Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna – program book presentation | City of Vienna

Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna – program book presentation | City of Vienna

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2024-10-25 11:46:00

Today the program book of Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna, a Wien Holding company, was presented by festival year director Roland Geyer, together with Mayor Michael Ludwig and City Councilor for Culture Veronica Kaup-Hasler, in the City Senate meeting room in Vienna City Hall. 65 productions on around 250 days, with 40 partners, with more than 400 artists, at 69 locations, in all 23 districts of Vienna, in 10 genres make up the program of Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna. General advance sales begin with the publication of the program book.

The music of Johann Strauss has shaped Vienna’s reputation as a music metropolis for around 180 years and continues to inspire worldwide. It radiates joie de vivre and optimism and will have the whole city celebrating in 2025. October 25th marks the 200th anniversary of Strauss’s birthday. The city of Vienna is dedicating a special kind of celebration to this anniversary: ​​Together with around 40 partners from the colorful Viennese cultural scene and a large number of international, top-class artists, Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna will present 65 productions of different genres for all age groups and show the exceptional Viennese composer all its facets. The program provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse jubilee year that lets Vienna shine in all its glory. It is built on three pillars:

PUR – presents the original Strauss music and homagessuch as this Memorial concert (January 19) under the direction of the famous Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv, the Operetten-Pasticcio (March 29) with the Vienna Philharmonic under the direction of Franz Welser-Möst and with soprano Christiane Karg and tenor Piotr Beczal̸a, or the double birthday concerts (October 25): The Vienna Philharmonic under conductor Tugan Sokhiev will play, among other things, a premiere of Georg Breinschmid, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under conductor Manfred Honeck with violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter present a world premiere by Max Richter at the Musikverein Vienna. This also includes the Theater Museum, which, together with the Vienna Library in the town hall, will close its doors on December 4th Johann Strauss – The exhibition opens. At the same time opened with Johann Strauss – New Dimensions a new permanent exhibition with “ART & TECH Museum Experience”. These exhibitions are available as a combined ticket.

MIX – combines themes from Strauss’ life and music, creates something new from them, and thereby creates new perspectivesHow CagliostroJohann Strauss in the circus tent (Premiere September 10th) by Thomas Brezina and Johnny Bertl in the tent of the Circus Theater Roncalli at Heumarkt, a concert in Krapfenwaldlbad (August 25th) with 5/8erl in honor Sound path with the Austrian Composers Association and subsequent Ö1 Culture Picnic “Am Himmel” (August 3rd) with Viktor Gernot, among others; MUSIQUE – In the Spirit of Johann Strauss a commissioned work with Mathilde Monnier’s dance theater and Dance On Ensemble in cooperation with ImPulsTanz (premiere May 10th) in the Volkstheater, The Song of the Edge of the World or The “Gypsy Baron” (Premiere March 25th) with a new libretto by the contemporary German playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig and in a new version by Musicbanda Franui (Markus Kraler/Andreas Schett), Nestervals Fürst*in Ninetta (Premiere February 15) in the Dianabad. The Strauss Festival Marathon ends on December 31, 2025 with Nikolaus Habjan and surprise guests in the Theater an der Wien, when it is said By(e) Strauss – a summary of the gala celebration.

OFF catapults Strauss’ music into new dimensions and presents Strauss in unusual perspectives. The festival year starts with a “double bang” at Rathausplatz on Vienna’s New Year’s Eve Trail with a 100-strong band of Viennese musicians who will perform with the Austrian star percussionist Martin Grubinger, the singer Ankathie Koi and MyGroove artists such as Max Mutzke. At the same time, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is opening the new year with chief conductor Petr Popelka and piper Nikolaus Habjan in the Vienna Konzerthaus. Ankathie Koi will spectacularly combine tradition and modernity and “rock” at midnight on the Rathausplatz and then on the stage of the Vienna Konzerthaus Schwipslied perform. Other off-productions like The Waltz of Time (premiere January 19th) with a performance in the Vienna Ferris Wheel with theaternyx*, an escape room (from January 3rd) by Deborah Sengl in the MuseumsQuartier, Sleep (March 8th) with Max Richter in the Malersaal, Light bouquet (from March 21st) by Victoria Coeln in the Vienna City Park, on a Danube cruise (March 22nd) with Ernst Molden, a world record in waltz dancing at the Vienna City Marathon (April 6th), SAVE THE LAST WALTZ FOR ME by Oskar Haag & Oliver Welter from the Central Cemetery to the Vienna Konzerthaus (June 6th), OCT. opus 25 (from August 15th) an installation and performance by and with God’s Entertainment and other artists at Karlsplatz, Red Bull Symphonic – Johann Strauss 2025 Edition with Camo & Krooked, Christian Kolonovits and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra at the Donauinselfest on the FM4 stage (June 20th) and in the Vienna Konzerthaus (September 18th/19th), the BAT.BOUQUET (Premiere November 25th) in the Odeon round off the festival program.

