Unexpected Love: How Amanda and Sunil Found Each Other Through Instagram

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Well, well, what a delightful little tale we have here! I mean, if this isn’t the story of modern romance, I don’t know what is! Amanda Boyce, just another disillusioned Australian scrolling through Instagram – and BAM! Like a well-placed punchline, she stumbles upon Mr. Universe – Sunil Rajput! Talk about a meet-cute that could inspire a rom-com!

Let’s break it down, shall we, folks? Amanda, feeling a bit aimless in her life – no kids, no pets, heck, not even a houseplant to water – wanders into the digital cosmos of Instagram. And who’s there to save her? A fitness-loving, globe-trotting dude from India whose aesthetic makes even the most vibrant filters look like an old VHS tape! “Wow, he’s good looking,” she thinks, immediately solidifying her place as every romantic comedy’s protagonist, right?

Now, this is where it gets interesting. Amanda starts liking Sunil’s posts. Liking, commenting, maybe even a bit of a social media stalking venture. We’ve all done it; suddenly becoming an expert on someone else’s life, all through the magical portal of Instagram – who needs real-life connections anymore? Now, don’t get me wrong; romantic connections formed through social media can be as genuine as a grandma’s apple pie. But when Amanda freaks out after sharing her life story? Classic newbie horror! "What have I done? I don’t even know this guy!” Cue panic mode.

But, folks, like any good suspense thriller, things take a twist when Amanda decides to visit India, not for Sunil, mind you, but for some soul-searching. I can’t imagine what that conversation was like, “Oh hey, I’m just in the neighborhood, maybe pencil you in?” Not much pressure, is it?

But lo and behold, after ghosting him (and who hasn’t done that at least once?), they finally meet in India, and it’s like fireworks! The chemistry is so tangible you can practically hear violins playing in the background!

So, after a couple of picturesque dates—eating homemade chicken curry (because nothing says “I might marry you” like being fed—especially if it’s hot and spicy) and chatting like they’ve known each other for decades—they embark on the rollercoaster of long-distance relationship territory. This leads us to Amanda packing her life into suitcases (I mean, how many shoes does one really need?) and moving to India. The adventure of a lifetime and a dramatic twist straight out of Bollywood!

Throughout the whole article, they both emphasize the simple yet profound message of keeping an open heart. Oh, come on! That’s practically a Hallmark card waiting to happen! But it reflects a truth: life does hand you opportunities on a silver platter, or in this case, Instagram – you just have to swan dive into them like you’re auditioning for a reality TV show.

Now, fast forward through pandemic struggles, building a life together, and feeding each other’s ambitions. It’s a gripping narrative of love that showcases not just vulnerability, but also resilience. Watching them grow and adapt to each other’s worlds? That’s the sort of subplot that gets you misty-eyed, even if you’re just reading it with your morning coffee.

And finally – they’ve become a powerful duo in their respective careers, traveling the world, and raising a small pack of dogs. If that isn’t a fairy-tale ending, then I don’t know what is! Seriously, Lee Evans might even want to take a few notes on how to turn that into a comedic existential crisis!

So here’s to Amanda and Sunil. May your love story be as spicy as that curry and as cheesy as a rom-com! Because we all know, at the end of the day, nothing beats finding love—especially when it’s served with a side of global adventure and a splash of humor! Cheers! 🥂


Amanda Boyce fortuitously discovered Sunil Rajput’s Instagram while scrolling through endless social media posts on a languid afternoon.

Sitting in her home in Brisbane, Australia, Amanda was absentmindedly flicking through Instagram stories, which displayed vibrant snapshots of people’s lives; suddenly, one particular story caught her eye as it featured Sunil for the very first time.

An account she followed had shared one of Sunil’s charismatic posts, showcasing him beaming at the camera, which prompted Amanda to tap on it and watch the image expand on her phone screen.

“Wow, he’s really good looking,” she thought as she delved into Sunil’s feed — filled with eye-catching posts about fitness, travel adventures, and glimpses of his life in India, Amanda couldn’t help but notice his alluring personality.

Without contemplating extensively, Amanda made the spontaneous decision to hit “follow.”

It was early 2018, and at just 27 years old, Amanda found herself grappling with a sense of disillusionment and a nagging dissatisfaction with her monotonous lifestyle in Australia.

