‘Buchon International Animation Festival’ held in Bucheon from the 25th to the 29th – Nate News

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Ah, the 26th Bucheon International Animation Festival is upon us! And isn’t it just delightful that in a world swirling with chaos, we can take a step back and dive into a realm filled with fantastical creatures and vibrant colors? It’s like taking a holiday from reality—only it’s more like a theme park for your brain!

The festival kicks off on the 25th with the opening film, ‘Yeon’s Letter’. Now, directed by Kim Yong-hwan and featuring the talented Lee Soo-hyun as the lovely main character ‘Sori’, this film promises to be an exquisite experience. Just imagine it—cuddling up with your popcorn, maybe a fizzy drink, and diving headfirst into a world where letters have feelings! Frankly, it sounds far more reliable than texting my friends, who always leave me on read.

Now, let’s talk numbers. A staggering 2,835 films from 106 countries submitted their creative genius to this festival. That’s right, folks! 2,835! If each film were a person standing in a queue, it’d take longer than it does for my Wi-Fi to reconnect after it drops out. And what an accomplishment for the 122 films selected! They truly must be the crème de la crème—like the cherry on a sundae, though I’d prefer it be a heaping of chocolate fudge instead.

Who will be in attendance, you ask? A star-studded lineup! Some serious big names—like public relations ambassador Solar and legendary animator Raul Garcia—are gracing the event. You know things are fancy when animators start looking like those golden statuettes they always seem to carry around. Speaking of which, could someone please explain to me how getting an Oscar is less bizarre than creating a slightly-off-kilter animated character that makes the audience giggle?

Mark your calendars because on the 26th, Makoto Shinkai is hosting an animation OST performance at the Bucheon Arts Center. Now, if you’re like me and can’t tell the difference between an OST and a lunchtime sandwich, it’s music composed for films—music that usually swells right when the lovebirds have their first kiss. So, hold on to your seats—it’s likely to be quite moving.

As if that wasn’t enough, there’s something called “Meet up+” that will apparently revive the animation industry through feature-length pitches. Sounds like it might be on par with trying to revive a dying plant by singing to it—only in this case, I hope they’re singing the right tune because nobody wants a half-baked animation project looking for love!

The festival truly has something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned animator, a budding creative, or just a fan looking for a cute excuse to hang out with friends in the candle-lit atmosphere of animated dreams.

So, get your tickets, grab your compendium of animation critiques, and prepare for escapism! It’s bound to be a whimsical experience—an animation paradise! Or at the very least, an excellent distraction while we all pretend to be busy avoiding adulting… because who doesn’t love a good animated escapade?

[더팩트|부천=김동선 기자] The 26th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2024) will hold an opening ceremony at the Korea Cartoon Museum screening hall at 6 p.m. on the 25th and begin the film festival schedule until the 29th.

As the opening film, ‘Yeon’s Letter’ will be released for the first time in Korea. Directed by Kim Yong-hwan, AKMU’s Lee Soo-hyun participated as the main character ‘Sori’.

According to the BIAF2024 organizing committee on the 24th, 2,835 films from 106 countries around the world were submitted, and 122 films from 34 countries selected through screening will meet the audience.

At the opening ceremony, domestic and foreign masters such as public relations ambassador Solar, director Raul Garcia, an animator and producer who drew famous characters such as ‘Beauty and the Beast’, Professor Lee Won-bok, author of ‘Neighboring Country Far Away’, Shoji Kawamori, Jang Won-young, Yoon Sang, Lovelyz’s Ryu Su-jeong, etc. Animation directors and guests will attend.

For citizens, BIAF2024 will hold an animation OST performance with Makoto Shinkai at the Bucheon Arts Center at 6 p.m. on the 26th, and ‘Hachuping of Love’ at the Bucheon City Hall Lawn Plaza at 7:30 p.m.

From the 27th to the 28th, ‘Animation Presentation’ to discover animation talent and a long and short animation production support program to develop the domestic animation industry will be held.

Additionally, Meet up+, introduced this year, will serve as a platform to revitalize the animation industry through feature-length pitching.


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