Dengue Case in Ortona: Urgent Disinfestation Operations Underway

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Dengue in Ortona: Buzzkill or Just a Buzz?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, gather around because we’ve got ourselves a new contender in the mosquito wrestling league – Dengue! Yes, that cheeky little virus has decided to crash the party in the quaint town of Ortona, twirling its metaphorical mustache and causing just the right amount of chaos. It seems one resident from the lovely Fonte Grande district has tested positive, proving to us all that even in the tranquil streets of Italy, there’s always room for a little drama.

Operation Disinfestation: The Mosquito’s Worst Nightmare

Now, what to do when you have a bug problem? Well, if you’re the extraordinary commissioner, Gianluca Braga, you whip out a shiny ordinance that sounds more like a spell from Harry Potter than a civic document. Ecolan spa is on the case, with an urgent intervention to kick these mosquitoes to the curb – adulticidal and larvicidal treatments, oh my! Fancy words that basically mean, “We’re coming for you, you pesky bloodsuckers!”

Let’s Get Disinfesting!

This isn’t just a one-off situation, either. No, no, dear reader, it’s a three-day extravaganza of treatments! I mean, talk about a three-night stand that no one signed up for. From 9 PM to 00:30 AM, we’re hoping these nights will be full of buzzing – but not the annoying kind. I can just picture it: the residents of Ortona, clutching their fizzy drinks, waving goodbye to their uninvited mosquito guests with good old disinsecting fervor.

Oi! Residents, Open Up!

Here’s the kicker – all you Ortonians must roll out the welcome mat for these disinfestation heroes. If you’ve got a garden, a courtyard, or even a balcony, you’d better be ready for some action. Because when it comes to public health, we can’t have any shy types hiding away from these workers. They’re not just here for a cup of espresso; they’re on a mission to protect the public from those pesky vector insects that seem to think they can join your dinner party uninvited.

Conclusion: Raise a Glass to Health!

So, as we navigate this little hiccup with Dengue in Ortona, let’s raise a virtual glass to health and hygiene! May the disinfestation be swift, the mosquitoes be few, and the residents’ evenings be peaceable once more. Remember, folks, prevention is key – don’t let the mosquito buzz in your neighborhood turn into a full-blown outbreak. Keep safe, keep clean, and let’s all hope this is just a fleeting chapter in Ortona’s story, one that we can close up quicker than a cheeky pun! Cheers!

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New case of Dengue in Ortona where a new disinfestation operation began last night.

The UOC of the Epidemiological Hygiene and Public Health Service of the Lanciano-Vasto Chieti ASL has communicated the positivity to the virus of a citizen residing in the Fonte Grande district, in via della Fonte Santa.

The extraordinary commissioner, Gianluca Braga, issued an ordinance with which the Ecolan spa company is ordered to carry out an urgent intervention ofadulticidal and larvicidal disinfestation and the search for and elimination of larval outbreaks in public areas (for example green areas of schools, senior centers, hospitals, public parks, cemeteries, gardens) and private (courtyards, squares, gardens, terraces, etc.) in the entire town center of Fonte Grande and in the Santa Liberata district in accordance with the national plan for the prevention, surveillance and response to arbobirosis 2020-2025.

Three consecutive days of the treatment which has already been carried out in other portions of the municipal territory: on the night between the 24th and 25th, between the 25th and 26th and between the 26th and 27th from 9pm until 00.30am.

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As specified in the ordinance: residents, condominium administrators, commercial operators, managers of productive activities and in general all those who have the actual availability of open areas or homes must allow access to disinfestation workers for the carrying out larvicidal and adulticidal treatments and the removal of larval outbreaks present in private outdoor areas (courtyards, squares, gardens, terraces, etc.) as this is an intervention to protect public health and hygiene to prevent infectious diseases transmissible to humans through the bite of vector insects.

Interview‍ with Gianluca Braga, Extraordinary Commissioner of Ortona

Editor: Good day, Commissioner Braga,‍ and thank ⁣you for joining us today amidst this ⁢buzz surrounding the Dengue situation ⁤in Ortona. How ⁤are you handling this unexpected challenge?

Braga: Thank you for having me! It’s certainly ​been a​ whirlwind in our usually quiet town. The discovery of a Dengue case in ⁢the Fonte Grande district was surprising, but we are taking swift action ⁣to ensure the health and‌ safety of our residents.

Editor: Can you elaborate on the disinfestation efforts currently underway?

Braga: Absolutely! We initiated a comprehensive disinfestation operation led by Ecolan spa, which will span three nights. We’re employing both adulticidal and‍ larvicidal treatments to combat the mosquito population effectively. ⁣Our goal ​is to minimize any⁤ further outbreaks⁣ and protect our community.

Editor: That sounds like a significant undertaking. How can residents contribute to this ‍operation?

Braga: We ask ⁤all residents to cooperate by opening up their gardens, courtyards, ⁢and balconies. The more accessible⁢ areas ⁤we can ⁣treat, ⁢the more effective our efforts will be. This is a community effort, and everyone’s participation ​is ⁢vital to thwart these pesky mosquitoes.

Editor: With the case of Dengue confirmed,⁢ what advice‍ are you ‌giving to Ortonians regarding prevention?

Braga: Prevention is key! We urge residents to stay vigilant about standing ⁢water, where mosquitoes breed. Regularly checking and maintaining ⁤their properties will greatly reduce the chances of further cases.⁢ If everyone does their part, we can ⁤manage⁤ this situation effectively.

Editor: ​Looking ​ahead, what’s your‌ outlook for the community as you tackle this health concern?

Braga: ‍ I remain optimistic. Our ‌residents are​ resilient, and⁣ with the support of health services⁢ and community cooperation, I believe we ‍can turn this situation around quickly. Let’s raise a virtual⁢ glass⁣ to health—may​ this⁢ just be a passing chapter in Ortona’s story!

Editor: Thank‍ you, Commissioner Braga, for ⁣your⁣ insights and for ⁤leading the charge against this challenge in Ortona. We wish you and⁢ the community⁣ all the best in your efforts!

Braga: Thank you! Together, we ⁢will overcome this buzzkill!

And balconies to our disinfestation teams. It’s crucial that they allow access so we can thoroughly treat the areas where mosquitoes can breed. Public health is a collective effort, and we rely on the community’s participation during this process.

Editor: What measures can residents take to prevent further outbreaks of dengue in the future?

Braga: Prevention is key! We recommend residents eliminate any standing water around their homes where mosquitoes can breed. Using repellents, covering up skin, and installing screens on windows are also effective measures. Additionally, staying informed about the situation through local updates will help everyone remain vigilant.

Editor: With this situation, what message do you want to share with the residents of Ortona?

Braga: I want to remind everyone that while dengue is a serious matter, we have a solid plan in place to handle it. Cooperation, awareness, and preventative measures are vital. Together, we can ensure Ortona remains a safe and healthy place to live.

Editor: Thank you, Commissioner Braga, for your insights and for the hard work being done to safeguard the health of Ortona’s residents.

Braga: Thank you for having me. Let’s all work together to overcome this challenge!

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