The money starts coming into the ATMs

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Specifically, according to what has become known, EFKA will pay the November pensions on October 25 and October 30, for the unemployed and the employed respectively.

The payment dates follow the rule of separation between Employees and Non-Employees and are structured as follows:

Her Friday October 25, 2024 the main pensions will be paid from the former Non-Employed OAEE, OGA and ETAA funds, the main pensions awarded from the establishment of the EFKA and then, with Law 4387/2016, through the OPS-EFKA (retired Employed & Non-Employed from 1.1.2017 onwards) and all supplementary pensions of the private sector (Non-Employed and Employed).

Her Wednesday, October 30, 2024 the main pensions of the former Employee Funds will be paid [ΙΚΑ-ΕΤΑΜ, τραπεζών, ΟΤΕ, ΔΕΗ, ΛΟΙΠΩΝ ΕΝΤΑΣΣΟΜΕΝΩΝ (ΤΣΕΑΠΓΣΟ, ΤΣΠ-ΗΣΑΠ), ΝΑΤ, ΕΤΑΤ και ΕΤΑΠ-ΜΜΕ] as well as the main and auxiliary pensions of the State.

How pensions are structured with 37 to 40 years of insurance

Increases of up to 29 euros per month above the personal difference will be seen in December by pensioners with 37 to 40 years of insurance from all Funds.

Although the increase in 2025 will be less than in 2024, at 2.5% instead of 3%, it will nevertheless be enough to zero out the personal difference of tens of thousands of pensions.

All pensioners who are left with personal difference balances of up to 30 euros and receive a national and compensatory pension of more than 1,100 euros will have their difference zeroed out and will get increases even by a few euros.

Those with a larger personal difference will wait for the 2026 and 2027 increases to get rid of it and start seeing their pension increase. Pensioners with a personal difference of up to 20 euros and pensions from 800 to 1,000 euros will also benefit, as they will receive an allowance for the personal difference, while with the increase they will manage to reduce it to zero.

According to the revealing tables compiled and published exclusively today by the “Insurance and Pensions” insert:

  1. Old State pensioners with 37 years of insurance, who have a personal difference balance of 32 euros in 2024, will have it zero with the 2025 increase.
  2. Old pensioners with 37 years of insurance, who have a personal difference balance of between €33 and €63 in 2024, will see it zero with the 2025 and 2026 increases.
  3. Pensioners with more years of insurance (e.g. 38, 39 and 40 years) and a higher pension (above €1,200) will zero out the personal difference with a gain of up to €29 from 2025, while those who still have a balance will catch up more quickly with the next two years’ increases, as these will count towards a higher pension.

The most determining factor in how quickly the personal difference will disappear is the rate of increase in pensions for the next few years.

With the current mix, i.e. an increase equal to half the sum of inflation and growth, this results in pension increases of 2.5% to 3% for the next few years.

Pensioners with a personal difference of less than €20 will be among the first winners next year, as even with the lowest increase (2.5%) they will close the difference and have a net gain in their pension.

Those with a larger personal difference (e.g. 30 euros or 40 euros) will win depending on how high a pension they receive and how much the final increase will be.

What about the personal difference for old and new pensioners?

There is a personal difference for the old pensioners before the Katrougalos law, i.e. those who retired before 5/13/2026. The amount of the difference is paid as a supplement to those whose pension was reduced after the recalculation.

Young people who have retired since 13/5/2016 have a personal difference, provided, however, that their pension has a reduction of more than 20% from the pension they would have had if calculated using the old system. For the new pensioners, the personal difference was maintained until 2018, while from 1/1/2019 they have no protection, even if their pension is 30% lower than that of the old pensioners.


The old pensioners with 37 years of insurance and above and mainly with 40 years and high pensionable earnings zeroed out from the first and especially in the second recalculation of the personal difference. With the increases given in 2023 and 2024, they have so far received a cumulative increase of 100 to 200 euros in the pension they had before the first recalculation.


New pensioners who left after May 2016, to get a personal difference, had to have a pension reduction of more than 20% compared to the pensions of older pensioners. Those who had a reduction of more than 20% and exited between May and December 2016 got half the cut back as personal difference, those exited in 2017 got the 1/3 and those who came out in 2018 got ¼ of the cut as personal difference.