Amanda grew accustomed to liking Sunil’s posts whenever they appeared on her feed and found herself eagerly scrolling through his stories. The snippets of his daily life, from going out with friends to culinary experiments and workouts, became a source of intrigue for her.

“And then one day, he just randomly messaged me,” she recalls, remarking on that unexpected moment that set everything in motion.

As their conversation blossomed, Amanda and Sunil exchanged messages, gradually introducing themselves while sharing snippets of their respective lives filled with hopes and aspirations.

Then, Sunil proposed transitioning their conversations to a phone call, emphasizing the significance of this change in their communication dynamics.

Amanda hesitated initially but calmed her apprehension by reminding herself that if it became awkward or if Sunil wasn’t genuine, she could always end the conversation.

However, as soon as she heard Sunil’s voice on the line, a wave of comfort enveloped her, and she felt inexplicably at ease and protected.

Their conversation unfolded for hours, allowing Amanda to share intimate details about her life, previous relationships, along with hopes for the future, creating a bond that deepened their connection.

“It felt really nice to connect and talk to someone so openly,” Amanda reflects, savouring the unique experience they’d shared over the phone.

Yet, following their heartfelt conversation, a wave of panic crashed over Amanda the next day. “What am I doing, investing my time in someone living 10,000 kilometers away?” she worried, second-guessing her openness.

Overwhelmed with an unexpected sense of embarrassment and guilt, Amanda found herself retreating from Sunil following the sudden shift in her thoughts.

“He kept trying to message and check in with me, but I didn’t really reply,” Amanda admits, noting her struggle to navigate these emotions.

Amanda endeavored to shift her focus, trying to dismiss the remote connection with Sunil from her mind. However, that intriguing conversation ignited a long-held dream within her.

Motivated by the thought of embarking on an adventure, Amanda decided to book a trip to India, coinciding it with plans to visit a good friend who now resided there.

To her surprise, Amanda discovered that her friend lived in the same vibrant city as Sunil — Chandigarh, nestled in the lush northern region of India.

However, Amanda assured herself that she wasn’t heading there with the intention of meeting Sunil specifically; Chandigarh boasted a sprawling population of about 1.1 million in 2018.

“I just felt this calling to come to India,” Amanda explained. “It was a quest for self-exploration, a bit of that ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ experience, if you will.”

After arriving in Chandigarh during the spring of 2018, Amanda shared her experiences on Instagram, including mouthwatering meals, stunning views, and joyful moments captured alongside her friend.

“Wait, you’re in my city?” came a message from Sunil, unexpectedly reigniting their connection.

Amanda hesitated to respond immediately, brushing it off with thoughts of how she was too preoccupied with meeting friends.

But as the trip neared its conclusion, her friend unexpectedly had to leave town, leaving Amanda with some free time, prompting her to consider reaching out to Sunil after all.

Now that she was in India, the daunting distance shrank in significance; moreover, Sunil seemed to have put her brief retreat behind them, ready for a fresh start.

So, Amanda suggested a casual meetup over lunch, hoping to establish a sense of safety by meeting in a public setting due to the inherent uncertainty of their romantic journey.

Though cautious about disclosing details about her stay, Amanda also remained vague about her friend’s absence to ensure her safety while meeting a virtual stranger.

Upon seeing Sunil face-to-face, however, Amanda felt a wave of calm wash over her.

“I just had this warm, comfortable, safe feeling,” Amanda shared about the encounter, which ignited exciting possibilities.

Sunil Rajput, at the time, was a twentysomething living in Chandigarh, working within the liquor industry and dedicating his free hours to gym sessions and travel adventures.

Although single and not actively in search of love, Sunil felt an immediate spark of curiosity when Amanda unexpectedly entered his life.

His memory of that initial moment when Amanda’s name popped up on his screen, announcing a new follower, remains vivid.

However, a moment of silence followed, with Sunil pondering, “Why didn’t she reach out to me?”

When Sunil discovered that Amanda was in his city, he faced the dilemma of whether to make contact again, wondering if he should set aside his pride.

Finally, Sunil’s memories of their phone conversation lingered in his mind—the deep connection they forged made him reconsider; maybe it was time to delve deeper into their budding relationship.

With newfound determination, Sunil reached out to Amanda once more, understanding that a lunch meeting could lead to something special.

