for a job at home, I ran for the daily wage and now I run for the daily wage,” said Irini’s mother.

Before the little girl’s death, the family lived in Argos. The financial difficulties were great, with Irini even describing her childhood as very difficult.

“My childhood was difficult. I generally grew up alone. My mother was she wasn’t… she was leaving. I mostly had my father and uncle. If we survived we are one of them… My mother never took me to school. Not once.”

The testimony on Live News states: “A mother who used to go to Patras and used to come from Patras. Leave the kids alone. Irini used to eat food for us from there my mom gave them food and there was a lot of money missing, she probably stole from her. He didn’t go to school, or anywhere. My mom, because she was a Christian, felt sorry for these children and collected them and fed them.”

After the baby’s funeral, the family moved to Patras. In the meantime, Irini’s posts on social media about the death of her sister are many.

In the following years, Irini was to experience the same nightmare 4 more times: the sudden death of 4 more children.

Amaliada: “Now Katerina remembered to blame me and not when the baby died? Until a few days ago we were talking together”, says Irini

“Last year, Katerina, my maid of honor, supported me. What has happened this year? Now he remembered that he lost a child. Why is he going on the channels now and accusing me? Until a few days ago it was fine, we were talking together. Where does it appear that I harmed her own child? When you come out and talk, you have to have evidence. I don’t know if she’s jealous of me,” said, among other things, the 24-year-old, speaking today, Thursday, at Open, referring to the mother who lost her child last August, in Amaliada.

“Mwe stayed for quite some time, until they got me to the point of getting up to leave my house that is. We were in a relationship for a while and she was also in a relationship with a boy they were dating, she added. He also mentioned that the father of the bridesmaid’s child is now her stepfather. “She had divorced the man who fathered the child some time ago. He is my stepfather“, he said and noted: “The man and the woman have another child, the first they had. This child lives and is raised by the man. This is the piggy bank we have».

“On October 17, I had my daughter’s time and we talked. Why isn’t he answering now? I had to give up her child, not even bother,” she added, clearly irritated. It is noted that earlier, Katerina, the woman whose infant died in the arms of 24-year-old Irini, revealed that she constantly receives phone calls from the young woman.

“She called me and asked me why I keep accusing her. She called me again today, and I told her to hang up because I have work,” he says. “The only thing I asked her was what happened to my baby, she was at my child’s funeral. Most of them said that he does it out of remorse. I understood that something happened after the last child in Amaliada. She called me upset and I only told her how the matter would be handled,” Katerina, the woman who lost her baby, told ANT1, while 24-year-old Irini was there.

The Chronicle of Infant Death

Here are the deaths of the babies the 24-year-old witnessed and why they died:

06/02/2014: Her sister, 18 months – Lower respiratory tract infection

04/02/2021: Daughter of her godmother, 6 months – Pneumonia

19/06/2022: Her first child, 19 days old – Pneumonia

17/10/2023: Her second child, 60 days old – Cardiac arrest

08/05/2024: Son of her roommate, 15 months old – Unknown cause

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#revelations #infant #deaths
It ‍looks like‌ you've pasted a large block of code related ⁣to⁣ Google Publisher Tag (GPT) ad setup, targeting, and other integrations for ‌a website. This code contains definitions for various ad ⁣slots, targeting⁣ parameters, and scripts⁢ for‌ integrating services like OneSignal, ‌Disqus, and​ others.

Here’s a brief overview of what each section in the code does:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

⁤ - Various ad slots are defined‌ using googletag.defineSlot(). Each slot has specific sizes that it can ⁣take ⁣based on the size ‌mapping provided.

- Size mappings help to load appropriate⁣ ad⁤ sizes based on the ‌screen size or other parameters.

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- Targeting parameters are set to optimize the ad serving based on the context of the page (like pageType, category, and article_id).

  1. Ad ​Services:

‌ - The ​code collapses empty ad slots and disables initial loading ‍of ads to control when and how ads are displayed on the page.

  1. Ad Display Logic:

‍ ‌- The​ function displaySlot() is called ⁣for ​each‌ ad slot to initiate ⁤the loading process.

  1. Responsive Design Control: ⁢

‍ ⁣-⁢ There are conditional checks to remove desktop/mobile ads depending on the user's device.

  1. OneSignal Initialization:

- OneSignal‍ is initialized for push notifications with a specific appId.

  1. Disqus Configuration:

​ - ⁣Disqus comments are set up with ⁢the page⁣ configuration to identify‍ the page based on its URL and identifier.

  1. Asynchronous Script Loading:

​ - Various services (like Phaistos Adman, CleverCore, Taboola/Project‌ Agora) ⁤are set ⁤to‍ be ‍loaded ⁣asynchronously, which helps with the ​performance of the‍ website.

  1. Timeouts:⁤

⁤ - Set timers to delay the⁣ loading of certain scripts,⁤ to ⁢ensure that⁢ the main⁤ content has loaded first or to manage network requests efficiently.

If you are looking for specific help or have ⁣questions about a particular part of the​ code, please‌ let me know!
It appears that you've pasted a large block of JavaScript code that's related to ad management and integration on a website, particularly with Google Publisher Tag (GPT) and other ad services. Let’s break down what this code is doing to give you a clearer understanding:

Overview of the Code Components:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code sets up ad slots using functions like displaySlot('slotName'), indicating where ads will be displayed on the page. These slots can have different configurations based on the type of content or size available, adapting to either mobile or desktop views.

  1. Ad Targeting Parameters:

- Targeting parameters (like pageType, category, etc.) are defined to help deliver more relevant ads to users based on the content they are viewing. This can potentially improve engagement and ad revenue.

  1. Ad Services Integration:

- Google AdSense and Google Publisher Tag (GPT): The code makes adjustments based on whether the user is on mobile or desktop and manages ad slots to prevent certain ads from being displayed on incompatible devices.

- OneSignal: This library is used for push notifications and is initialized with a specific App ID.

- Disqus: This section configures the Disqus comments system to allow interaction on the page. It sets identifiers for the page so that comments can be tracked and managed.

- Adman/Phaistos Adman: Integrations related to specific advertising platforms are initialized, likely for serving ads dynamically.

- Asynchronous Script Loading: Functions like asyncLoadScript() are repeatedly called to load additional scripts without blocking the page load, improving performance.

  1. Tracking and Analytics:

- Code snippets for various analytics services like Facebook Pixel, Microsoft Clarity, and Yandex Metrica are included to track user interactions and behavior on the website, which is vital for ad optimization and user experience analysis.

  1. Commenting and Maintenance:

- Some sections are commented out, indicating either deprecated code or planned features that may not currently be active. This helps in maintaining the codebase while allowing for testing or future implementation without losing history.


In essence, the provided JavaScript code snippet is integral for managing ad placements, integrating third-party services for comments and notifications, and ensuring that users have a seamless experience when navigating through ads on the website. Proper use of targeting, dynamic loading, and analytics setup can lead to increased ad effectiveness and user engagement.

If you have any specific questions about parts of the code or its behavior, feel free to ask!

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