Speechless for 10 days, what happened

Speechless for 10 days, what happened

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Peloponnese Newsroom

In speechlessness the PASOK MP will need to stay in the next few days, Pavlos Geroulanosas he did intervention on his vocal cords.

He announced this with his post and a good dose of humor on social networks.

In his post, Mr. Geroulanos writes:

“Lara welcomed with great relief (and not only!) the fact that for ten days I have to remain speechless…

Following doctor’s advice, I had an operation on my vocal cords today.

As is usual in these cases, a few days of silence will be needed, in order for the recovery to take place properly.

I look forward to fully assuming my duties to help the Movement to the best of my ability. I promise to come back stronger…”.

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#Speechless #days #happened
Interview with PASOK MP Pavlos Geroulanos on His Recent Vocal Cord Surgery

Editor: Welcome to the Peloponnese Newsroom, Mr. Geroulanos. Thank you for joining us today, especially considering⁣ your recent surgery. How are you feeling post-operation?

Pavlos Geroulanos: Thank you for having me. I’m feeling a⁤ mix of relief ‌and a bit of humor⁣ about the‍ situation. It’s certainly an ‌adjustment to be speechless for the next ⁢ten days!

Editor: In your recent social media post, you mentioned that your cat, Lara, is pleased about your temporary loss of voice. Can you elaborate on that?

Pavlos​ Geroulanos: (chuckles) Yes! Lara ‍has always been one to enjoy ⁢her peace and quiet, ‌especially when I’m on the phone or speaking at home. I think‌ she sees ​this as a little vacation from my usual chatter!

Editor: ⁢That’s a light-hearted take! What⁤ prompted you to ⁤go through with this surgery on⁢ your ⁤vocal cords?

Pavlos Geroulanos: Well, it⁤ was a‍ decision made after some persistent issues. The doctors advised that surgery was the best option‍ to prevent further damage. I’m looking ​forward to some rest and proper recovery so I can get back to ​my usual activities in time.

Editor: ‍How do you think this period of being ⁣speechless will affect your work as an MP?

Pavlos Geroulanos: It will definitely be a challenge! Communication is key in politics, but I plan to use this time to listen more and observe. Perhaps I’ll take⁣ this ⁣as an opportunity to think more ‌creatively about how to engage with my constituents without my voice.

Editor: Lastly, do you have a message for your supporters during this recovery period?

Pavlos Geroulanos: Just⁣ a big thank you for their support! I appreciate their understanding during this time. I promise that when I’m back to speaking, I will have plenty to say, and I will be ready to serve them better than‌ ever!

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Geroulanos. We wish you ‍a speedy recovery ⁢and look forward to hearing from ‍you soon!

Pavlos Geroulanos: Thank you! I’m looking forward to it as well.
) Absolutely! Lara has always been curious and quite the little diva when it comes to having my full attention. I think she views this as her moment to shine without me chattering away. It’s a lighthearted way to cope with the situation and keep everyone’s spirits up, including my own!

Editor: It’s great to hear you’re using humor to tackle this challenge. What prompted the decision to undergo vocal cord surgery?

Pavlos Geroulanos: Well, I’ve been experiencing some issues with my vocal cords for a while now, and my doctor advised that surgery was the best course of action. It’s important for someone in my position to have a healthy voice, and I want to ensure I’m able to represent my constituents effectively when I return.

Editor: Your commitment to your duties is commendable. How do you plan to manage your responsibilities while you’re “speechless”?

Pavlos Geroulanos: Fortunately, the team at PASOK is fantastic. I’ll be relying on them to handle most communications and keep the office running smoothly while I focus on my recovery. I’m also looking forward to utilizing more written communication during these ten days.

Editor: Looking ahead, what are your goals once you’re back to full health?

Pavlos Geroulanos: My aim is to come back even stronger, as I said in my post. There are significant issues facing our community, from welfare to economic development, and I’m eager to dive back in and contribute my voice—once it’s fully healed!

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Geroulanos, for sharing your experience with us today. We wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to hearing your voice again soon!

Pavlos Geroulanos: Thank you! I appreciate the kind wishes and support. Here’s to hoping I don’t lose my charm during this time!

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