The “rich” and “poor” of sole proprietorships – AADE’s list of turnovers

Table of Contents

The average annual amounts of gross income of sole proprietorships are far from their average reported net incomes. Declared net incomes are accounted for after deducting business expenses from gross incomes.


The average annual amounts of gross income resulting from the income tax and VAT returns, which were submitted by 869,542 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and freelancers with sole proprietorships and aplographic books, for the tax year 2023, are included in a detailed list of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE). . This is a list of the average annual turnover per Activity Code (KAD) of individual businesses, which was compiled in the context of the implementation of the new law on objective taxation criteria and concerns a total of 383 self-employed professional branches.

In particular, the average annual turnover per KAD is one of the criteria taken into account to determine the minimum presumptive income, as professionals who exceed the average will have a 5% surcharge on the difference in the minimum income. The other two criteria are years of activity and salary costs.


From the list of occupations and average turnovers published by AADE, the following data emerges:

1 The highest amounts of annual gross income were declared by 203 wholesalers of tobacco products (average turnover 1,202,704.40 euros), 3,304 motor fuel retailers (average turnover 669,782.39 euros), 67 animal feed producers (average turnover 476,685.56 euros), 59 processing companies and meat preservation (average turnover 437,115.26 euros), 75 manufacturers of plastic packaging (average turnover 341,554.09 euros) and 7,518 pharmacists (average turnover 292,571.17 euros).

2 On the contrary, the lowest amounts of annual turnover (average annual turnover below 10,000 euros) were declared by 396 sole proprietorships of collection offices and economic-commercial information offices, 754 repairers of shoes and leather goods, 3,355 repairers of personal and household goods, 1,549 sole proprietorships of financial intermediation .

The image in 10 professions

What plumbers said, doctors, electricians

Indicatively, for some professions the individual elements of the AADE are as follows:

* Taxi operators. Natural persons operating taxis were 29,108 in 2022 and 29,206 in 2023. For 2022 they declared a gross income of 16,281 euros on average. For 2023 they declared an average of 18,594.84 euros, i.e. more by 14.21%.

* Lawyers. The average gross income declared by 35,967 lawyers for 2022 amounted to 22,890 euros. For 2023, the average gross income declared by 35,326 lawyers reached 23,720.85 euros, an increase of 3.63%.

* Doctors (activities of practicing special medical professions). 23,471 self-employed doctors declared for 2022 an average gross income of 46,640 euros. For 2023, the doctors who submitted declarations, as freelancers, amounted to 23,283 and declared an average gross income of 44,337.40 euros, reduced by 4.94%.

* Dentists. For 2022 the average gross income declared by 10,907 dentists was 28,289 euros. For 2023, the average gross income of 10,767 dentists reached €32,477.04, an increase of 14.80%.

* Real estate agents. For 2022, the real estate brokers who submitted declarations were 3,284 and declared an average annual turnover of 15,733 euros. For 2023, 3,723 brokers reported an average turnover of €15,123.41, down 3.87%.

* Bar owners. For 2022, 29,775 bar owners declared a gross income of €37,777 on average. For 2023, 28,751 bar owners declared an average gross of €43,524.90, up 15.21%.

* Plumbers. A total of 8,506 natural persons were employed in the sector in 2022. Their average gross income for 2022 amounted to 29,463 euros. In 2023 there were 8,977 plumbers. The average gross income they declared for this year amounted to 32,354.33 euros, increased by 9.81%.

* Carpenters. 4,904 carpenters declared for 2022 a gross income of 32,913 euros on average. In 2023, carpenters reached 5,394 and the average gross income they declared for that year was 35,593.01 euros, an increase of 8.14%.

* Electricians. 8,473 natural persons were active in the sector in 2022 and 8,864 natural persons in 2023. The average gross income amounted for 2022 to the amount of 32,635 euros and for 2023 to the amount of 36,300.93 euros, increased by 11.23%.

* Architects. For 2022, 10,468 architects declared an average gross income of €18,765.91. For 2023, 10,643 architects declared, on average, a gross income of 20,552.66 euros, an amount increased by 9.52%.

#rich #poor #sole #proprietorships #AADEs #list #turnovers
It looks ⁢like‍ you've ⁤pasted a portion of JavaScript code intended ⁤for defining and managing ad slots using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) and some other advertising services. Here's a breakdown of the code components you've shared:

Key Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

‌ - Multiple ⁤ad slots are defined using googletag.defineSlot. Each slot is associated with specific size mappings and will display ads in designated areas of the webpage.

