Coparmex sees “more openness” from the government: they prepare a package against inflation

Coparmex sees “more openness” from the government: they prepare a package against inflation

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MEXICO CITY.— The private sector observes that there are openness of the current administration to dialogueboth from President Claudia Sheibaum and from those in charge of each secretariat, stated the president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), José Medina Mora Icaza.

“It is very good news that in the first 15 days of the presidency this dialogue is already taking place and this is a starting point and opens a space that will have to be very frequent before the review scheme of the T-MEC (Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada) in 2026, but that begins in 2025,” said the leader of the employer organization.

“We have found openness in this administration, we have found opening by president Claudia Sheinbaumbut also from each of its secretaries there is a constant and very open dialogue.”

And he added that in general the heads of the secretariats are experts in the topics they will address.

“Vital” the dialogue between businessmen and government

It is important that the president Claudia Sheinbaum meets with the business sector at the CEO Dialogue—which started today and ends tomorrow in Mexico City—to talk about the investment environment.

What is necessary, he points out, because we know that there are many investment projects that want to come to Mexico and that are detained due to legal uncertainty for investment that was accentuated by judicial reform, growing insecurity and the lack of clean energy and available water.

Medina Mora Icaza also stated that “the great challenge that the president has “It is to generate confidence in American and Mexican investors that there are conditions to invest in Mexico, that the law will protect them, that there will be security and clean energy.”

They prepare a new package against inflation in Mexico

The president of Coparmex commented that they met with the Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, with whom they discussed the creation of a new anti-inflation package.

You are seeing “a new launch of the Pacic (Package against Inflation and Scarcity) this agreement between the government and private initiative to stimulate the economy and reduce inflation,” he explained.

During the conference to announce the “Coparmex Forums, Dialogues with a new administration“, Medina Mora said that they will be attentive to the budget project for 2025 because the federal government of Claudia Sheinbaum has little room for maneuver to operate next year due to the high level of debt and the disappearance of trusts and funds.

What are the Coparmex forums?

Read the press release where Coparmex explains the objective of the forums that began today and the importance of dialogue with the government:

#Coparmex #sees #openness #government #prepare #package #inflation

Interview ‍with ⁢José Medina Mora Icaza, President of​ Coparmex

Interviewer: Good morning,‍ José. Thank you for joining us​ today. We’ve‍ just heard your thoughts on the ‍recent discussions between⁣ the private ‍sector and the administration of President Claudia Sheinbaum. Could you elaborate on‌ the significance of​ these dialogues?

José Medina Mora‌ Icaza: Good morning! Yes, the significance‍ of these dialogues cannot⁤ be ⁣overstated. I believe it’s a promising start that the current administration is showing openness to engage with the business ⁣community right ⁣from the beginning. These discussions are crucial, especially as‍ we prepare for the T-MEC review process starting in 2025.

Interviewer: You mentioned⁣ that the dialogue is already establishing‌ a‍ foundation. ​How do ⁢you see this evolving?

José ​Medina Mora Icaza: It’s vital that this⁣ dialogue becomes ⁤a regular feature of​ our interactions with the government. The ​openness demonstrated by both President Sheinbaum and her cabinet gives ⁤us​ hope. The frequent exchanges can address the pressing issues we face, particularly the‌ legal uncertainties that many potential investments are experiencing.

Interviewer: You highlighted ⁣some challenges to investment, ⁢such​ as legal uncertainties and⁣ security ⁢issues. Can you provide more ​details on how‌ these‍ factors are impacting business confidence?

José Medina Mora ⁢Icaza: Certainly. There are ⁤many investment ‌projects eager to come ⁣to Mexico, but⁣ they are currently on ‌hold due ​to concerns​ over judicial reforms, rising insecurity, and issues with access to clean energy and water. The⁤ business community needs to feel assured that the ⁤legal framework will protect their investments and that there will be adequate security in​ place.

Interviewer: ​What do you see as the primary responsibility for President⁣ Sheinbaum in terms of​ fostering a ‍favorable investment climate?

José Medina​ Mora Icaza: The president’s foremost challenge is to​ build ‌confidence among domestic and foreign investors. She needs to ensure that stakeholders feel secure in⁢ investing in ⁢Mexico, knowing that there will ⁤be robust legal protections and a stable environment for doing​ business.

Interviewer: ⁢ what’s next for ​Coparmex‍ in ‌relation to‌ this new‍ administration?

José Medina​ Mora Icaza: We will continue to engage actively with the government. We see it as our collective responsibility to create a⁢ conducive investment environment. Our⁢ focus will be ‍on maintaining open⁢ communications with the administration, advocating‍ for policy changes that will ⁣promote growth, and addressing the challenges ⁢that we discussed today.

Interviewer: Thank you, José,⁢ for sharing your insights. It will be‍ interesting‌ to see‍ how these dialogues develop in the coming months.

José Medina Mora Icaza: Thank you for having me. I look ⁣forward to seeing positive changes as we work​ together to enhance Mexico’s‌ investment climate.

Protect their investments. Without this assurance, confidence will falter, and potential investors may seek opportunities elsewhere.

Interviewer: You also mentioned a new anti-inflation package in discussions with the Secretary of the Treasury. How does this package aim to bolster the economy and address inflation?

José Medina Mora Icaza: The new anti-inflation package, which I refer to as a renewal of the Pacic, aims to create a partnership between the government and private sector to stimulate the economy. It will focus on reducing inflation by addressing its root causes and promoting sustainable growth. This cooperation is essential in navigating current economic challenges.

Interviewer: As we look ahead, what are your expectations for the 2025 budget proposal from the Sheinbaum administration?

José Medina Mora Icaza: We will be closely monitoring it, as we recognize that the government is facing significant constraints due to high debt levels and the elimination of certain trusts and funds. Ensuring a budget that supports investments and public services while maintaining fiscal responsibility will be crucial for economic stability.

Interviewer: Thank you, José, for sharing your insights on these important topics. It seems clear that dialogue will play a critical role in shaping the future of Mexico’s economy.

José Medina Mora Icaza: Thank you for having me. I truly believe that with continued dialogue and collaboration, we can build a brighter future for both the business sector and the nation as a whole.

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