The first countermobility park in the country is opening in the Vilnius region

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Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė, Chairman of the Seimas National Security and Defense Committee Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Head of the National Crisis Management Center Vilmantas Vitkauskas, Commander of the Logistics Board of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Colonel Arūnas Dzidzevičius, and others will participate in the opening of the Pilot Park of Engineering Measures.

As reported by the Government, the establishment of the park establishes a counter-mobility system necessary for the defense of the country, which will consist of 18 parks of this kind of Engineering Means.

The parks store reinforced concrete blocks, anti-tank reinforced concrete structures, metal hedgehogs, and other engineering measures designed to create an additional defensive countermobility effect along the Lithuanian border with Russia and Belarus.

According to the report, at the same time, other measures to strengthen the effect of countermobility, such as the formation of tree avenues and the deepening of reclamation ditches, are planned in a complex manner.

The parks are planned to be established in about a year. It will cost 18 million. euros, but this amount does not include the purchase of military equipment – mines, torpedoes, missile systems.

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