“Condemn those who commit crimes” –

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“There are numerous reports of racial profiling by law enforcement, particularly targeting Roma and people of African descent.” This was reported by Ecri, the anti-racism and intolerance body of the Council of Europe, in its latest report dedicated to Italy published today. “Public discourse has become increasingly xenophobic and political discourse has taken on highly divisive and antagonistic tones, targeting in particular refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, as well as Italian citizens with a migrant background, Roma and LGBT people,” it reads. Accusations, which according to Anna Maria Cisint are “scandalous”.

Open Arms, Salvini: Camps? Now he says he 'was joking'. Disgusting

“We defend our police forces. The accusations of Ecri are scandalous, a useless body that we will try to eliminate, which has shamefully insulted women and men who risk their lives every day for our safety, also paid for with citizens’ taxes Italians. We do not accept it”, declared the MEP of the League. “Let the Ecri instead condemn, without ‘ifs’ and without ‘buts’, those who commit crimes and create insecurity in our country”, he added the response of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “Our police forces work with dedication and self-sacrifice to guarantee the safety of all citizens, without distinction. They deserve respect, not such insults,” he wrote on social media.

#Condemn #commit #crimes #Tempo

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