Peru will require landlords to register foreigners in the Immigration system: the details of the decree

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  • The sanctioning measure is due to the new adjustments to regularize the situation of Venezuelan migrants

The government of Peru approved on Wednesday, October 23, a decree that requires landlords and accommodations to register foreign citizens who host or rent a home on a digital Migration platform, with the aim of “ensuring public order.” .

The supreme decree, published in the official gazette The Peruvianexplains that these obligations are implemented “in order to ensure security and public order, modifying and incorporating articles related to the identification of foreigners, identity documents, cancellation of the immigration card and access to information from the Migration Information Registry.” .

It details that lodging establishments will have, in 30 days, the obligation to comply with various immigration provisions, such as requiring the presentation of travel or identity documents, as appropriate, to prove the identity of the foreign person requesting the service. .

Photo: Trip advisor

They must also register the foreign person in the Guest Registry, “recording, in addition to the information regulated by the competent authority, the type and number of the travel or identity document.”

They must also allow Migrations access to information from the Guest Registry of foreign people to carry out immigration inspection and verification tasks, and transmit to this entity, at the time of registration, the nationality and personal data of the foreign person.

The fine if the requirements are not met

The Peruvian government established that violation of these provisions will result in sanctions for lodging establishments.

The fine for legal entities that provide lodging services that do not request such information, or do not send the person’s registration to Migrations, will vary between a Tax Tax Unit (UIT), which in 2024 has a value of 5,150 soles (1,369 dollars) or two UITs, 10,300 soles ($2,733.18).

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Photo: Courtesy of the National Immigration Superintendency of Peru

Armando García, national superintendent of Migrations, explained on the state channel TVPerú that next week they will begin testing, prototypes and training to use the platform, and in 30 business days, this measure will be required.

“The same rule establishes fines between 1 and 2 UIT for those accommodations that, for example, do not transmit that information, do not use the platform or even do not allow the inspection that Migrations can carry out on said accommodations unexpectedly,” he indicated.

Peru’s measures for Venezuelan migration

On Tuesday, October 22, the president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced that the Executive will promote adjustments to regularize the situation of Venezuelan migrantss such as the requirement that they show work and rental contracts, as well as monitoring the sending of currency outside the country, with the aim of fighting organized crime.

Peru's Interior Minister resigned amid political tension over the raid on President Boluarte's home
EFE/ Paolo Aguilar

“We are going to monitor the foreign currency and remittances that are sent outside the country, to know where they generate those incomes. And those who do not answer in a certain way where their income comes from, well, that’s where we are going to fall,” said Boluarte in the balance of his government management of the last eight months.

After more than 100 days without declaring to the press, Boluarte specified that they are going to make adjustments in Immigration to require “every Venezuelan”, who apparently works legally, to present the work and rental contract.

In this sense, the president also asked property owners to be careful of “who they rent” their homes to.

With information from EFE

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