Tickets available now!

Tickets are available now available! The program book, with a numbered edition of 2025 copies, can be pre-ordered from bookstores and can be downloaded free of charge from the website.

Mayor Michael Ludwig: “With the incomparable year-round festival Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna on the occasion of the 200th birthday of the Waltz King, Vienna will once again establish and prove itself as the world capital of music. As Mayor of Vienna, I would like to thank the director of Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna, Roland Geyer, and his team for the preparation and planning of this exceptional festival. And I wish the Viennese and music lovers from all over the world a lot of enjoyment at the highest level!”

Roland Geyer, artistic director Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna: “Johann Strauss is synonymous with waltz, Vienna and joy of life. His music evokes positive dynamics, hope and happy endings. The annual festival program looks at the Waltz King from many different perspectives, brings surprising facets to light and would like to invite all Viennese and guests of our city to join in the celebration. Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna will delight audiences with a new premiere every week from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Eve and let Vienna shine culturally.”

Finance and Economics City Councilor Peter Hanke: “With the festival year we are not only increasing the international awareness of Johann Strauss. The numerous events and highlights of the festival year will also delight the Viennese and guests from home and abroad. The additional attractions will strengthen Vienna’s city tourism in 2025 and by integrating the Viennese artists, business and tourism, added value will be achieved directly and sustainably.”

City Councilor for Culture Veronica Kaup-Hasler: “I am extremely looking forward to the 2025 festival year, which will allow so many aspects of this city’s cultural-political mission to be experienced: interdisciplinary collaboration and networking of a wide variety of partners, whether institutions or independent scenes, ensembles or orchestras, as well as a diverse program: in all of them In 23 districts of the city, centrally and decentrally, Johann Strauss and the unifying power of his music can be experienced and made accessible in a variety of formats for young people and people of old age. Let’s celebrate the Waltz King together!”

Wien Holding Managing Director Kurt Gollowitzer: “In 2025, Johann Strauss will play an important role in numerous Wien Holding companies and enjoy an outstanding presence. A special thank you goes to the managers and team who designed this program. We are looking forward to celebrating the anniversary together with Johann.Strauss-Festjahr2025 GmbH.”

About Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna

Johann.Strauss-Festjahr2025 GmbH is a Wien Holding company founded by the City of Vienna. On the occasion of Johann Strauss’ 200th birthday, a year-round festival will be presented in Vienna in 2025 under the direction of Roland Geyer. Based on three program pillars, the program ranges from classic Strauss concerts and operettas to contemporary performance art. The diversity and cultural vibrancy of Vienna is celebrated with an enormous range of artistic performances and city-wide events. In 2025, Johann Strauss lets the entire city beat Vienna in three-quarter time.

Press photos:

Photos for the broadcast can be found in the Wien Holding press area available. Reproduction free of charge in the course of reporting with mention of the copyright.


#Johann #Strauss #Vienna #program #book #presentation #City #Vienna

Interview with Roland Geyer, Festival Director of Johann Strauss​ 2025 Vienna

Interviewer: ‍ Thank you for joining us today, Roland. You just ‌presented the exciting​ program for Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna.‌ Can you ⁣tell​ our audience what ‌inspired this extensive celebration?

Roland Geyer: Thank ⁣you ⁢for having⁣ me! The inspiration behind Johann Strauss ‍2025 ‌Vienna comes from the extraordinary‌ legacy of Johann Strauss himself, often revered as⁣ the “Waltz King.” Celebrating his 200th birthday allows us to honor​ his contributions ⁢to ‍Vienna’s cultural identity ‍while showcasing his ⁣music’s timeless joy and optimism. We want this festival to be⁤ a vibrant showcase for all ages, capturing Strauss’s essence ⁣through various artistic lenses.

Interviewer: The program features a staggering 65 ⁣productions across 250 days.​ What can attendees expect​ in terms of diversity and ⁢genre?

