WhatsApp improves add features and makes managing contacts easier – ANTARA North Sulawesi

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Jakarta (ANTARA) – WhatsApp has again brought improvements to its service so that it can improve the user experience. Their latest feature is improving the features of adding and managing contacts to make them easier for users to access.

In WhatsApp’s official statement, Wednesday, before the feature upgrade was launched, adding contacts to WhatsApp was previously limited to adding contacts manually to the phone book on a smartphone or by scanning a QR code.

However, with the new improvements, now users can add contacts not limited to devices, users can even add WhatsApp contacts with access from any device connected to the contacts.

“Soon, you’ll be able to add and manage contacts directly from the keyboard on WhatsApp Web and Windows—and eventually other linked devices,” WhatsApp said in a statement.

Apart from that, WhatsApp also introduced the option of saving contacts exclusively on WhatsApp so that users don’t need to add contacts to the phone book on their device.

Contacts that are stored exclusively on WhatsApp are described as ideal for use when users want to separate business and personal contacts, especially for those who manage WhatsApp from more than one account on one device.

Later, contacts that users save specifically only on WhatsApp will be restored if the user loses their cellphone or changes devices.

This update will also make it easier to manage and save contacts by username.

By storing contacts based on user names, there is an extra layer of privacy so that users don’t need to specifically share their cellphone number when sending a message to someone.

WhatsApp’s New Features: A Cheeky Look at Their Latest Update

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen—gather ‘round, gather ‘round! Today, we have breaking news that even your Mum’s WhatsApp group might find a bit riveting. Yes, that’s right—the brilliant minds over at WhatsApp have decided to sprinkle some magic dust on their contact management! Because, you know, if there’s one thing the world was screaming for, it was an easier way to add people you probably don’t even like that much to your phone! Am I right or am I right?

What’s New in the WhatsApp World?

So, WhatsApp has unveiled a shiny new feature that allows you to add contacts with the same ease as collecting unwanted junk mail. Prior to this update, your adding capabilities were as limited as my ability to say ‘no’ after dessert. You either had to add a contact manually (which let’s be honest, no one does) or scan a QR code like you’re hunting for a cryptic treasure. But now, they’ve stepped into the future like a toddler with a shiny new toy!

With this latest update, you can add contacts from any device linked to your account, which is basically their equivalent of the Swiss Army knife of features! WhatsApp has even gone so far as to make it possible to manage contacts directly from your trusty keyboard on WhatsApp Web and Windows. It’s as if they’re trying to turn every user into an IT specialist without the hassle of actually knowing anything about IT. I won’t say it’s all commendable—but it’s certainly a step up from just awkwardly typing someone’s number in while they stand there watching you!

Say Goodbye to Contact Clutter!

Next up, let’s talk about saving contacts exclusively on WhatsApp—because who doesn’t want to add another layer of complexity to their life? If you’ve ever wanted to separate your business contacts from your personal ones, you can now do so without that pesky phone book clutter. Honestly, I love this feature; it’s like sliding into the DMs before sliding into the DMs was even a thing! And if you’re managing multiple accounts? Oh boy, you’re in for a treat—less time worrying about who you called “Mum” and more time avoiding your actual Mum. Win-win!

And for those of you who keep losing your phones like they’re socks in a laundromat—fear not! Any contacts you save exclusively on WhatsApp will magically reappear for you. It’s like they’ve decided to be your techy fairy godparent: “Lost your phone? Poof! Here are your contacts!” Wouldn’t it be nice if they could also find lost socks? Just a thought!

Protecting Your Privacy: Because We All Care!

And let’s not forget the privacy aspect! By storing contacts based on usernames, not only do you dodge that awful ‘having to share phone numbers’ conversation, but you also add a layer of protection. It’s like wearing a toupee at a windy beach—who wouldn’t want that? Now when you reach out to someone, they can be blissfully unaware of your number, as if you’re a mysterious figure in their life, only to transform into a face they regret having added in the first place!

Final Thoughts

In summary, WhatsApp’s new features are like a sophisticated cocktail at a party where you were initially overwhelmed by the number of guests. They’re here to help you navigate the labyrinth of contacts like a pro—or at least make it look like you are! With these updates, your contact management is about to become as breezy as that summer day when you realize you’ve forgotten all about that relationship you’d been avoiding!

In short—cheers to WhatsApp for continuously trying to make our lives easier while we all know that we still have a plethora of mundane conversations to wade through. If these features help you avoid that—which they probably won’t—then raise a glass! Here’s to the tech that keeps on giving and the contacts we pretend we want!

Learn more about WhatsApp updates here.

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