- Size mappings are specified for different ad units based on the context. This⁤ allows for responsive ad sizes depending on the device being ⁤used.

  1. Targeting:

- It uses⁤ googletag.pubads().setTargeting to set various targeting parameters (such as pageType and category), which ⁣helps deliver more relevant ads to users.

  1. Bootstrap and Service Configuration:

- The code configures various settings for the ads, such as collapsing empty ad divs, disabling initial load, centering ads, and ⁤enabling services.

  1. Ad⁢ Display:

- The displaySlot function​ is called for each ad⁣ unit to render the ads on the page.

  1. Adsense ⁢Management:

-‌ Specific logic is included to manage Google AdSense display ‍based on the user's device type⁤ (mobile or desktop).

  1. Deferred ⁤Initializations:

- The script handles the initialization of OneSignal (for push notifications) and Disqus (for‌ commenting), indicating that​ user engagement elements‍ are also integrated.

  1. External‍ Scripts:

⁢ - There is an indication of loading external advertisement scripts, ⁣possibly for other ad services ⁤like Phaistos Adman, Taboola, and Vidoomy. Some‌ sections are commented out, suggesting they may be optional or in development.

  1. Async Loading:

- The implementation of asynchronous loading for scripts and advertisements,‍ which ‌helps⁤ in⁤ loading ads without blocking the rendering ⁢of the page.

Suggestions for Enhancements or Considerations

  • Modular Code: Consider ‍breaking the code into smaller functions to improve readability and maintainability.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling for dynamic script loading to manage cases⁤ where an ad service might‍ fail to load.
  • Performance Optimization: Ensure‌ that the ad‍ loading logic does not significantly hamper webpage performance, especially on mobile ⁤devices.
  • Testing: Regularly test‌ the implementation across different devices and browsers to ensure that ‌ads display correctly.
  • Updating Comments: Utilize comments effectively to indicate the purpose of various sections, which can help in future updates or debugging.

If you⁣ need help with a specific part of this code or‍ require additional functionality, feel⁢ free to ask!

The provided JavaScript code segment is about defining, configuring, and managing ad units on a webpage, primarily focusing on Google Publisher Tag (GPT) in conjunction with several other advertising platforms and services. Here's a structured breakdown of the key components:

Key Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- Ad slots are defined using googletag.defineSlot, which establishes where ads will be displayed. Each defined slot can have specific dimensions tailored for different devices (desktop, mobile, etc.) to enhance responsiveness and performance.

  1. Size Mappings:

- Size mappings are also implemented to ensure advertisements are displayed in optimal sizes relative to the device, improving the user experience on both mobile and desktop platforms.

  1. Targeting:

- The use of googletag.pubads().setTargeting sets specific parameters such as pageType and category, allowing for more tailored and relevant advertising content to be served to users based on their browsing context.

  1. Bootstrap and Service Configuration:

- Various settings are configured for the advertisement units. This includes options like collapsing empty ad slots, disabling the initial loading of ads until certain conditions are met, and ensuring the ad units are centered appropriately on the page to maintain layout integrity.

  1. Ad Display:

- The function displaySlot is invoked for each ad unit, which is the mechanism through which ads are rendered and displayed on the webpage.

  1. AdSense Management:

- The code includes specific conditions for loading and managing Google AdSense ads. There is a differentiation between mobile and desktop displays to ensure compatibility and optimization based on the user’s device.

  1. Deferred Initializations:

- The script incorporates the initialization processes for external services such as OneSignal (for push notifications) and Disqus (for commenting), indicating a comprehensive approach to user engagement and interaction directly from the advertisement setup.

  1. External Scripts:

- Sections of code indicate the potential to load external advertisement scripts from various platforms such as Phaistos Adman, Taboola, and Vidoomy. Parts of the script are commented out, possibly signifying features that are optional or still under development.

  1. Async Loading:

- There are several instances where asyncLoadScript is mentioned, indicating that many of these ads or functionalities are loaded asynchronously to reduce page load times and improve site performance.

  1. Commented Out Sections:

- The presence of commented-out scripts, such as those for Facebook Pixel or CleverCore, gives insights that the developer may be testing different functionalities or considering potential future implementations.


this JavaScript code snippet is designed to provide a structured, responsive, and user-friendly advertisement integration into a webpage. It efficiently manages multiple ad services while optimizing ad delivery based on user interactions and device types, ensuring both revenue generation through ads and a seamless browsing experience for site visitors.

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