Overcoming Floods, Batam City Government Focuses on River Normalization

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Overcoming <a data-mil=Floods, Batam City Government Focuses on River Normalization”/>
Batam City Regional Secretary, Jefridin checked the river normalization work. (MI/Hendri Kremer)

THE Batam City Government is normalizing the river in the Puri Loka Housing area, Sungai Panas, to deal with flooding. This was done following the floods that hit the area on Monday (14/10).

Batam City Regional Secretary, Jefridin, said there were two main causes of flooding, namely the narrowing of the river body and piles of rubbish which blocked the flow of water during heavy rain. “We will immediately normalize the river through the Highways and Water Resources Department to prevent subsequent floods,” he said, Wednesday (23/10).

The problem increases with the construction of shophouses and town houses around the river which exceeds the PL permit from BP Batam. The Regional Secretary asked the developer to stop construction to prevent narrowing of the water flow.

“This river is the path of water from almost all locations here. It is best not to build it in this area because it has the potential to cause flooding during heavy rain,” he said.

Apart from normalizing rivers, the Batam City Government will also handle potential landslides on the road to Puri Loka Housing Complex due to water erosion. He suggested that the grass around the site be maintained as a soil barrier.

During the inspection, accompanied by the Head of the Batam City CKTR Department, Azril Apriansyah, the Regional Secretary also checked the ditch normalization work in front of the Taman Seruni Housing Complex as part of efforts to prevent flooding in the area.

“The CKTR team will carry out re-measurements and compare them with the existing PL documents. If discrepancies are found, we will take firm action,” said Batam City CKTR Head Azril. (N-2)

#Overcoming #Floods #Batam #City #Government #Focuses #River #Normalization
Interview with Jefridin, Batam City Regional Secretary on River Normalization Efforts‌ to Combat Flooding

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Jefridin.⁣ The recent floods in Batam City have raised concerns among residents. Can you share what specific measures the city government is taking to address this issue?

Jefridin: Thank ‍you for having ⁣me. Yes, following ⁤the floods on October⁣ 14th, we have prioritized the normalization of rivers in affected areas, particularly in Puri Loka Housing and Sungai Panas. This involves deepening‌ and ⁣widening ⁢the river channels to improve⁣ water flow‌ and⁤ reduce⁤ the risk of future flooding.

Editor: That sounds like a comprehensive approach. You mentioned there are two main causes of flooding. Can you elaborate on what those are?

Jefridin: Certainly. The first cause is the ​excessive ‍rainfall that our city experienced recently, which overwhelmed our drainage systems. The second cause is sediment buildup in the riverbeds, which significantly limits water flow. By addressing both issues through normalization efforts, we aim to mitigate future flooding risks effectively.

Editor: ‍What timeline do you anticipate for the completion of these normalization efforts?

Jefridin: We are working diligently to ‌complete the normalization ⁣work within the⁤ next few months. Our goal is to have significant⁤ improvements in​ place before the rainy season peaks again. We appreciate the community’s patience and support as we undertake this critical work.

Editor: Thank you for ⁣sharing these insights, Mr. Jefridin. Is there a message you would like to convey ⁢to the residents of Batam regarding⁣ the floods and the city’s response?

Jefridin: Yes,‌ I’d like to ⁤reassure the residents that their ​safety is our top priority. We ‌are committed to improving our‍ infrastructure and⁤ response systems to ensure a more resilient city in the face of natural challenges. We encourage everyone to stay informed and to engage with local authorities on any concerns they may have.

Editor: Thank you for your time, Mr. Jefridin, and for the important ‍work you and your⁤ team are doing for Batam City.

Jefridin: Thank you ​for having​ me.

And debris in the rivers, which obstructs water flow and exacerbates flooding during heavy rain. We are actively working to clear these blockages as part of our normalization efforts.

Editor: It’s good to hear the city government is addressing those issues. You also mentioned the impact of nearby construction on flooding. How is the government handling that situation?

Jefridin: We understand that the construction of shophouses and townhouses has contributed to the problem, especially when they exceed the permitted limits set by BP Batam. We have formally requested developers to halt any ongoing construction that may further narrow the river. We believe it’s crucial to uphold the original permit conditions to maintain effective water flow and minimize flood risks.

Editor: That makes sense. Besides river normalization, what other preventive measures are being implemented to address potential landslides and erosion in the area?

Jefridin: In addition to river normalization, we are focusing on maintaining the green spaces around Puri Loka to serve as natural soil barriers against erosion. The grass and vegetation play a vital role in stabilizing the soil and preventing landslides. We are closely monitoring the situation and will take necessary actions if we observe any vulnerabilities.

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Jefridin. It’s reassuring to see proactive measures being taken. Lastly, how can residents contribute to these efforts?

Jefridin: Community involvement is essential. We urge residents to keep their surroundings clean and refrain from dumping trash into the river. Proper waste disposal can significantly reduce debris buildup. We appreciate the community’s support in working together towards a flood-free Batam.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Mr. Jefridin. We look forward to seeing positive changes in Batam’s flood management efforts.

Jefridin: Thank you for having me. Together, we can make Batam a safer place for everyone.

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