He proposed cooking lunch for Amanda at his apartment, and while she was receptive, Amanda suggested meeting publicly first due to the unfamiliarity of their situation.

When they finally came face to face, Sunil’s heart raced, but he presented a calm exterior while grappling with waves of emotion that coursed through him.

“I was talking to this person, never expecting to meet her. Now she’s standing in front of me,” he candidly shared, emotions flowing when recalling that moment.

As they transitioned to Sunil’s home for a delectable lunch, excitement tinged with nervous anticipation filled the air.

“I made Amanda some chicken curry, Indian style,” he recounted, delighted to share his culinary skills, which became the foundation for a delightful afternoon filled with conversation.

“I was really impressed by the effort he went to on our first meet-up/date,” Amanda said, reminiscing about how Sunil went above and beyond to make her feel cherished.

“We drank, danced a lot, and were really comfortable together,” Sunil stated, smiling at how the chemistry flowed naturally between them on that memorable evening.

“It was that evening that made me start thinking seriously about a future with Sunil,” Amanda reflected, aware of the budding feelings that took root that night.

Earlier that year, she had received encouragement from her therapist to outline what she sought in a partner on a whiteboard.

“Sunil basically ticked all of the qualities,” Amanda affirmed, realizing the universe aligned beautifully as they explored the depth of their connection further.

As their adventure progressed, Amanda and Sunil contemplated their growing bond and future together.

Before long, they were agreeing that building a life together took precedence, as both felt the whirlwind that had brought them to this point demanded cherishing.

When August 2018 rolled around, Amanda and Sunil got engaged during a romantic vacation in Thailand, solidifying their bond.

Sunil committed to reassuring Amanda’s family—and Amanda felt honored that her relationship was being celebrated.

“It was a fairly quick engagement,” admits Amanda, indicating to some degree of uncertainty that accompanied their rapid decisions.

But their confidence in one another propelled them forward, leading to wedding plans and future chats about a life together.

Sunil decided to propose to Amanda during a magical night river cruise in Bangkok, establishing a beautiful image of romance and intention.

“In my culture, we don’t do this sitting on a knee proposing thing,” Sunil explained, encapsulating the blend of traditions at play as he pondered the proposal process.

Stripped of his initial worries, Sunil finally handed Amanda the ring on that romantic cruise, and she said yes, sealing the moment with a sweetness that only new beginnings could hold.

Following the engagement, Amanda and Sunil decided they would wait a year before she moved to India permanently, allowing their bond to grow naturally.

During the interim, Amanda was preparing for a life change that involved serious considerations, including her job transition and her journey to a new home.

Ultimately, she finalized the decision to relocate, giving up her job, selling her belongings, and leaving her family behind in Brisbane.

“In August 2019, I moved to India, to Chandigarh, to Sunil’s apartment — the same place I visited on that unforgettable first trip when he cooked me lunch,” she recalled with fondness.

For Sunil, that apartment transformed into a true home filled with love, warmth, and memories between the two as they embarked on a new chapter.

Their first weeks in India transitioned into a delightful “honeymoon period,” as Amanda fondly described.

However, Amanda soon realized that this new life wasn’t just a vacation; challenges emerged as she grappled with a language barrier and the absence of her social circle.

Reassuring words from Sunil reminded her, “It’s only been two months,” as he encouraged her to stay positive through the inevitable adjustment period.

Feeling more at home once they got a dog together, the shared responsibility further strengthened their connection as a couple.

A few months after moving to India, the couple solidified their commitment by getting married in a beautiful ceremony that allowed their families to connect for the first time.

“For me, it was the happiest time of my life,” said Amanda, reminiscing about joyful wedding celebrations filled with love and emotional bonds.

Joyful moments played out during the weekend of festivities, as their families found ways to bridge communication barriers amidst shared happiness.

“Sunil’s parents don’t speak any English, my family don’t know any Hindi, yet our happiness resonated,” Amanda fondly recounted.

The wedding weekend unfolded with numerous ceremonies that celebrated their unity, showcasing rich cultural traditions and the blending of their lives amidst cheers of joyous celebration.

“I was really stressed out in the lead up, but I had a big fat smile on my face that day. I was just so happy,” Sunil expressed, reflecting on their special day.