Which pensioners make the personal gap zero in 2025 with 37 to 40 years of insurance

According to the tables edited and published by the “Insurance and Pensions” insert:

  1. State pensioners aged 38 receive an average of 1,234 euros in compensatory and national pension before tax, with a personal difference balance of 2 euros. With the 2025 increase, the pension will rise by 31 euros. The personal difference will be zero and the net increase in the pension will be 29 euros.
  2. ATE old-age pensioners with 37 years currently receive an average of 1,235 euros compensatory and national pension before tax, with a personal difference balance of 11 euros. With the 2025 increase, the pension will rise by 31 euros and the personal difference will be zero, while the net increase in the pension will be 20 euros.
  3. Old-age pensioners of the Shipping and Tourist Agents Fund (TANTPY) with 40 years receive an average of 1,202 euros in compensatory and national pension before tax, with a personal difference balance of 20 euros. With the 2025 increase, the pension will rise by 30 euros. The personal difference will be zero and the net increase in the pension will be 10 euros.

Which pensioners zero the personal difference after 2025

Many retirees, despite having many years of insurance, will need the increases in 2025 and 2026, or even 2027, to make up the personal difference.

For example, according to the tables:

  1. National Bank old-age pensioners with 37 years and an average pension of 1,285 euros, with a remaining personal difference of 63 euros, will reduce the personal difference to 31 euros with the 2025 increase and zero it with the 2026 increase.
  2. Old-age pensioners of the Health Fund (HSF) with 40 years and an average pension of 1,300 euros, with a balance of personal difference of 91 euros, will reduce the personal difference to 59 euros with the 2025 increase, while they will further limit it with the 2026 increase and reduce it to zero with the 2027 increase.
  3. OAEE-TEBE old-age pensioners with 40 years and an average pension of €907, with a personal difference balance of €218, will reduce the personal difference with the next years’ increases, but expect to see an increase after 2030.

Which pensioners zero the personal difference in December with 37 and 38 years


Pension 2024 (remunerative + national)

Balance of difference after 2024 increase Total Pension Jan 2025 with 2.5% increase New balance p. difference Profit in the pension after the above difference
Pensions with 37 years of insurance
PUBLIC 1.179 € 32 € 1.211 € 1.208 € 3 € 0
IKA 1.231 € 0 1.231 € 1.262 € 0 31
TSP-ETE 1.285 € 63 € 1.348 € 1.317 € 31 € 0
TSP-ATE 1.235 € 11 € 1.246 € 1.266 € 0 20
TAP-OTE 1.191 € 28 € 1.219 € 1.221 € 0 2
SHIPPING AGENTS 1.043 € 7 € 1.050 € 1.069 € 0 19
ETAA-LEGAL FUND 913 € 23 € 936 € 936 € 0 € 23
ETAA-TSAV 1.220 € 129 € 1.349 € 1.251 € 99 € 0
OAP-PPC 1.424 € 33 € 1.457 € 1.460 € 0 3
Pensions from all Funds with 38 years of insurance
PUBLIC (GLC) 1.234 € 2 € 1.236 € 1.265 € 0 29
TSP-ETE 1.250 € 59 € 1.309 € 1.281 € 28 € 0
TAP-OTE 1.154 € 27 € 1.180 € 1.183 € 0 3
OAEE 865 € 243 € 1.108 € 887 € 221 € 0
MARITIME AGENTS AND OFFICERS 1.031 € 30 € 1.062 € 1.057 € 5 € 0
ETAA-LEGAL FUND 940 € 11 € 951 € 964 € 0 12
ETAA-TSAV 1.269 € 130 € 1.399 € 1.301 € 98 € 0
ETAA-TSMEDE 1.397 € 178 € 1.575 € 1.432 € 143 € 0

Which pensioners zero the personal difference in December with 39 and 40 years


Pension 2024 (remunerative + national)

