WhatsApp will allow you to save contacts from the app; This is how it will work – Yahoo News

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WhatsApp’s New Contact Management Feature: Finally Get Your Life Together!

By our Observational Comedian

Gather ’round, folks! In a groundbreaking twist that has the tech world—well, at least part of it—buzzing, WhatsApp has decided to spare us all the painful process of saving contacts on our phones. Yes, that’s right! No more panicking when your phone goes MIA, praying your contacts were backed up, or worse, stuck in the digital abyss!

The Change We Didn’t Know We Needed!

According to EL UNIVERSAL, WhatsApp will soon let you add contacts directly through an administrator—call it an early Christmas gift from Meta to the beleaguered masses. Finally, we can connect without the shameful act of actually picking up the phone and tapping ‘save’ in the good old days! Now, you’ll simply manage your contacts from the comfort of your keyboard—because, let’s face it, who doesn’t prefer typing over texting?

But Wait, There’s More!

Now before you get too excited and run to update your app (please don’t), let me assure you, there’s a catch; it’s called “Identity Proof Linked Storage” or IPLS for short. Yes, it sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Almost as if they gave it a name to distract us from the fact that at some point, we might have to give up our beloved phone numbers for a series of zeros and ones!

Simple Steps (and Privacy!)

Here’s the real kicker: when you save a number using this new tech wizardry, your contacts are encrypted! That means it’s just between you and the other person—like a secret club, but without the weird handshake. Meta claims that only you will have access to these sacred numbers, responsibly locked away behind an impenetrable digital fortress. Safe for now, but who knows? Are we one update away from WhatsApp saying, “Surprise! Your whole contact list is on sale at eBay!”

The Benefits of This Revolutionary Feature

Now let’s talk about why you should care. Saving contacts on WhatsApp means you can:

  • Share Your Phone: Picture this: you’ve lent your phone to a friend, and instead of them rummaging through your contact list like it’s a yard sale, they only see what you want them to see. Genius, right?
  • Keep it Professional: Tired of mixing work and personal life? Now you can maintain separate contact lists like a true adult—who knew growing up could be so easy?
  • Automatic Recovery: Lost your phone or decided to ditch your old device like an ex? With WhatsApp’s new feature, your lost contacts won’t vanish into the void. They’ll come back to you like that needy ex stalking your social media!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it’s about time WhatsApp caught up with the rest of the world. This new feature simplifies life and adds a touch of privacy that many of us have been crying out for! Sure, it might not end world hunger or create intergalactic peace, but if it saves us from losing Aunt Edna’s number again, then by Jove, it’s a win in my book!

So keep your eyes peeled, and let’s hope this update rolls out quickly. Because let’s be honest, the last thing we need is another excuse to hound our mates for their numbers when we could just add them whilst cruising away on WhatsApp Web. Remember folks, in the digital age, it’s all about keeping it simple… and a bit cheeky!

MEXICO CITY, October 22 (EL UNIVERSAL).- WhatsApp is simplifying the way to add contacts to the application. Now, through an administrator you can save your contacts without first having to store the number on your cell phone.

Until now, WhatsApp only recorded numbers that came from the contact list. However, this could be harmful when you lost your cell phone and did not have a backup.

For this reason, WhatsApp decided that in the coming days “you will be able to add and manage contacts from the comfort of your keyboard in WhatsApp Web and Windows”, and promises that soon it will also be possible to do so from other linked devices.

—-How will the new WhatsApp tool work?

When you save your numbers from WhatsApp, they will use a new technology called “Identity Proof Linked Storage” (IPLS), which preserves the privacy of the stored contact, keeps the numbers and names encrypted and only the user can access them.

“IPLS allows the client device to save contact information using a strong encryption key generated on the client device. Its retrieval relies on the client authenticating the identity of its primary device,” explains Meta in a statement.

Likewise, this function will allow you to store and restore contacts automatically in case your cell phone is lost.

What are the advantages of saving a contact from WhatsApp?

Saving your contacts from WhatsApp can bring many advantages such as:

Share your cell phone with other people without fear of them stealing your contact list.

Manage a personal and work WhatsApp account on the same device and want to have two contact lists.

If you lose your phone or change devices, contacts are restored automatically.

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