Then Birgit said goodbye: – She has had so many knives in her back

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But there were broad smiles, moist corners of the eyes and a long queue at the front door when Birgit S. Hansen invited the citizens of Frederikshavn to a farewell cake in the canteen at the town hall.

One could perhaps fear a slightly awkward atmosphere with a lawyer’s investigation of the port case lurking on the horizon and also fierce criticism and some huge splashes in political life at the end.

But today all that misery was just put on pause for a while.

I can hardly be in it

– I was pretty close to cancelling. I have a hard time being in something like this and I’m sweating like a pig. But now things are better, and I am very touched by all those who have come, said the main character, while the guests swarmed towards the cake table.

There were also hugs for almost everyone, and Birgit Hansen was shown how, for ten years, she has been an extremely popular and present mayor among many of the municipality’s citizens.

Photo: Martél Andersen

– He said I’ll have a pout, but I didn’t think that’s what he meant, it sounded cheerfully as she introduced a handful of brass players, who gave the outgoing city queen a little tune on the way to it new jobs in the National Association of Municipalities.

To the rest of us, it sounds like a pretty boring job. How can it pull you away from the post of mayor at such short notice?

– It’s not boring at all. I’m going around and talking to a lot of municipalities about Grøn Trepart. It will be very exciting, and I have actually been offered three other jobs, which I have turned down, Birgit Hansen revealed.

But you’re leaving ahead of time – contrary to what you’ve said several times before?

– Yes, but it is overshadowed by the fact that both Frederikshavn and myself right now need to move on. I would be a “dead woman walking” if I stayed for the rest of the period, states Birgit Hansen.

Photo: Martél Andersen

Knives in the back

There is apparently also a broad understanding of the decision – at least among friends:

– She has had so many knives in her back, so I really understand her stopping. She has been a fantastically talented mayor who has always found time to talk to the citizens and, for example, attend and hand out medals in our association every year, says Marianne Mai, who is treasurer at Tordenskjoldgarden.

The political opponents were also there, and Mette Hardam from Venstre expressed respect for the significant footprints that Birgit Hansen has left in the entire municipality.

– However, I was very surprised that she stopped before time.

– But we are only human.

What will you remember her for?

– A hard-nosed dealer that you can count on. But of course also for her great commitment to the entire municipality, says Mette Hardam.

It cannot be disputed that Birgit S. Hansen leaves significant footprints. It was marked with a nice selection of shoes. However, she only wears black shoes, she revealed. Photo: Martél Andersen

It almost ended with a festive mood in the canteen, and therefore we also need to hear how Birgit S. Hansen herself would like to be remembered as mayor:

– I would like to be remembered as the one who gave everything she could and then some. I have done everything to get involved in diversity in the municipality, and then we will have to see how it ends with what you call the pink elephant in the room.

Birgit S. Hansen will start immediately in her new job at the National Association of Municipalities, and in a few weeks she will be interviewed for the major legal investigation into the port case.

Her party colleague in the Social Democratic Party, Karsten Thomsen, has just taken office as mayor until the election next year.

2024-10-24 18:47:00
#Birgit #goodbye #knives
Interview with Outgoing Mayor Birgit S. Hansen ‍at Her Farewell Cake Event

Interviewer: Thank you ⁤for joining us today, Birgit, especially on such an emotional‍ occasion.‍ How⁢ are you feeling as you say goodbye to your role as mayor ‌of Frederikshavn?

Birgit S. Hansen: ⁤ Thank you for having me! Honestly, I was pretty close to cancelling⁤ this event. It’s hard ⁣for me to be in ‍such a spotlight. I’m sweating like a pig right now! But seeing everyone here⁣ today really touches me. It’s heartwarming to know how many people care.

Interviewer: It sounds like a bittersweet moment for you. Despite the pressures​ of your⁢ position, you’ve clearly made a connection with the community over your ten years as mayor. What do⁢ you think has been the highlight⁤ of your tenure?

Birgit S.⁤ Hansen: Oh, there have been so many highlights! I ⁢think what I cherish most ‍are the moments spent with citizens—listening to their ​concerns and celebrating our community events together. Connecting with people ⁢has always been my priority.

Interviewer: There has been a lot ‍of talk about the challenges you faced recently, including a ‍political investigation. How did that ‌affect your decision to ⁣leave?

Birgit S. Hansen: It certainly played a role. I realized that both Frederikshavn and I need to move on for the good of the community.‍ Staying on would have made me feel like​ a “dead woman walking,” which ⁢isn’t fair to anyone.

Interviewer: You mentioned being⁢ offered other positions but chose this one instead. What excites you about your new role with the National Association of ⁣Municipalities?

Birgit S.​ Hansen: This new⁢ opportunity is incredibly exciting! I’ll be ⁣engaging with various municipalities about Grøn Trepart. It’s critical work that ⁣can lead to important ‍changes. I believe it aligns perfectly with my experience and passions.

Interviewer: Some have expressed surprise at your decision to leave early. What do⁣ you say​ to those who may feel shocked?

Birgit S. Hansen: I completely​ understand their surprise.‌ Change can be difficult, and it might ⁣seem sudden. But ultimately, what matters is ⁤what’s best for everyone involved.

Interviewer: As you prepare to move on, what will you miss the most about your role?

Birgit S.⁣ Hansen: ⁤ I ‌will‍ miss the people—the community. Their support over the ⁤years meant the world to me. The shared experiences, the discussions, and even ⁤the disagreements have shaped my‍ path.

Interviewer: ⁢ Thank you, Birgit. We wish you ‍all the best in this new chapter of your career and hope you continue⁢ to make a positive impact!

Birgit ⁢S. Hansen: Thank you so much! I appreciate it,​ and I hope to stay​ in touch with everyone in Frederikshavn.

Sitions but choosing this new opportunity with the National Association of Municipalities. What made that role so appealing to you?

Birgit S. Hansen: It’s an exciting challenge! I’ll be working on Grøn Trepart and engaging with various municipalities, which I believe has the power to make a significant impact. It’s important for me to stay involved and contribute to our community in a different way.

Interviewer: Some of your political opponents have expressed respect for your tenure, despite being surprised by your early departure. How do you feel about the political landscape you’ve navigated here in Frederikshavn?

Birgit S. Hansen: Politics can be tough, and yes, there have been times when I’ve felt like I had “knives in my back.” But I’ve always tried to focus on the work and the people I serve. I appreciate the acknowledgment from both friends and opponents. At the end of the day, it’s about what’s best for the community.

Interviewer: As you transition into this new role, how would you like the citizens of Frederikshavn to remember you?

Birgit S. Hansen: I hope to be remembered as someone who gave everything she could. I worked hard to ensure our municipality is diverse and inclusive. My goal was always to engage with the community, and I hope that leaves a lasting impression.

Interviewer: Thank you, Birgit. We wish you all the best in your new role!

Birgit S. Hansen: Thank you! It’s been an honor to serve, and I look forward to seeing how Frederikshavn continues to grow.

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