Practical – Insurance. Insurance: increase of almost 6% in Burgundy Franche-Comté in 2024

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Car Insurance Price Hikes: The Good, The Bad, and The Cheeky

Oh, dear readers, gather ’round as we dive into the world of car insurance prices! I know, I know – the subject is as thrilling as watching paint dry… in slow motion. But believe me, the numbers are rolling in faster than you can say “license and registration, please,” and they’re not looking pretty. An average increase of 3.8% nationally is like finding a spider in your shoe – unexpected and a little unsettling!

Regional Disparities: Some Places You’d Rather Not Drive Through

Now, if you live in Île de France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, or the glamorous Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), you might want to sit down – and perhaps breathe into a paper bag. The PACA region is pulling the drama queen card with an eye-opening increase of over 6%. That makes it the most expensive area in France for car insurance, trailing only behind Corsica. But let’s be real – who doesn’t know that the roads in Corsica might as well come with a complimentary rollercoaster ticket?

Know Your Contract… and Compare

In the wise words of Philippe Nozière, president of “40 million motorists” association: “With this increase in prices, we should not hesitate to compare and especially to change insurance if the prices of our contract become too high.” Rotten luck if you’re still in bed with the same insurance company because, spoiler alert: loyalty rarely translates to savings. It’s more like those awkward moments at a family gathering – no one really knows how or why you’re still together.

And let’s not forget Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of 40 million motorists, who skillfully points out the elephant in the room: “The downward revision of the tax exemption system for owners of electric vehicles… also causing a rise in car insurance prices.” Because who doesn’t love paying more for the sheer joy of reducing emissions? You’ll feel better about your contributions to saving the planet, right? Just don’t look at your insurance bill. That’ll ruin the mood!

Younger Drivers: The Price You Pay for Youth

Cue the violins for our young drivers! Those sprightly individuals aged 18-25 are taking a hit with an average premium hike of 5.6%. To put that into perspective, their insurance costs are nearly three times higher than those of our wise 56-65-year-olds. If you think that’s rough, imagine being told your best friend eats more cake than you because they have a special talent for not getting caught!

In this era of “You kids and your fancy apps,” it’s essential that young drivers smarten up! Things like opting for a small used car, taking part in ‘accompanied driving,’ or utilizing parental insurance could help ease the financial strain. And if you’re really feeling daring, a connected box – which adjusts premiums based on your driving behavior – might make you feel like a contestant on “The Price Is Right.”

Time to Play Hardball with Insurance Companies

According to Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of Assurland: “In 2024, auto insurance rates will show an increase that has not been seen for several years.” Imagine being the guy who forgot his own birthday! Well, that’s French car insurance for you: always coming in uninvited and asking for more cake!

This barometer analyzed a staggering 240,000 car insurance prices on since the year started. Who said we don’t like crunching numbers? After all, statistics are just there to remind us we might need to change the way we play the insurance game!

Our Cheeky Advice for Choosing the Right Guarantees

Pay annually: It could save you 5 to 10%. Less cake for the insurance company!

Hunt for duplicates: You don’t need two legal protections, do you? Think of it as decluttering your policy.

Switch to third-party: If your car is over 8 years old or worth less than €7,000, send it to retirement.

Check for 0-kilometer assistance: Costs around fifty euros per year – but do you really need roadside assistance just to be picked up since you forgot to ask for directions?

Exclusivity clause: If you’re not sharing your car, make them put it in writing!

Check electric vehicle guarantees: Make sure they cover running out of battery when you have three percent left on your way to the grocery store.

In the end, folks, the landscape of car insurance prices is changing faster than a short man trying to reach the top shelf. So buckle up, do your homework, and remember: navigating through the insurance jungle doesn’t have to be a life-or-death mission, but it might save you a few pennies! Happy driving – and may the odds be ever in your favor!

The main finding of the analyzes carried out shows an average increase of 3.8% nationally.

There are three regions particularly impacted by this increase in the price of insurance: Île de France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and the Provences-Alpes Côte d’Azur region. With an increase of more than 6%, the PACA region becomes the most expensive in France to insure your vehicle, after Corsica, whose dangerous roads and low competition in terms of insurance explain the very high amount of the premium.

Know your contract… and compare

« With this increase in prices, we should not hesitate to compare and especially to change insurance if the prices of our contract become too high. It is also very important to know what guarantees motorists are entitled to in their contract. This will allow them to choose the right guarantees and therefore pay the insurance price corresponding to their needs. », Reacts Philippe Nozière, president of the “40 million motorists” association.

For Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of 40 million motorists: “ The downward revision of the tax exemption system for owners of electric vehicles, from 100% to 75% on January 1, is also causing a rise in car insurance prices. Let’s not forget that in France, insurance products are heavily taxed, much more than among our European neighbors! ».

Young people particularly affected

Aside from the regions, it is young people who are experiencing the greatest increases. In fact, the average premium for the youngest has increased by 5.6% since December 2023. The price of their insurance is almost three times more expensive than that of 56-65 year olds.

The reason: lack of experience. Some tips allow you to lower your insurance premium in the first years after obtaining your license: choose a small used car, follow accompanied driving, turn to parental insurance or even opt for a connected box that allows to change the price according to its conduct.

According to Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of Assurland: “ In 2024, auto insurance rates will show an increase that has not been seen for several years. It is therefore very useful to remember that loyalty does not pay for insurance. Insurers all have their own commercial policies. You may be a good profile for one and less interesting for another. The difference then comes down to the price offered to you. »

This Barometer was carried out by analyzing 240,000 car insurance prices presented on since the start of the year.

Our advice for choosing the right guarantees and paying the right price

✓ Pay annually: a saving of 5 to 10%

✓ Hunt for duplicates (legal protection, driver guarantee, portable objects, etc.)

✓ Switch to third party if the vehicle is over 8 years old or worth less than €7,000

✓ Check that 0 kilometer assistance, which costs around fifty euros per year, is relevant for your profile

✓ Ask for an exclusivity clause if you are the sole driver of your vehicle and not willing to lend it

✓ If you have an electric vehicle, check that the guarantees are suitable (battery failure, charging, etc.)

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