Social Security: what Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have promised about Social Security | M.A.G.

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Trump vs. Harris: The Social Security Showdown

Welcome folks! Grab your popcorn because we’re diving into the political ring to see what our contenders have to say about a topic that concerns over 75 million Americans: Social Security! With 68 million retirees and survivors holding their breath, the stakes couldn’t be higher. I mean, if you thought the debates outclassed a soap opera, you haven’t been paying attention!

First up, we’ve got Donald “I’ve Got the Best Plans” Trump, who has promised to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits. And why not? Who doesn’t want to save a few bucks when there’s a possibility of looming deficits on the horizon? According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (or CRFB, for those who prefer acronyms over mental gymnastics), this could lead to a $2.3 trillion deficit from 2026 to 2035! Talk about adding a little excitement to the retirement party!

Now, Trump’s camp is pushing back against those pesky analyses, claiming he’s got the magic touch to protect Social Security and Medicare like they’re his favorite golf clubs. He insists a new economic boom will fund all this. My grandmother used to say, “Trust in fairy tales, but don’t expect a prince.” Wise words, eh? The reality is, clarity is lacking on how he plans to deliver on these promises. Will he summon the economy like one summons a pizza? One can’t help but wonder!

And on the flip side, we have Kamala “I’m Here to Strengthen” Harris rolling into the ring, swinging a stick that says “millionaires and billionaires are about to pay more.” Her proposal involves making the rich cough up a little more dough to extend the life of Social Security. Great idea, right? Sure, but remember—this isn’t a magic wand situation. Everyone wants to be a hero, but being a hero without the plan is like trying to put out a fire with a garden hose.

“An overwhelming majority of voters want candidates to prioritize solutions to strengthen Social Security.” – Michael Peterson

Despite the good intentions, experts are still scratching their heads, pointing out that Harris’s plan might not significantly bolster the Social Security trust fund. It’s like saying you’re going to strengthen your biceps by lifting a feather—sure, it sounds good, but will it make a difference? Time will tell if her plan hits the gym or just sits on the couch eating potato chips.

As we inch closer to the November 5, 2024 election, one thing is clear: benefactors of Social Security are worried about the program’s solvency. That survey that got everyone buzzing revealed that a whopping 96% of beneficiaries are concerned about automatic cuts hitting their wallets without warning—yikes!

So what have we learned? Social Security isn’t just some dusty old program; it’s the lifebuoy for millions in an ocean of economic uncertainty. Whether it’s a Trump golf course or a Harris tax plan, both candidates have a long way to go before they can convince the voters they’ve got the winning formula. Until then, I guess we just keep munching on that popcorn!

The Social Security Administration has more than 75 million beneficiaries, of which 68 million are retirees and survivors, so it is important to know what the proposals of the United States presidential candidates are: the Democrat and current vice president of the country, Kamala Harris; and former president and Republican standard-bearer Donald Trump.

One of the main concerns of beneficiaries is the solvency of the program. A recent survey of the shows that 96% consider that it is important that “candidates have a plan to avoid automatic cuts to Social Security.”

An overwhelming majority of voters want candidates to prioritize solutions to strengthen Social Security“mentions Michael Peterson, executive director of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, while noting that the program is “less than a decade away from automatic, widespread cuts, putting many millions of current retirees at financial risk”.

Below, find out what the presidential candidates say ahead of the November 5, 2024 elections, regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Donald Trump proposes eliminating taxes on Social Security benefitswith the goal of providing tax relief to some Americans. However, experts have expressed concern about the financial impact of this measure on the Social Security program, since income taxes represent approximately 4% of the program’s income. Program administrators estimate that Social Security trust funds will be depleted in 2035, but the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) projects that, under Trump’s proposal, the funds could be depleted in 2031, in addition to increasing the deficit in 2.3 trillion dollars between 2026 and 2035.

Trump’s campaign has criticized these analyses, asserting that the former president will protect Social Security and Medicare as he did in his first term, and that a new economic boom will bolster funding for the program. Despite these statements, experts remain unclear about the specific measures that Trump would implement to guarantee the solvency of Social Security, since his political platform for 2024 rejects cuts or changes in the retirement age.

The Republican’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, assured that a second Trump administration would reinforce the financing of Social Security and firmly protect Social Security and Medicare in his second term, as – he assures – he did in his first administration.

Donald Trump proposes eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits (Photo: AFP)

Kamala Harris’ campaign has promised to protect and “strengthensr” Social Security by making millionaires and billionaires pay more taxes. The Biden-Harris administration proposed extending the program’s solvency by focusing on those with higher incomes, noting that middle-class, low-tax Americans pay on all of their income, while those with higher incomes do not. The White House has also expressed its rejection of benefit cuts and privatization of the program.

Despite this, experts indicate that concrete details are missing from Harris’ plan to secure Social Security finances. According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), Harris’ current proposals “would not have major effects on the solvency of the Social Security trust fund”.

Sileña Cisneros

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