Sarsa faced the disease and returned to the stage. “Today I hear differently than before”

Sarsa faced the disease and returned to the stage. “Today I hear differently than before”

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Despite health problems, Sarsa does not slow down. The artist presents another single promoting her new album, which will be released next year. On our stage, she sang the song “Jak w film” and also shared her personal confession.

Sarsa – disease, fight for yourself and new challenges

This diagnosis changed absolutely everything in Sarsa’s life. When she heard that she suffered from otosclerosis and that the disease could lead to complete hearing loss, her world stopped for a moment. Despite everything, she knew she had to and wanted to fight.

– I wasn’t a brave girl anymore It was hard for me to get up off the ground. I realized that I was being punched in the nose by a higher power to make me realize that I don’t have control over everything in life. Until my diagnosis, I was a control freak and I hated it when things didn’t go my way. Such a powerful event, it was a process of coming to terms with the fact that you don’t make decisions about everything in your life. My character struggled with it, but today it’s easier for me to talk about it because the twist is good, I feel a lot of good energy. I don’t know if there will be a happy ending because I don’t know what the course of the disease will be like. But I’m glad I can play and sing today, she said.

Marta underwent specialist care surgerywhich allowed her to return to work. Today she returns to the stage stronger, but, as she emphasizes, also grateful for where she is and what she can do. Although she looks at the difficult past with a smile today, she does not hide the fact that returning to painful moments makes her feel uncomfortable. Despite everything, Sarsa is maturing to tell her perverse story through film.

– A film will be made while I watch recordings from the time when I had surgery on my ears. This process of coming to terms with myself, learning sounds again, when I watch it, I have the feeling that I am not ready to expose myself like that yet, but I want to mature to it. I feel that every event in my life is meant to make something good out of it for others. I think there are many people who, when they apply this to their lives, think that something happened that rules everything out. Fate loves curiosity. In hindsight, it’s even funny. Only 5% of the population suffers from otosclerosis, and if you do suffer from it, it’s something very special. Today I hear differently than before, but I am extremely grateful to Professor Skarżyski, who trained me and thanks to him I can do what I love. I am so grateful to have this disease in my life. Only now do I appreciate and enjoy music, she admitted.

Sarsa on the Dzień Dobry TVN stage

On our stage, Sarsa and her band performed the song “Jak w film”. This is an announcement of the new album, which is scheduled for release next year.

– This is my next incarnation, but it results from evolution, not from intentional metamorphosis. I want to bring something new to my fans. I missed the melody and my new songs will be like that, she says.

Sarsa in the song “Jak w film”

Source: Dzień Dobry TVN

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Diagnosis: Not Just a Plot Device

Now, imagine hearing that you’ve got otosclerosis—sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, doesn’t it? But instead, it’s the kind of diagnosis that gives you a one-way ticket to a doctor’s office and a complete shakeup of your life. For Sarsa, this news hit harder than a bad pun on stage! She candidly shared that at first, she wasn’t exactly a brave girl anymore, but rather more like a deer caught in headlights. Let’s face it; it’s not a fun moment when life’s metaphorical punch in the nose comes with a side of existential dread.

In her words, “I realized that I was being punched in the nose by a higher power.” Now, that’s one way to put it! Forget controlling every little detail in life; it’s like trying to manage a toddler on a sugar high while blindfolded. The realization that control is an illusion can lead to some serious soul-searching. But here’s where Sarsa shines—she fought back! And now, she’s strutting across the stage like she owns the place again, armed with gratitude and a newfound appreciation for her art.

Turning Pain into Purpose

Surgery? Check. Resilience? Double check. It’s almost like Sarsa’s life is a masterclass in turning adversity into a personal anthem. She credits her recovery to some serious specialist care, and she didn’t just come out of it; she returned with an added sparkle and a whole lot of gratitude. Talk about a comeback! You know what they say: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger—or at least has you singing cat anthems in the shower!

But wait, there’s more! She’s even planning a film to document her journey. Yep, a cinematic tale of “Me vs. My Ears.” Sarsa refers to this as “learning sounds again,” which sounds like the world’s most frustrating game of Simon Says. It’s both brave and a touch bonkers to expose one’s vulnerable moments on screen, but let’s give her credit—she wants to make something good out of it for others, which is both inspiring and a bit cheeky, if you ask me. If ever there was a case for Netflix to get a hold of this story, it’s now!

Musical Evolution: Something New to Sing About

And let’s not forget about the music! On the Dzień Dobry TVN stage, Sarsa performed “Jak w film,” a precursor to her upcoming album. She described this phase as her “next incarnation” — not a metamorphosis, but an evolution. Maybe she’s like a butterfly with a microphone instead of wings. Gotta love that she’s missed the melody—we could all use a bit more of that in our lives, especially given the monstrosities of reality! Her new songs promise to be filled with catchy tunes that’ll make you want to dance like nobody’s watching. Unless it’s your boss, then it’s best to keep things professional.

With her upcoming work, Sarsa aims to give us fresh vibes that echo with her experiences. It’s like she’s saying, “I’ve danced with adversity, and now it’s time to spin on the stage!” And honestly, if you can’t find something to be grateful for after a health scare, what’s the point of it all?

In conclusion, Sarsa isn’t just a singer; she’s a warrior with a hairbrush for a sword. Her powerful journey reminds us all that even when life threatens to take away our favorite tunes, we can find a way to rewrite the song. So, here’s to Sarsa—may her melodies inspire many and her laughter echo in the halls of resilience! Catch her on Dzień Dobry TVN, or better yet, buy her album when it drops; your ears are in for a treat!

Now go ahead, put on some of her tunes and enjoy life like it’s a party—because if anyone knows how to turn a tough diagnosis into a dance floor, it’s Sarsa!

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