"Where’s the muzzle?": In Yakutsk, a dog without a muzzle almost bit a man in the entrance

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Unleashed Chaos: A Pit Bull Encounter in Yakutsk

Well, here we are, folks! Yakutsk—where winter doesn’t just come, it locks you in a headlock and gives you a wedgie! And in the latest installment of “Things That Should Not Be Happening,” we find ourselves in the middle of a rather hairy situation involving a pit bull, a stressed-out resident, and a dog owner who’s perhaps not reading the room very well.

Picture this: You’re just trying to navigate the treacherous terrain of an apartment building staircase (those top-floor dwellers really are the mountaineers of urban living), when BAM! A leash-bound pit bull bursts out like it’s auditioning for a horror movie. Honestly, if this happened in America, they’d probably have made it a reality show by now. “The Leashed Terror: Who Will Survive?”

Our intrepid narrator clearly didn’t sign up for the horror genre as they innocently descended from the fifth floor. Suddenly, their cozy descent turns into a ‘who will be the main course’ situation with an aggressive pit bull eyeing them as if they were a gourmet steak dinner. And let’s not forget the owner—presumably rehearsing for “The Shouting Olympics”—yelling all sorts of things but not, shockingly, providing the one thing that might tame the situation: a muzzle.

The video shows our narrator desperately asking, “Where is the muzzle?” as if they’re in some bizarre treasure hunt that only leads to canine chaos. And what’s the owner’s response? “The dog is agitated because you’re freaking out!” Ah yes, classic deflection! Because clearly, if the dog’s ready to turn our narrator into a chew toy, it’s their insistence on not being munched that’s the problem!

And let’s get real for a moment. What was going through this owner’s mind? “I’ve got a big ol’ pit bull, and instead of fitting them with a muzzle, let’s see how this plays out!” Did they think this was a case study for “When Pets Attack”? What if our narrator hadn’t been the only one to meet Mr. Bitey on the stairs? God forbid two unsuspecting girls would’ve shown up and suddenly found themselves starring in their own episode of “Life After Lockjaw.”

The authorities in Yakutia have a pretty sound rule in place—owners must muzzle their dogs (except for the pint-sized pooches, I suppose?). But like all great rules, they seem to be whispering sweet nothings in the ears of those who insist on living life on the edge, apparently ignoring the concept of “preventive measures.”

“I ask the district police officer to conduct a preventive conversation,” our narrator says. Can you imagine being the officer called out to break up this canine kerfuffle? With a sky-high percentage of chance for a documentary-worthy encounter, they must be positively thrilled!

WARNING: The video accompanying this wild ride is marked 18+ for strong language. Apparently, yelling in terror is a grown-up activity now!

So, next time you’re having a relaxing Wednesday descending the stairs in Yakutsk, keep your eyes peeled—because life’s too short to be caught off guard by a dog that believes in the ‘no leash, no service’ motto.

For a glimpse of this nerve-racking saga, you can catch the video on Telegram. Who knew a simple trip down the stairs could end in drama worthy of Shakespeare? I mean, WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?

“The owner of the pit bull is impudent, yells, and still wants to fight. I ask him again where the muzzle is. He says that the dog rushes at me because I’m yelling and freaking out,” writes the author of the video

A resident of Yakutsk complained that a pit bull almost bit him at the entrance of an apartment building on Bilibina Street, and the dog’s owner also behaved aggressively.

The Telegram channel “Dyikei” published a video where the author of the footage asks a man who is leading a dog on a leash: “Where is the muzzle?” He says something inaudibly and asks “not to freak out.” The video is accompanied by a message from the video’s author:

“I was going down the stairs from the fifth floor, and then suddenly on the third floor I met a huge pit bull without a muzzle and without an owner, but with a leash. The door opened and he ran out. (apparently, he escaped from the owner’s hands) The owner called the dog back, but he didn’t leave. On the stairs, the pit bull rushed at me, wanted to bite my right leg, and I removed my right leg and hit the dog.

The owner ran out and started yelling. I ask: “Where is the muzzle?” I also yell at the dog not to rush any further. The owner begins to grab the leash, but cannot grab the leash, as the dog begins to jump on me. In the end, he barely grabbed the leash.

I ask: “Which apartment are you from?” He’s impudent, he yells, he still wants to fight with the dog, he’s a coward. Names the apartment. I ask him again where the muzzle is. He says that the dog is attacking me because I’m screaming and freaking out.

Everything he said is on video.

Going down, we met two girls. What would have happened if a huge pit bull had met them instead of me?

I ask the district police officer to conduct a preventive conversation.”

Sakhapress reminds that in Yakutia, owners must take dogs out of residential premises (houses), as well as isolated areas, into common courtyards and outside, wearing a muzzle (except for animals with a height at the withers below 35 cm), on a leash, the length of which allows you to control their behavior . For failure to comply with this rule, the owners bear administrative liability under Art. 5.4 of the Code of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on administrative offenses.

Video 18+ (mats) is available in our telegram channel @sakhapress1.

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