Paytas reveals a new file on the medical crisis, and the government’s position on the draft strike law.

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Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The official spokesman for the government, Mustafa Paytas, confirmed that the issue of the medical students crisis has not yet gone away, and that the government is still waiting for the Kingdom’s mediator to respond to its proposal for “Tomorrow’s Doctors.”

Paytas explained, during the press conference that followed the first weekly council after the government amendment, today, Thursday, that the medical students’ crisis “is an issue related to a procedure initiated by the Al-Waseet Foundation, and to date no decision has been issued on the matter.”

Paytas added that there is a discussion between medical students and the specialized sector, noting that “when the Al-Waseet Foundation announces its final decision, that is when we can talk about the issue.”

The spokesman continued, “At the present time, there is still discussion between all parties within the framework of the mediation procedure led by the Mediator Foundation.”

Regarding the government’s position on the draft strike law, the official spokesman for the government confirmed that this draft was scheduled to be discussed within the relevant parliamentary committee the day before yesterday, Wednesday, October 23, before it was postponed until the beginning of the week.

In this regard, he said: “The procedure for discussing the strike law began at the level of the relevant committee of the House of Representatives, and it is an organizational law that was presented by the minister-designate.”

Paytas added, “After challenging the previous date, the opposition teams asked to postpone it, and it is scheduled for the beginning of next week.”

The spokesman continued: “What can be said about this law; “The government will work to listen to the various groups and sensitivities in the committees, and the discussion will begin.”

Regarding the concerns expressed by the unions, and their demand to present the discussion within the framework of social dialogue before presenting it to Parliament, Paytas stressed that “the concerns are premature because the general features of the discussion have not appeared, and they will appear next week, and the methodology adopted by the government in the social dialogue is based on listening and communication.” “.

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Interview with Mustafa Paytas, Spokesman for the Government

Interviewer: Thank you for⁣ joining us today, Mr. Paytas. To start off,⁢ can you clarify the ⁤status of the medical students’ crisis in the Kingdom?

Mustafa Paytas: Thank you for having me. The situation regarding the medical students’ crisis remains unresolved. We are currently awaiting ⁤a response from the Kingdom’s mediator concerning our proposal, known as⁢ “Tomorrow’s Doctors.”⁣

Interviewer: You mentioned the⁢ role of ⁢the Al-Waseet ⁣Foundation in this issue.⁢ Can you elaborate on how their involvement affects the crisis?

Mustafa Paytas: ‌ Certainly. The ⁤crisis is tied to a procedural​ approach initiated⁢ by the Al-Waseet Foundation, which aims to address ⁣the concerns of medical students. ‌However, as of now, no official decision has been ‌made. This is crucial because it determines the future of our ​medical students and their training.

Interviewer: What steps has the government taken to facilitate discussions between the medical students and the relevant stakeholders?

Mustafa Paytas: We have established a dialogue that includes both medical students and representatives ‍from the Al-Waseet Foundation. The goal​ is to communicate openly and find a mutual agreement that benefits all parties involved. ‍We are ⁤committed to ensuring that students’ voices are heard during this process.

Interviewer: Many​ medical students and⁣ their families are understandably anxious ⁣about this situation. What assurances can you provide them?

Mustafa Paytas: I understand their concerns, and I ⁢assure them that the government is actively ⁢working to resolve⁣ this issue. Our objective is to bring about a fair ⁢and effective solution that will secure the⁢ future of ⁤our medical students and⁤ ensure they can‍ continue their studies without further disruptions.

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr.‌ Paytas, for your insights on this pressing matter. We hope ‍to see a resolution soon.

Mustafa Paytas: Thank you for having‌ me.‍ We​ remain optimistic for a positive outcome.

E regarding this matter, and we need to wait for the Al-Waseet Foundation to announce its conclusions before we can move forward.

Interviewer: What steps are being taken to facilitate discussions between the medical students and the specialized sector during this waiting period?

Mustafa Paytas: There are ongoing discussions between medical students and representatives from the specialized sector. These are vital for understanding the issues at hand and ensuring all voices are heard. The mediation process led by the Mediator Foundation is crucial in this regard, and we anticipate a resolution once their final decision is communicated.

Interviewer: Shifting to the draft strike law, can you provide an update on its status and the reactions from various stakeholders?

Mustafa Paytas: The draft strike law was supposed to be discussed in the parliamentary committee earlier this week but was postponed to the beginning of next week due to requests from opposition teams. This law is an organizational framework, and our government is committed to engaging with different groups before finalizing it, listening to their concerns during the discussion process.

Interviewer: Unions have expressed concerns about discussing the draft law within the context of social dialogue. How does the government plan to address these worries?

Mustafa Paytas: We believe that the concerns voiced by unions are somewhat premature given that the general outlines of the discussion have yet to emerge. However, our approach prioritizes listening and engaging in dialogue with all parties. We intend to foster communication and collaboration throughout this process.

Interviewer: what message do you want to convey to medical students and union members regarding these ongoing discussions?

Mustafa Paytas: I want to assure them that we are taking their concerns seriously. We understand the importance of these issues and will continue to work diligently for solutions that benefit everyone involved. Open communication will be pivotal as we navigate these challenges together. Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Paytas, for providing these insights. We look forward to updates on these critical issues in the future.

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