Roland Geyer: Absolutely!⁢ The festival is‌ designed around three pillars: PUR, MIX, and OFF. Under PUR, we present Strauss’s original works and‍ special tributes, like our ‍ Memorial ​Concert ​and the Operetten-Pasticcio. MIX involves innovative⁣ productions that⁤ reinterpret his life and music, while⁣ OFF takes Strauss into new territories and perspectives—like our unique performances ‍at‍ unusual ⁢venues. ⁣We have music, dance, ⁢theater, ‌and even escape rooms! ‌There’s truly something for everyone.

Interviewer: One highlight is the premiere of several new works. Can you share ⁣more details about them?

Roland Geyer: ‌Certainly!⁢ We⁣ have exciting premieres, such as Cagliostro – Johann Strauss in the‍ Circus Tent ⁢ and The Gypsy Baron ​ with a modern twist by playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig. ⁤We’re thrilled⁣ to feature renowned⁢ artists, ‍including the Vienna ⁣Philharmonic and international stars like Anne-Sophie Mutter. These new interpretations are ​meant⁢ to ‌ignite fresh conversations ‌around ​Strauss’s music ⁤and legacy.

Interviewer: ⁢ Vienna prides itself⁢ as ‌a “music metropolis.”⁣ How do you believe this festival⁤ will reinforce that identity?

Roland Geyer: The festival not‌ only ‌seeks to enhance Vienna’s reputation as a ⁤music capital but also‍ aims to engage with local and ⁢international audiences. By collaborating with over 40 partners, it⁢ strengthens the cultural⁤ fabric of the city. This year-long⁢ celebration promises to put Vienna in the global spotlight, showcasing our​ wealth of talent‌ and cultural⁣ vibrancy.

Interviewer: ⁤ What ⁢message do you want to convey to those who might be visiting ‌Vienna during‍ Johann Strauss 2025?

Roland Geyer: ⁣ I hope visitors leave with a profound appreciation‌ for our city’s⁢ rich musical heritage. We want them to experience joy, excitement, and inspiration through our event. There’s a special⁤ ambiance during this festival ‌that ​encapsulates Vienna’s spirit, bridging history with contemporary creativity. We invite everyone to join us as we ⁤celebrate Strauss in all his ⁤glory!

Interviewer: Thank you, Roland. We ​look forward to the celebrations in 2025!

Roland Geyer: Thank you! It will be​ a⁤ remarkable year, and I can’t wait to welcome everyone to⁣ the festivities.

Interview with Roland Geyer, Festival Director of Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Roland. You recently presented the exciting program for Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna. Can you tell our audience what inspired this extensive celebration?

Roland Geyer: Thank you for having me! The inspiration for Johann Strauss 2025 Vienna comes from the remarkable legacy of Johann Strauss, often known as the “Waltz King.” Celebrating his 200th birthday allows us to honor his contributions to Vienna’s cultural identity while showcasing the timeless joy and optimism found in his music. We aim for this festival to be a vibrant celebration for all ages, capturing the essence of Strauss through diverse artistic expressions.

Interviewer: The program features a staggering 65 productions over 250 days. What can attendees expect in terms of diversity and genre?

Roland Geyer: Absolutely! The festival is structured around three pillars: PUR, MIX, and OFF. The PUR category presents original Strauss works and special tributes, such as the Memorial Concert and the Operetten-Pasticcio. The MIX pillar comprises innovative productions that reinterpret Strauss’s life and music, while OFF catapults his work into unexpected territories—think unique performances in unusual venues. We have a little bit of everything: music, dance, theater, and even escape rooms! There’s truly something for everyone.

Interviewer: One highlight is the premiere of several new works. Can you share more details about them?

Roland Geyer: Certainly! We’re excited about premieres such as Cagliostro – Johann Strauss in the Circus Tent and The Gypsy Baron featuring a modern twist from playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig. We’ll also showcase renowned artists, including the Vienna Philharmonic and international stars like Anne-Sophie Mutter. These fresh interpretations are intended to spark new conversations around Strauss’s music and enduring legacy.

Interviewer: Vienna prides itself as a “music metropolis.” How do you believe this festival will reinforce that identity?

Roland Geyer: This festival is a celebration of Vienna’s rich musical history and contemporary vibrancy. By bringing together a multitude of events and performances throughout the city, we aim to affirm Vienna’s standing as a global music capital. We want both locals and visitors to immerse themselves in Strauss’s music in various formats, thereby reinforcing our city’s cultural significance and its commitment to creative expression for generations to come.

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