Change for Disney+ users on iPhone

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When Disney+ Met Apple: A Subscription Story

It is no longer possible to subscribe to the service directly from the application on iPhone.

Well, grab your popcorn, folks! The Disney+ saga just took a turn sharper than a Disney villain’s plot twist. For those of you seeking a new streaming adventure via your iPhone, I have some news as delightful as Mickey Mouse in a hot air balloon—you can’t do it anymore! It’s like finding out your favorite ride at Disneyland is closed for maintenance. Talk about a major bummer!

The 30% Elephant in the Room

The reason for this abrupt shift? Drumroll, please! It’s Apple’s cut of the cake—an eye-watering 30% commission on in-app purchases. Now, granted, even in the world of streaming, that percentage feels like using a butter knife to slice through a fully baked loaf of sourdough. Disney+ has managed to negotiate a *reduced* rate of 15%, but that still feels like a bit of a sticky situation, don’t you think? Trying to keep the balance sheet looking clean while Apple’s sitting there like a greedy genie in a lamp, demanding its three wishes!

So, what’s the new plan? If you want to join the Disney+ phenomenon, you’ll have to put down the iPhone app and stroll on over to the mobile website. I’m sure there’s a straightforward, user-friendly experience awaiting you there. That’s a bit like inviting your friends to the best party in town, but asking them to walk a mile in heels to get there. Who’s got that kind of stamina?!

Turning Pages and Wallets

Ah, Disney—hoping to boost those revenues and profitability faster than you can say “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.” With the majority of its subscribers hailing from the good ol’ U.S. of A., and given that the iPhone reigns supreme as the king of smartphones across the land, it makes sense that Disney is trying to cut out the *middle mouse*—er, I mean, middle man.

This isn’t the only trick up Disney’s sleeve. They’ve already cranked up subscription prices and limited account sharing, promising a rollercoaster of profits that makes Six Flags look dull. It seems Disney*’s strategy is to charge a little more for every bit of magic. Next, they’ll probably put a price tag on your nostalgia—remember the good old days of VHS tapes? Oh, how the world has changed!

Conclusion: A New Era of Streaming?

As we hold our breath—and our wallets—waiting for what comes next, we’re left to wonder: Is this the end of seamless subscriptions on our beloved iPhones? Or just a new beginning? Rest assured, we’ll be watching closely! Until then, grab your popcorn, settle in, and enjoy the ride… even if it’s taken a detour!

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It is no longer possible to subscribe to the service directly from the application on iPhone.

A page is turning in the history of Disney+. For several days now, it has no longer been possible to take out a subscription on iPhone. In question? Apple’s commission, which generally amounts to 30% – 15% in the case of Disney+ – which is being questioned by the streaming giant. New users who wish to subscribe to the service will have to go through the mobile site to subscribe to the service, in the absence of an agreement with Apple.

Disney hopes to further increase its revenues and profitability. Given that most of its subscribers are based in the United States and that the iPhone remains the best-selling smartphone across the Atlantic, the measure should make it possible to generate additional revenue, in the same way as the new price increase subscriptions to the service and that the account sharing limitations.

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