The early days of their marriage were both joyous and trying as the pair navigated the challenges that came with global uncertainties and a pandemic.

“The pandemic was really, really bad here,” Amanda said, reflecting on the difficulties they faced.

Together with their dog, Amanda and Sunil found solace in each other’s company amid a world filled with fear and uncertainty that brought them closer together.

Learning to navigate everyday life, Amanda began picking up skills in the kitchen by mastering Indian cuisine during the shared confinement.

As restrictions eased, the couple adopted a second dog, enhancing their family dynamic while adjusting to life during the pandemic.

“We learned to love, we learned to live, we learned to sacrifice and have patience,” Sunil reflected on the profound growth they experienced during the uncertainty together.

Sunil and Amanda shared heartwarming memories of their transitioned lives, now busy professionals in their own right, and utilized their bond to perk each other up during trying times.

Today, Amanda confidently runs a teaching business called “Aussie English with Amanda,” conducting classes and crafting online courses to help others learn about Australian English while sharing her journey on social media.

Sunil takes immense pride in watching Amanda develop her business, affirming their mutual support for one another’s aspirations and growth within their respective fields.

“When I started developing my online course and I was so busy that I was even forgetting to eat, he would cook me dinner and bring it to me even at 10 p.m.,” Amanda lovingly recounted, highlighting the tender support of their partnership.

With shared fitness goals, Amanda and Sunil spent time together at the gym, engaged in outdoor activities, and explored the breathtaking beauty of northern India, fostering a deeper bond.

Their weekends would turn into delightful culinary explorations and fine dining experiences as they took turns to treat each other, ensuring a balance of affection and care in their relationship.

Ultimately, the couple envisioned their future together, hoping to own a vacation home in Australia, raise a family, and travel the world, pursuing dreams that included shared adventures.

Reflections on their journey confirmed that their love story was forged through unexpected encounters and adventures that changed their lives significantly.

“I just followed this complete stranger because he was good looking,” Amanda acknowledged, realizing how whimsically serendipitous her journey had been.

Sunil mirrored Amanda’s sentiments by classifying their love story as a movie, teeming with unexpected twists and the realization that life continually throws chances our way to embrace.

Their shared message carries profound wisdom: keep your heart open, for incredible opportunities await us, even when we wear protective armor forged by past hurts.

“No matter what you’re going through, you’re going to bump into something really great,” he assured, emphasizing positivity and hope that blossomed from their extraordinary journey together.

Ventures, binding ⁢their ⁤lives through a tapestry ​of shared experiences that spanned ⁢continents and cultures. Amanda and Sunil’s relationship epitomized resilience, growth, and the ability‌ to navigate challenges ‍together, demonstrating that love ‍knows no ⁣borders. With each passing day, they ⁣embraced their differences and celebrated their unity, continually shaping their narrative into a beautiful ⁣testimony of commitment and shared dreams. As they looked towards the future, their hearts ‌were ⁤intertwined with aspirations for a‍ life filled ⁤with joy, love, ⁢and ⁢endless possibilities, hopeful ⁣for new chapters yet to be written in their extraordinary ‌love story.
L and Amanda’s story exemplifies the beauty of love and resilience, showcasing how their relationship thrived amidst life-changing decisions, cultural differences, and global challenges. From Amanda’s bold move from Brisbane to India, securing a new home with Sunil, to their wedding that united their families, each step illustrated their commitment to one another.

Despite the initial “honeymoon period” giving way to real-world challenges, such as language barriers and the effects of the pandemic, their bond only strengthened. They found joy in the chaos, learning not only to navigate everyday life together but also to appreciate the small moments that brought them closer, like cooking together and adopting pets.

As they continued to grow individually and as a couple, both Amanda and Sunil pursued their professional aspirations while supporting each other wholeheartedly. Amanda’s venture into teaching Australian English symbolizes her adaptability and courage, traits mirrored by Sunil’s pride and encouragement in her endeavors.

Together, they build a life rich with shared experiences—whether through fitness, culinary adventures, or exploring beautiful locations. Their dreams of owning a vacation home in Australia and raising a family exhibit a bright and hopeful future ahead.

Ultimately, Amanda’s initial impulsive decision to follow Sunil led to a profound journey of love, partnership, and self-discovery, emphasizing how sometimes the most unexpected paths lead to the most rewarding destinations.

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