Balance of difference after 2024 increase Total Pension Jan 2025 with 2.5% increase New balance p. difference Profit in the pension after the above difference
Pensions with 39 years of insurance
PUBLIC 1.266 € 0 1.266 € 1.298 € 0 32
TSP-ETE 1.449 € 0 1.449 € 1.485 € 0 36
TSP-ATE 1.062 € 0 1.062 € 1.089 € 0 27
TAP-OTE 1.257 € 0 1.257 € 1.288 € 0 31
OAEE 967 € 13 € 980 € 991 € 0 11
SHIPPING AGENTS 1.240 € 20 € 1.260 € 1.271 € 0 11
ETAA-LEGAL FUND 1.038 € 28 € 1.066 € 1.064 € 2 € 0
ETAA-TSAV 1.077 € 36 € 1.113 € 1.104 € 9 € 0
ETAA-TSMEDE 1.380 € 71 € 1.451 € 1.415 € 37 € 0
OAP-PPC 1.423 € 170 € 1.593 € 1.459 € 134 € 0
Pensions with 40 years of insurance
PUBLIC (GLC) 1.253 € 0 1.253 € 1.284 € 0 31
IKA 1.215 € 0 1.215 € 1.245 € 0 30
OAP-PPC 1.769 € 0 1.769 € 1.813 € 0 44
NAT 1.204 € 0 1.204 € 1.234 € 0 30
TAP-OTE 1.200 € 0 1.200 € 1.230 € 0 30
ETAA-LEGAL FUND 1.007 € 13 € 1.020 € 1.032 € 0 12
MARITIME AGENTS AND OFFICERS 1.202 € 20 € 1.222 € 1.232 € 0 10
ETAA-TSAV 1.300 € 91 € 1.391 € 1.333 € 59 € 0
ETAA-TSMEDE 1.451 € 146 € 1.597 € 1.487 € 110 € 0
OAEE-TEBE 907 € 218 € 1.125 € 930 € 195 € 0

*Pension amounts after deductions and before tax

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#money #starts #coming #ATMs
It ⁤appears that you've ⁢shared a script related to ‌ad placement and configuration, likely for a website using Google Publisher Tag (GPT) and Google AdSense, along with integrations for⁢ other ad services and⁣ analytics. The script handles various tasks, including:

  1. Defining Ad⁢ Slots: Several ad slots are defined for the website, specifying their ‍sizes, positions, and targeting criteria.
  2. Conditional Logic for Mobile vs. Desktop: The script contains conditions that allow different⁤ ad setups ‌based on whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop, allowing for optimized ‍ad rendering.
  3. Targeting: Specific targeting parameters are‍ set for ad delivery, such as page type and article category.
  4. Loading External ⁣Scripts: The script⁢ seems‌ to call external scripts ⁤for‌ additional ad services like⁢ AdSense, Phaistos Adman, OneSignal for push notifications, and Disqus for comments.
  5. Dynamic Loading: ​There are hints at asynchronous loading of scripts to improve loading times and site⁤ performance.
  6. Timeout Functions: The ‍script employs timeouts to sequentially load some⁣ integrations which​ may depend on the loading state of other scripts.

Would you like to ​know more about ‌any specific part of the script, or is there something specific you want ⁤help with?
The provided JavaScript code includes various functionalities related to managing ad placements, analytics, and user engagement on a webpage. Here’s a breakdown of the different components of the code:

1. Google Tag and Ads Setup

  • The script initializes googletag for Google Ads, setting targeting parameters and ad unit display positions.
  • It handles additional settings such as collapsing empty divs and enabling single request mode.
  • The displaySlot function is used to display various ad slots depending on whether the user is on a mobile device.

2. AdSense Management

  • The script differentiates between mobile and desktop views, removing ads that are not relevant based on the device.
  • AdSense slots are queried and potentially processed for further actions.

3. Third-Party Scripts

  • OneSignal: This is used for push notifications, initializing with a unique app ID.
  • Disqus: This section configures the Disqus commenting system, setting a unique page identifier.
  • Microsoft Clarity: Initializes tracking for user interactions on the website.
  • Facebook Pixel: Although comments indicate potential usage, the actual instantiation for tracking is commented out.

4. Asynchronous Script Loading

  • The code includes functions such as asyncLoadScript and asyncLoadModule which are likely defined elsewhere to load various scripts asynchronously based on specified conditions and timing.

5. Commented Sections

  • Several sections of code are commented out, indicating features or functions planned for future use (e.g., CleverCore, Phaistos Adman, Taboola/Project Agora).

6. Error Handling and Delay Management

  • Set timeouts are used in specific places likely to ensure that scripts load in a controlled manner without causing performance issues.


This script is part of a larger web application that manages ads, user engagement, and analytics. It is designed to create a customized experience depending on the user's device, while maintaining a focus on ad visibility and user interaction tracking. The commented-out parts suggest ongoing development or features that may be added later.

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