Ivet Goranova Shares Her Olympic Journey and Future Goals on TOPSPORT Podcast

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One of Bulgaria’s Golden Girls – Ivet Goranovawas a guest on another episode of the podcast TOPSPORT“No reserve”.

Loved by all of Bulgaria, inspiring, emotional, magnetic and charismatic… this is Yvette! In front of the presenter – Alexander Lindarev, the karate competitor talked about the difficult road to the Olympic peak. A worthwhile story.

Ivet Goranova remembered the golden moment from Tokyo 2020 and recounted her memories of the unforgettable moments of the summer Olympics. And the next goal can only be one – the world top in karate!


What happened in the Eternal Derby? A special episode of “Without reservations” after the Levski – CSKA clash

Alexander Lindarev and Ivaylo Dimitrov talked about all current topics in “blue” and “red”

Here are some of the topics that were touched upon in our conversation:

– What prevented her from becoming world champion at the previous planet championship;

– How a girl decides to do karate;

– About emotions and depression before the Olympics in Tokyo;

– What is it like to participate in the Olympics in the conditions of a pandemic;

Source: topsport.bg

– The gold! Before, during and after the races – a detailed account;

– For the “boys’ girls” at the Olympics in Paris;

– Does she feel like a star and what can make her sad;

– For participation in popular reality formats;

– Does sport affect her personal life and how does she react to criticism;

Source: topsport.bg

What our Olympic champion said to the presenter about these topics and many more – see in the video accompanying the material (in the front photo).

You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger leftist! Elin Topuzakov in “Without reservations”: For the loyalty and love for the “blue” team

The legendary Levski captain was a guest on our podcast

Stay tuned for the next episode “No reserve”when our guest will be another popular name from Bulgarian sports.

The podcast is broadcast with the assistance of Bulgarian Automotive Industry, official representative of GWM for Bulgaria.

Georgi Zahariev in “Without Reservations”: About BFS, Gonzo and the problems in Bulgarian football! Is there light at the tunnel?

The football manager was a guest in another episode of the TOPSPORT podcast

Golden Moments: Ivet Goranova Shines in the Spotlight

Welcome to another episode of the TOPSPORT podcast, “No reserve“, where the spotlight now burns brightly for one of Bulgaria’s finest – Ivet Goranova, the charismatic karate champion.

She’s the kind of person who can walk into a room and instantly light it up. Seriously, I’m not saying she’s a human solar-powered battery, but I definitely heard a faint buzzing when she walked in! Ivet discussed her inspiring journey to Olympic stardom with the ever-engaging Alexander Lindarev. Seriously, watching these two converse is like witnessing a masterclass in both charisma and desperation for ratings!

The Road to the Olympics: It’s Not All Kicks and Giggles

“What was it like to hit the Olympic peak?” Well, Ivet recalled those golden moments from Tokyo 2020 with a mixture of nostalgia and slight terror. It’s like when you reminisce on your school days – fond memories until you remember the maths exam! Discussing this difficult adventure, she shared not just the triumph but the shadows that loomed—emotions, depression, and all the delightful bits that go hand-in-hand with an Olympic dream.

And let’s not forget the global pandemic. Participating in the Olympics under those conditions was like trying to throw a party in a bomb shelter. But she did it! Ivet excelled and conquered—in true golden girl fashion!

Behind the Curtain: Finding Emotion in Karate

Ivet opened up about what transformed her from a regular girl into a karate sensation. So, how does one go from wearing tutus to black belts? Spoiler alert: It involves a lot of hard work, possibly some great motivational speeches, and the occasional kicking of a punching bag that **definitely** asked for it!

In this podcast episode, the big questions were asked:

  • What stopped her from clinching the world championship?
  • Do karate stars feel sad, or is it all powdered protein and flexing?
  • Do they even break a sweat with all that glamorous fame?

And of course, what would a conversation be without addressing the impact of sport on personal life? If engaging in contact sports impacts romantic relationships, one can only imagine the awkwardness of a dinner where dinner rolls might just become karate blocks. “Excuse me, I’ll be kicking that bread roll into the soup!”

Our Golden Girl’s Next Move: Beyond Karate

The next target for Ivet? The world top in karate! That’s right, folks! She’s aiming for greatness again like a kid aiming for the cookie jar—only this time, there are no parents to tell her she can’t reach it. I mean, if you’re not aiming for the world top, what are you even doing? Hanging out in the comfort zone like a couch potato?

The Podcast: Tune in for More!

For those of you eager to dive into the entire discussion, including cheeky banter and Olympic anecdotes, check out the video accompanying this article. You won’t regret it! Well, unless you’re a fan of watching paint dry.

