What are the wrong ways to charge a mobile phone?

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Nowadays, mobile phones and especially smart phones have become a necessity of life. The most common problem faced by mobile phone users is charging the mobile phone.

Sometimes we connect the mobile to the charger to charge it, but then we face a lot of trouble when the mobile does not charge within the specified time.

Why the mobile takes long time to charge or why the charging does not happen on time is a problem that most of the people face.

In this regard, ‘Syedati’ magazine has mentioned some important points regarding the experts, by following which this difficulty can be solved.

Delay in mobile charging

According to the Android Authority website, if you find that your mobile takes a long time to charge, it could be due to various reasons. Your cable may be damaged due to some reason causing delay in charging. Cable damage can be caused by a number of factors, including improper wrapping of the top cable, which results in cable damage.


Although the mobile charger which is the main unit does not deteriorate so quickly, it can also be a reason that delays the charging of the battery. If the charger is faulty, the charger becomes abnormally hot shortly after plugging it into the power socket, which is a sign that the charger is faulty. If this happens, it would be best to replace the charger.

Mobile charger port

If the port of your charger is bad then mobile charging may also be delayed because the current coming out of the port cannot supply the full amperage to the cable.

Due to lack of required amperage, mobile battery charging will be delayed as due to lack of fixed current supply, battery charging will be slow.

Current source (switch)

In some cases the current does not flow properly in the charger even if the electrical socket in which the charger is plugged in is not suitable, due to which the charger does not work properly. If the socket is loose, the current flow to the charger is not adequate, the charger disconnects repeatedly, due to which the charging process is interrupted. Also, if the voltage of the current is not suitable, then the charger heats up causing charging problem.

Interruption of charging applications

There are certain apps that limit the life of the mobile battery. So it is better to close them. Apps that affect the battery more should be turned off while charging.

Mobile usage while charging

If you use the mobile constantly, be aware that it consumes more battery. For this, when the mobile is on charging, the mobile should not be used so that the battery is fully charged and its charging is not delayed.

Battery life has expired

The battery, whether mobile or vehicle, can be charged to a certain extent. Later on, its recharging capacity is eventually exhausted. When the battery capacity is completely depleted, it becomes necessary to replace it.

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Interview ⁢with Tech Expert on Mobile ⁣Charging Issues

Editor: Today, we have with us Dr. Amina Rahman, a technology expert and ‌digital lifestyle consultant,⁣ to discuss⁤ common problems related ​to mobile charging that many users face. Welcome, Dr.​ Rahman!

Dr. Rahman: Thank you for having me. It’s great ⁢to be here!

Editor: Let’s dive right in. Many people are frustrated when‍ their‌ smartphones take longer to ​charge ​than expected. What⁤ are some common reasons for this?

Dr.⁣ Rahman: There are ⁤several factors at play. Firstly, the charging cable is often the culprit. ‍If a cable is damaged—perhaps from improper ‌wrapping or bending—it ‌can significantly impact charging speed. ⁣Regularly inspecting⁤ your cables for⁤ wear and tear can help nip this issue in the bud.

Editor: ‍That makes sense! What about the charger itself? Can it also contribute to slow⁤ charging?

Dr. Rahman: Absolutely. While chargers ‌are ⁤generally durable, they can deteriorate over time. ⁣If a charger becomes excessively hot right after being plugged in, that’s​ a red flag. It’s crucial to‌ replace a ​faulty charger to‍ ensure ⁤your device charges efficiently and safely.

Editor: Good advice! Now, another point you mentioned ⁣is the mobile charger port. Can you tell us how that might‍ affect charging time?

Dr. Rahman: Sure! A dirty or damaged ⁤charging port can obstruct the flow of current to ‍the​ battery, causing delays. Dust ⁣and lint ‍can accumulate in the port, so ⁣it’s important to clean it carefully and regularly. If the port ⁢itself is damaged, it⁣ might need repairs or even replacement.

Editor: Great tips! As smartphones ‍have become⁤ essential in our lives, any other recommendations ⁤for⁤ effective⁤ charging?

Dr. Rahman: Yes! Make sure to use high-quality accessories⁢ and avoid charging your phone overnight. Additionally, keeping your smartphone’s software updated can⁢ also help manage battery performance⁢ and charging efficiency.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Rahman, ⁣for these valuable ‌insights on mobile charging issues. It seems⁢ with just a little⁢ maintenance and⁣ awareness, we can improve our charging experiences.

Dr. Rahman: Thank ⁤you for having me! ​I hope⁣ these tips help your audience stay charged and connected.
Editor: That’s a great point! What about the charger itself? Can it also affect the charging speed?

Dr. Rahman: Absolutely. While chargers are generally durable, they can malfunction over time. If you notice your charger overheating shortly after plugging it in, that’s a strong sign it might need to be replaced. A faulty charger can struggle to provide the necessary current, leading to slower charging.

Editor: Interesting! Now, many users forget to consider the charging port on their phones. How does that play a role?

Dr. Rahman: The charging port is crucial, as it’s the gateway for power to enter the device. If the port is damaged or dirty, it may not allow adequate current to flow, resulting in slow charging. Regular cleaning can help maintain performance, and if you suspect damage, it’s best to have it checked by a professional.

Editor: Speaking of power, could the electrical source be a problem too?

Dr. Rahman: Definitely. If the electrical socket is loose or if the voltage fluctuates, it can impede the charger’s performance. If you’re experiencing interruptions while charging, double-check the socket. Sometimes, another appliance drawing power can also affect your charging speed.

Editor: Those are some practical insights! Do mobile apps have any impact on charging times?

Dr. Rahman: Yes, they can! Certain apps running in the background consume battery power, which can slow down charging. It’s a good practice to close unnecessary apps while your phone is charging to maximize efficiency.

Editor: Lastly, how important is it for users to refrain from using their phones while charging?

Dr. Rahman: Very important! Using your phone while it’s charging can accelerate battery drainage and slow down the charging process. For the best results, it’s ideal to let your phone charge undisturbed.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Rahman, for sharing your expertise with us today. Your insights will surely help many navigate their mobile charging issues!

Dr. Rahman: Thank you for having me! It’s been a pleasure to discuss this vital aspect of our digital lives.

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