3% error for someone to enter the Parliament. The younger someone is, the more he blackmails

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“I am the first one who has touched this for a very long time and for many years. The fact that 17 countries in Europe have 5% and another 8 if I’m not mistaken have 4% and the few, very few have the 3% we have too. I believe that 3% is wrong, because it is a very small percentage and it creates expectations that everyone can get this 3%. It becomes a Babel”.

The above was mentioned, among others, by Andreas Drymiotis, political analyst and columnist speaking on the First Program 91.6 and 105.8 and on the show “The GPS of Current Affairs” with Thanos Siafakas, about the setting that is taking shape in the political landscape of the country with the fragmentation of political forces and the debate taking place to change the percentage of parties entering parliament.

“It would help 5% to create better party formations, so that we can also talk about partnerships. Because 3% is one thing and 5% is another. They are almost twice as much as each other” said Mr. Drymiotis, noting that otherwise the country could be led to “collaborations of terror”.

“Most of the time, the younger someone is, the more they blackmail,” he emphasized.

“I’m all for the idea that the president is first and that he should literally have a bigger bonus. Say we have an election and one gets 35 and the other gets 34 and another election where one gets 35 and the other gets 20, is the result the same? No. So maybe the one who gets 35 should also get some bonus from the difference he has from the second one. It could have been for every one unit of difference from the second, to get two more seats”, added Mr. Drymiotis.

Asked if the prime minister should change the electoral law, Mr. Drymiotis answered positively, as he said “collaborative governments are not in our nature”.

In addition, he pointed to the rise of the extreme right at the international level, which, he said, is also due to immigration. “As much as we don’t want to admit it, that’s the problem. And I think that as long as it is not dealt with, it is easy to say the word dealt with, the more we will see the extreme right getting stronger. They are countries that were more flexible on the issue of immigration. And for example I mention Sweden, which is literally suffering now. You see that even where they were very relaxed and even very pro-immigration, they are facing a huge problem. They practically invited the immigrants and at the moment they can’t move around in their streets” concluded Mr. Drymiotis.

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