Samara Circles on Mitsotakis and the rant about gifts: Let’s deal with serious matters at our borders without gifts

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Beginning his rebuttal in Parliament, the Prime Minister emphasized that “some people wondered why I did not watch Nikos Pappa’s presentation”.

He noted that “I do not recognize as a representative of the official opposition a politician convicted 13-0 by the Special Court, nor will I talk or have fun with him.”

According to Mr. Samaras, Kyriakos Mitsotakis attacked Antonis Samaras not because Nikos Pappas “happened to sit next to him at a public event” but “because of the individual issues”.

“Let’s get down to business on our borders without any more really dangerous charades, short-lived ‘friendship pacts’ and bows,” the former prime minister says, according to his aides.

Samara’s answer in detail

“It is obvious that Mr. Mitsotakis is attacking Mr. Samaras not because he greeted the official opposition leader who happened to be sitting next to him at a public event…

After all, Mr. Samaras’ statement about the Novartis scandal, that he will take all those responsible “to the end”, is fully valid.

The real reason lies in the “calm waters” with Turkey, which are disturbed every day now, through successive provocations. Like this one just now, with the new Navtex of Turkey.

Who informed us that not only Kasos but neither Lesbos nor Chios have a continental shelf!

So let’s deal with the serious stuff, at our borders. No more really dangerous charades, short-lived “friendship pacts” and bows.”

#Samara #Circles #Mitsotakis #rant #gifts #Lets #deal #matters #borders #gifts
The code you've provided ‍is a JavaScript snippet that defines ⁤and⁣ manages ad slots ‌using Google Publisher Tags (GPT) for a website ( ⁢It includes ⁣various ad configurations based⁢ on the type of content and the display ‌parameters. Here’s a breakdown of key components and ⁢their⁣ functions:

Breakdown of the⁤ Code

  1. Ad​ Slot ‌Definitions

- The code begins by defining different ad slots for various placements on the⁢ webpage. Each‌ ad‌ slot is ⁤defined with a unique path ‌and accepts multiple⁤ size configurations.


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], 'inreadvideo').defineSizeMapping(inreadSizes).addService(googletag.pubads());

  1. Conditional Mobile vs ‍Desktop⁢ Slots

- There are conditional checks (if (!window.isMobile)) to differentiate the ad slots displayed for mobile devices and desktop browsers.


if (!window.isMobile) {

googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[300,250],[300,600]], 'sidebar1').defineSizeMapping(sidebarSizes).addService(googletag.pubads());


  1. Targeting Configuration

- Targets are set for categories, page types, and specific article⁤ IDs ‌to ensure that the‌ ads served ⁢are relevant to the‌ user’s context.


googletag.pubads().setTargeting('pageType', 'article');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', 'politiki');

id', '1550044');

  1. Bootstrap Process

⁢ - The code includes a bootstrap process​ that sets up the necessary configurations ⁣for ad​ services, like collapsing empty divs, enabling single requests, and centering ads.







  1. Displaying ⁤Ad Units

- The displaySlot function is called for each defined ad slot to request that the ads be displayed.




// other slots...

  1. Google AdSense Management

‍ - There’s ‍a conditional logic to ‌handle ad slots based on⁤ whether the user is on mobile or desktop. It also removes Google AdSense ads from certain containers depending on device type.


if (window.isMobile) {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-desktop').forEach(function(e) {



} else {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-mobile').forEach(function(e) {




  1. Third-Party Integrations

- The code initializes⁤ third-party services, such ‍as OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus for comments, ensuring they are configured correctly.


window.OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: "487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab",



  1. Asynchronous Script Loading

- The code includes placeholders for loading additional scripts ⁤asynchronously, which‍ could include integrations with various ad networks or tools.




This script is essential for managing ad placement and behavior on a content-based website, ensuring relevant⁤ ads are shown based on the user's context while ⁣balancing the user experience​ with‌ the⁢ effectiveness ​of advertising. The use of responsive ad sizes and ‍conditional​ logic based on device type is critical for maximizing visibility and engagement‌ with the ads.

Certainly! Here's a more structured breakdown and explanation of the JavaScript ad management code provided. This code appears to be responsible for managing and displaying advertisements on a website, specifically targeting mobile and desktop users, while utilizing the Google Publisher Tags (GPT) framework and other third-party integrations.

Breakdown of the Code

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- Defines multiple advertising slots for various placements within the webpage. Each slot is associated with unique identifiers and size configurations for enhancing versatility and effectiveness.

- Example:


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[310, 180], [560, 320], [1, 1], [300, 250]], 'inreadvideo')



  1. Conditional Mobile vs Desktop Slots:

- Uses a conditional check to determine whether the user's device is mobile or desktop and defines ad slots accordingly. This ensures that ads are appropriately optimized for different screen sizes.

- Example:


if (!window.isMobile) {

googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[300, 250], [300, 600]], 'sidebar1')




  1. Targeting Configuration:

- Sets up targeting parameters such as page type, category, and specific article IDs to deliver contextually relevant advertisements to users based on their current browsing activity.

- Example:


googletag.pubads().setTargeting('pageType', 'article');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', 'politiki');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('articleid', '1550044');

  1. Bootstrap Process:

- Initiates essential configurations for ad services, including options to hide empty advertisements, enable single requests, and center ads on the page.

- Example:







  1. Displaying Ad Units:

- Calls the displaySlot function for each defined ad slot to request the display of relevant advertisements.

- Example:




// Additional slots follow...

  1. Google AdSense Management:

- Implement conditional logic to manage Google AdSense advertisements, which might involve removing or altering ad slots based on the user's device type (mobile or desktop).

- Example:


if (window.isMobile) {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-desktop').forEach(function(e) {



} else {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-mobile').forEach(function(e) {





This code serves as an ad management system that utilizes Google Publisher Tags to efficiently manage ad placements and target specific audience segments based on device type and browsing context. It optimizes the display of ads to enhance user experience while aiming to maximize ad revenue for the website.

Additional Note

The code snippets provided in your original text include several parts that appear to be incomplete or commented out. Ensure that these sections are properly completed and structured to avoid errors when the page loads.

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