Cats under eviction: the Municipality’s ultimatum to the association: «Either we take all 32 of them, or…

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The Purrplexing Situation of Rovigo’s Feline Oasis

Welcome, dear readers, to a tail of feline drama that could rival even the most outrageous episodes of a soap opera. In the quaint town of Rovigo, we find ourselves amidst a feline faux pas of epic proportions. The Una association, which has dedicated over twenty years of its heart and soul to the community—and, let’s be honest, the cat community isn’t the easiest of crowds—has recently found itself caught in a municipal kerfuffle that would make even the most seasoned comedians raise an eyebrow.

The Abrupt Letter

Picture this: It’s Monday, you’re enjoying a well-deserved cup of coffee, when boom! A letter arrives from the municipal Hygiene and Health Section. “Kindly provide feedback within 3 days,” it reads. What do they request? A decision over whether to play doting foster parent to 32 cats rescued from a judicial seizure—or toss them out into the wilds of Rovigo. That’s a bit like asking a cat to pick between a luxury scratching post and a cardboard box—it can end badly either way!

Legal Shenanigans

Now, enter Aldo Guarnieri, Una’s legal eagle and a volunteer who has clearly seen way too many courtroom dramas. He argues that if the cats have become accustomed to the comforts of captivity, sending them back to a life of solitude in colonies would be akin to pressing the “abandon” button on a beloved pet. Aldo rightly points out, “What happens to them? It’s an animal drama that would surely get an Oscar if they could only film it.”

The Backstory

This all unfolds against the backdrop of a summer seizure of several furry inhabitants from a home that, let’s face it, sounds more like a cat lady’s paradise than a horror story. We’re talking about 59 cats and 7 dogs that made headlines, or as I like to call it, “the disastrous pet party.” The municipality has stepped in as the “judicial custodian,” which finishes as gracefully as an elephant at a ballet recital. They deem the Una-managed oasis as the “only property suitable” (because who doesn’t want their cats living in the municipality’s version of a feline five-star resort?).

The Pawsitive Reinforcement

Despite the absurdity of the situation, the volunteers at Una are staying committed. They’ve been tasked with the weighty responsibility of the felines, even after two volunteers ended up a bit bruised—and not from cat cuddles! The city seemed to expect these heroes of animal welfare wouldn’t be overwhelmed. If only they knew our furry friends are less about the social grace and more about the food and naps!

Requests and Responses

If you thought the demands ended there, think again. Una wants the municipality to cough up some cash—specifically, €5,000—and ensure all the cats get a health check. After all, nobody likes an uninvited pet drama unfolding in their backyard. They’re also adamant about checking for any cat illnesses that could disrupt the feline ecosystem. If cats start sneezing, we better have a plan, much like planning for a surprise guest at a party. And unsurprisingly, time is of the essence, with only three days to react causing quite the ruckus.


In a world filled with organizations fighting for the welfare of our furry companions, the situation in Rovigo presents a stark reminder: all that glitters is not gold…unless, of course, you’re a cat in a sunbeam. As we watch this feline saga unfold, let’s hope the humans behind the scenes can find a way to ensure that the only drama in Rovigo’s feline oasis is the kind starring well-fed cats lounging in the sun, rather than local government logistics. Let’s face it, they deserve a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, or at the very least, an endless supply of treats!

For those looking to help, remember, friends, every little bit counts when it comes to our furry friends in need. Stay tuned as this kitty conundrum continues to purr… or potentially hiss!

ROVIGO – For the Una association «it is yet another slap in the face after an activity of more than twenty years rendered to the Municipality free of charge and always impeccable». The letter received on Monday from the Hygiene and Health Section of the municipal administration: with it came the request to “kindly provide feedback within 3 days” to the either/or of becoming the foster carer of the 32 gatti remained in the feline oasis in via De Polzer compared to the 42 from a judicial seizure, which on 9 August had been added to the 37 specimens already hosted, or see their release in feline colonies in Rovigo and beyond.


A choice which in Una’s opinion would amount to the crime of abandonment of animals, because they have acquired habits of captivity, according to the lawyer Aldo Guarnieri, a volunteer at Una, who notes that «whether the proceeding is initiated or archived, the cats must be returned to their legitimate owners: if they are released in colonies and microchipping it’s not complete, what happens to them?”.

The story

And so volunteers from the Uomo Natura Animali (Una) association explained how we have reached yet another chapter in the story that began in the middle of summer with the seizure of 7 dogs and 59 cats from a private home. The Municipality, in its role as judicial custodian of the felines, has judged the oasis, which the Una volunteers believe does not have the health requirements due to the absence of a default area, “the only property owned by the municipality with suitable characteristics” .

And it interpreted the agreement extensively, granting free loan for use and management of the area to Una volunteers, providing that “in cases of absolute necessity the association will also take care of animals that cannot be welcomed by resorting to the collaboration of the own volunteers”. Extensively because, Una points out, the agreement does not provide for the obligation to take charge of cats subject to seizure. The association (“voluntary”, he underlines), in the face of either/or, does not intend to abandon the cats, despite the fact that the double shifts have caused injuries to two volunteers and emotional exhaustion to two others. The Municipality, therefore, will receive a warning “for just thinking about releasing cats. Otherwise we will take legal action with a complaint.”

First of all, in fact, comes animal welfare and the health not only of guests in via De Polzer. “We can’t say no to litters and abandoned cats.” One, therefore, asks for a contribution from the Municipality and reimbursement of the expenses incurred so far, equal to “almost 5,000 euros”, while the food made available by the Municipality was sufficient to cover “the needs of 15 days”. Having defined the either/or as “inadmissible”, the deadline of only 3 days to respond is “out of place” (the deadline is tomorrow) after “the Municipality and the veterinary services have been somewhat absent for months” and considering that “at the beginning of September all the parties had agreed to meet in the last days of October, early November, to collectively decide how to proceed”.

The requests

In addition to completing the microchipping of all the cats subjected to seizure (of the initial 42, three have died, one is up for adoption and six are in temporary custody in foster families), Una asks for the 32 seized cats remaining guests of the oasis health tests which, if they went to cat colonies, would avoid the risk of “creating, with good probability, an epidemiological problem in the area, not only for the cats in the colonies, but also for the cats of private individuals who were to come into contact with them” .

The response from the Municipality has not yet arrived on the tests, notes Una, who had requested them from Ulss 5 as part of the health check scheduled for 16 October. Leukemia and feline immunodeficiency screening would cost 2,560 euros (45 euros for each Felv-Fiv exam) and for Giardia tests (35 euros each), according to the costs quantified by the Hygiene Service of Ulss 5, which does not recognize “elements in support of the oasis manager’s requests regarding the tests”.

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