Story of a 9 Year Old Schoolgirl’s Struggle in Surabaya Against Late Stage HIV – detikJatim

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F (9), a girl in Mojo Village, Surabaya, experienced an unfortunate fate. The 2nd grade elementary school student was diagnosed with late stage HIV.

F has been known to live with his older brother D (14), father Dani Ari Prabowo (35), grandmother Kanipah (57) and grandfather Harijono (65). The girl was looked after by her grandmother and father.

However, currently, he is being treated at RSU Dr Soetomo. Because conditions since Monday (22/10) have decreased.



Kanipah tells the story of how F was diagnosed with HIV. In 2022, at that time his grandson complained of coughing and diarrhea, then he was taken to Husada Utama Hospital and diagnosed with tuberculosis or TBC and one day of treatment he was referred to Dr Soetomo RSU.

While being treated at Dr Soetomo General Hospital, F was diagnosed with early stage HIV. Then outpatient TB treatment for 6 months along with HIV.

“Treatment took 6 months and then he was dropped. Then the second hospitalization went straight to RSU Dr. Soetomo in 2023, he was pale, there was fungus in his mouth, he was treated for 2 weeks,” said Kanipah when met detikJatim at his house, Tuesday (22/10/2024).

After the second hospitalization, F was able to carry out normal activities. Such as school, reciting the Koran, and playing with their peers.

However, the girl’s body suddenly declined again. Finally, in September 2024, he was rushed to RSU Dr Soetomo and underwent intensive treatment for 3 weeks and was allowed to go home on September 25.

On the third medical treatment, F was declared to have the final stage of HIV in his body. His weight also dropped a lot, from 21 kg to 12.4 kg until he was declared malnourished.

The day after returning from RSU Dr. Soetomo, F experienced a skin disease, namely herpes on the thigh.

“He said that in the final stage it attacks the skin. His auntie cadre went to the puskesmas. He was treated by the puskesmas and given ointment, milk, infusion to clean the wound,” he explained.

Until now, there is still herpes but it is located on the palms of the hands. F was supposed to undergo control at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, but due to transportation costs, he had to be absent several times.

“He was getting thinner, his mouth started to get a lot of fungus, he felt nauseous when he was fed to eat, he couldn’t eat rice. He survived because of the medicine,” he said.

Finally, yesterday Monday (22/10) F was taken to RSU Dr Soetomo by Lurah Mojo. Due to F’s condition he was no longer able to walk, because his left knee felt achy and weak.

“Right leg can move, can stand, hands can. Complaining of hot skin, itching, because herpes is coming out. Every night since coming home from the hospital I haven’t slept,” he said.

Even though he is seriously ill, F has a high enthusiasm for life. Every night when he couldn’t sleep, he always visited God and prayed for healing.

“F has a high enthusiasm for life. He can still be chatted with. IQ was asked, his eyes were also said to be good, his heart, lungs and internal organs are all good. From September 25 he came home until yesterday without a fever,” he explained.

“Every night of wiridan, he prays, reads Al-Fatihah, short letters, carries prayer beads,” he concluded.


The Inspiring Journey of Young F: Resilience in the Face of Adversity


Gather ’round, folks! We’ve got a tale today that’ll tug at your heartstrings and perhaps make you see the world through a different lens.
In the charming, yet unpredictable streets of Mojo Village, Surabaya, resides our brave heroine, F, a 9-year-old girl with a spirit that could light up the darkest of nights, despite her dealing with a rather unfortunate fate—diagnosed with late-stage HIV.
Unfortunate? Absolutely! But if there’s one thing I know, it’s that resilience comes in all shapes and sizes, and oh boy, does little F exemplify that!

The Family Unit

F isn’t just a lone soldier in this battle; she’s got her trusty squad—a loving family consisting of her older brother D, father Dani Ari Prabowo, grandmother Kanipah, and grandfather Harijono, all holding hands in the face of adversity like a charm-clad chain.
Imagine a game of Jenga: the family tower might be wobbling a little, but the core remains strong, proud, and defiant! She’s primarily cared for by her grandmother Kanipah and father, who must feel like they’ve stepped straight out of a soap opera, complete with dramatic twists!

Initial Diagnosis

Now, it all began back in 2022—a year that was probably filled with birthday celebrations, school dances, and those half-eaten ice cream cones we all loved—when young F first complained of a simple cough and diarrhea.
Many of us would just shrug it off as a childhood cold, but life had other plans. Off to the hospital she went, diagnosed initially with tuberculosis—the gift that just keeps on giving!
But wait! Not so fast! After being referred to RSU Dr Soetomo, the plot thickened as F found herself facing a more sinister beast: early-stage HIV.
You’ve got to hand it to her; it’s like she was playing a game of “let’s see how many monsters I can slay before breakfast!”

The Rollercoaster Ride

F endured a whopping six months of treatment that saw her go from strength to strength—an absolute champion. After a little hospital hop, she returned to her normal activities, like going to school and playing with friends. One could say she was the reluctant star of her own feel-good movie!
However, life threw in another twist, as the cheerful girl—much like a pleasant surprise on a rainy day—experienced yet another dip in her condition, making a dramatic entrance back to RSU Dr Soetomo in September 2024 to undergo yet more intense treatment. Talk about a series: “F and the Never-Ending Clinic Visits.”

Current Condition

Fast forward to today, F is battling late-stage HIV like a seasoned warrior with 12.4 kg of pure tenacity. Reduced to half her weight, she’s also gained a sidekick—herpes that decided to crash the party, making her skin the talk of the town!
Who knew skin conditions could be so… social? But here’s the kicker—despite everything that’s been thrown her way, this pint-sized dynamo maintains an enthusiasm for life that could rival even the cheeriest of clowns. Every night, as she sits up in bed, probably looking like a little sage, she prays and reads, all while wrestling her own body for control.

A Message of Hope

Now, if this isn’t a testament to human spirit, I don’t know what is! Yes, the situation is serious, and yes, she’s been through more ups and downs than a pogo stick at a trampoline park! However, the girl’s heart still beats a rhythm of hope.
She’s not just fighting for her life, she’s living it! And while the challenges might loom like a storm cloud, she returns every night to her rituals, proving that even in the darkest of times, there’s a flicker of light waiting to peek through.


So, as we reflect on F’s journey, let’s take a moment to appreciate the resilience and fortitude of our little girl from Surabaya.
The world may throw its punches, but spirit—a bit like mine at a karaoke bar—can’t easily be subdued. Her story, tugging at heartstrings, reminds us to cherish our strength, make a joke or two, and perhaps, just perhaps, extends an invitation to perceive life as the grand drama that it is.
And to F, we say: Keep praying, keep fighting, and know there’s a whole world rooting for you like it’s the grand finale of a World Cup!


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