Sheep pox: Controversy and concern in the market

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According to what the breeders convey to if a solution is not given immediately it is very likely that we will see price increases in goat and lambwhich will ultimately be borne by the consumers, while at the same time, the livestock sector “comes” to an impasse in terms of its survival. It should be noted that until today, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, 120 cases of sheep pox have been recorded throughout the Territory and 24,000 animals have been killed, observing all the animal burial protocols mentioned in the European regulation.

No fear for consumers

“First of all let’s emphasize that smallpox and plague do not affect the consuming public in relation to food in any way, because it is zoonotic and it is actually proven that these diseases only harm animals and not humans. If the meat is cooked or the dairy is properly processed, as it always is, there’s no chance of anyone getting hurt.” stressed at the president of the Panhellenic Federation of Butchers’ Store Managers of Greece, Savvas Kesidis.

Then, Mr. Kesidis also spoke about the livestock breeders, stating that their big problem is that their livestock is being lost and essentially, to create a herd again and operate at 100% of its potential, it takes about two years, which apart from time consuming, it is also costly.

“The state said it would compensate them, and I hope it’s true, because time is everyone’s enemy. If flocks begin to be broken out, when we want lambs and goats for Christmas, there will not be the number we want. We have the best quality lamb and goat in the Mediterranean, with the result that many export it to northern and southern countries, so the more demand there is, it is almost certain that the prices will rise” noted the president of P.O.K.K..

Increases of up to 10% are coming on lamb and goat

At the same time, he added that the sheep pox and the plague have made the citizens… hesitant, with the result that a small percentage have stopped shopping at the butchers. According to Savvas Kesidis, the butchers are in the “middle” and are trying to collect the uncollected. “At the moment we are mitigating our profit and trying to ‘convince’ the consumer that the goat and the table should be present once a week on the Greek table. Unless something changes dramatically, the world will see an increase of about 10% in lamb and goat.”

The breeders are on the edge of the cliff

He asks for the “voice” of the breeders to be heard through him the vice president of the Hellenic Livestock Association, Dimitris Moschos and to invite the breeders to the meetings held by the relevant Ministry with agencies.

“There are no free-range animals, everything is locked inside, while animal feed has increased by 17%. In recent years we have been through everything. With the bad weather “Daniel” 100,000 thousand animals were lost, while with plague and smallpox close to 60,000 thousand. Also, the Government has not invited us to any meeting, as if the Ministry has somehow excluded us from any discussion,” added Mr. Moschos. He also talks about the lost subsidies from the new CAP, of which they lose 27% of them, while at the same time, with the new year another 7% will be lost.

According to what the vice-president of the SEC pointed out, during this time, thousands of young animals have been killed, while agreements with foreign countries that have been closed at almost 9 euros are cancelled, with the result that a large volume of lambs accumulates on the market, without being used, because they are considered unsuitable for the Greek market, a and in the country the butchers want more than 10 kilos per animal. “Some colleagues kill the lambs directly as soon as they are born, with the price ranging below 3 euros. With this price, the farmer has lost milk and not even 50% of his expenses will be covered, which means absolute disaster.”

End, Dimitris Moschos added that there are reports that cases in Volos have allegedly occurred due to animal feed purchased from Northern Greece and at the same time he states that the sector knows the difficulty of the situation, because it has experienced similar situations in 2013 and 2023, however to a lesser extent.

Sheep pox: What the ministry says

The sheep plague probably arrived in Greece from Romania, reiterated the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Development, Christos Kellas, speaking on ERT television and talked about sheep pox and possible shortages of meat on the market. He noted that animals infected with smallpox or plague are not legally moved. However, as everything shows the sick animals with plague came from Romania, as he explained when the animals come from an EU country, they can be moved with a simple certificate.

He characteristically noted that everything points to Romania, as this country declared the first case of plague ten days after Greece – and probably after pressure from Greece, as he characteristically said. It is emphasized that the first case of sheep pox was reported in August 2024 in Evros, however the authorities are investigating how it entered our country and why and despite the measures it escaped and spread to a large part of Greece, as far as Corinth.

At the same time, he emphasized that there is no question of a lack of sheep and goat meat or milk on the market, since in our country there are over 12,000,000 sheep and goats, of which at least 30,000 sheep and goats have been killed in recent months following outbreaks of plague and smallpox.

Finally, Mr. Kellas noted that from yesterday, Wednesday (23.10.2024), the movement of sheep for breeding, fattening, grazing and slaughter is valid throughout Greece for 10 days. As he said, the measures will be reviewed in ten days, since at the beginning of November, animal slaughters for the holidays usually start.

OR the main effort to limit smallpox is located in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thracegiven that no other cases have been reported in Magnesia and Corinthia or other parts of the territory.

On Wednesday (23/10) the an echelon of the FSA led by DG Giorgos Stratakos held meetings in Komotini and Alexandroupoli. Today, with the participation of Deputy Minister Christos Kellas, corresponding meetings were held in Xanthi and Kavala. Tomorrow they will take place in Serres and Thessaly.

An effort is made to make the most of it 10 days of the implementation of the measures prohibiting the movement of sheep and goats. The success of the effort to contain and eradicate smallpox will be judged by whether or not biosecurity measures are faithfully implemented everywhere.

In the effort made by the levels of the HYPAAT, which are supported by veterinarians from all the supervised bodies as well as from the Regions, EL.AS is helping. and in the ports of Alexandroupoli and Kavala and the Coast Guard. Also the General Secretary of the FSA Giorgos Stratakos is in consultation with the people in charge of Egnatia to install disinfectant points at the tolls. At the same time, an announcement is immediately issued for the recruitment of veterinarians outside ASEP by the AMTH Region.

1: Sheep pox

  • There is no public health concern as it is not transmissible to humans.
  • Preventive measures are aimed at avoiding spread from animal to animal and eradicating the disease.
  • The measures also apply to goats, as they are vectors of transmission.

2: Consumer Inquiries

A. Is milk safe?

  • Yes, milk is safe for human consumption after high pasteurization heat treatment.

B. Is meat safe?

  • The meat can be eaten normally.

3: Symptoms shown by animals

  • Skin lesions: Spots and papules on the head and hairless parts, which develop into scabs.
  • Other symptoms: Fever, swollen lymph nodes, decreased milk production, anorexia, collapse, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, salivation, pneumonia.

In case of suspected illness:

  • Notify veterinary services immediately.
  • Isolate the sick animal and limit the herd.

4: Management of the disease

  • We follow the European emergency plan to eradicate the disease:
    • Killing and sanitary burial of animals on the contaminated farm.
    • Demarcation of 3 km protection and 10 km surveillance zones around the infected farm.
    • Conducting epidemiological research.
    • Payment of enhanced compensation to breeders.

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#Sheep #pox #Controversy #concern #market
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