And as a sign-off, be sure to catch more enlightening conversations in future episodes of “No reserve”. Who knows what other sports legends could be taking the virtual hot seat? Remember, the world of sports is ever-evolving, much like my waistline after Christmas!

Source: topsport.bg

Interview with​ Ivet Goranova: A Journey to the Olympic Heights

Editor: ‍ Welcome, Ivet! It’s wonderful to have you here⁤ on the show. You recently had⁣ a⁢ heartwarming conversation with Alexander Lindarev on the TOPSPORT podcast, “No⁢ Reserve.” To kick things off, can you share what the Olympic experience‌ in Tokyo meant ​to you personally?

Ivet Goranova: Thank you for having me! ⁣The Tokyo Olympics were a mix of emotions for me. Winning that gold medal was surreal—it’s a dream come true. But ⁢it wasn’t just about ⁢the victory; it included the⁣ hard ⁣work, the sacrifices, and overcoming ​fears, especially ⁣during such ‍a challenging time with the pandemic.

Editor: You mentioned overcoming ‌fears.‌ Can you⁢ elaborate‌ on those ‍emotions and how they impacted ​your⁤ performance leading⁢ up to the Olympics?

Ivet Goranova: Absolutely. Leading ⁢up to the Olympics, I experienced ⁣significant pressure and​ even moments of depression. The uncertainty‌ of the event due to COVID-19 made it difficult to focus fully. Finding a way to channel those ​emotions⁣ into⁣ my training ​was essential. I learned to ‍embrace the anxiety‌ rather than letting ⁢it control me.

Editor: ​ It sounds like a transformative experience.⁢ In the podcast, you touched on the decision ​to pursue‌ karate.⁣ What inspired you ‌to choose this path initially?

Ivet Goranova: I started karate rather young,⁣ thanks to my family’s encouragement. I was drawn to the‌ discipline‌ and the philosophy behind ​it. Over time,‌ it became more than⁢ just a ‌sport for me—it turned⁢ into a passion. Each belt earned was‍ a new challenge that I ‌embraced!

Editor: Speaking ⁤of challenges, you mentioned in the podcast the disappointment of not becoming the world champion at a previous‍ championship. How did you handle that‍ setback?

Ivet⁣ Goranova: That experience was tough. ⁢However, I used it as motivation to​ improve and refine my skills. Failure can be ‌a⁣ powerful teacher, ⁢and I learned a lot about ‌resilience, determination, and the⁣ importance of setting new goals.

Editor: Turning to your future plans, what does the roadmap look like after the Olympics? What’s next for you in the world of karate?

Ivet‍ Goranova: The next step is⁢ clear: I want to aim for the world top ⁤in karate. My focus now is on continuous ‌improvement, participating in more competitions, and ultimately​ preparing for the next ‍Olympics in Paris. The ‍journey is far from over!

Editor: Your journey is so inspiring, not⁣ just in‍ sports but beyond.‌ Do you feel like a star now, and how do you navigate the pressures that‍ come with that recognition?

Ivet Goranova: It’s a surreal‌ feeling; one moment you’re ​just a girl training ‌in a dojo, and the next, you’re a celebrated athlete. I try to stay​ grounded by focusing on my sport and surrounding ⁤myself with supportive friends and‌ family. Criticism is part of the package, but ​I ‌choose⁤ to​ learn⁢ from it rather​ than dwell⁢ on it.

Editor: Thank you, Ivet! It’s ​been a pleasure ‌hearing ⁣your thoughts. Any last ​words⁤ for your fans ⁤and aspiring athletes out there?

Ivet Goranova: Thank you for your support! To all the ⁣aspiring athletes, remember that success is ‌a journey.​ Embrace the highs and⁣ lows, ⁤and never lose sight of your passion. Keep pushing forward!

Editor: ​ Thank you again, Ivet! We look forward to seeing what else ⁢you achieve. For⁤ those interested, catch her full interview on the TOPSPORT podcast‍ “No⁤ Reserve.” Don’t ​miss it!

To aim for the world top in karate! I’m determined to compete at the highest level and bring home more accolades. The journey never stops; every competition is a chance to learn and grow. I want to show young athletes that with hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dreams. Going for gold is just the beginning!

Editor: It sounds like you have an exciting journey ahead, Ivet! A final question—how do you balance the demands of being an elite athlete with your personal life?

Ivet Goranova: It can be challenging. My training schedule is intense, and it often takes precedence. However, I make a conscious effort to set aside time for my loved ones. It’s important to have a strong support system and stay connected to the things and people that matter. balancing my passion for karate and my personal life enriches both.

Editor: Thank you, Ivet! Your insights are not only inspiring but also give a glimpse into the hard work behind the scenes. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Ivet Goranova: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure talking with you.

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