The mayor of Rieti Daniele Sinibaldi elected president of Anci Lazio – Rieti Life

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Meet Daniele Sinibaldi: The New Face of Anci Lazio

The mayor of Rieti, Daniele Sinibaldi, has just had a glory moment worthy of the Academy Awards—or at least a local talent show. He’s now the president of Anci Lazio, a position that means he gets to boss around other mayors while waving a fancy title about. Who knew being a politician could involve so much excitement? He announced his election triumphantly on social media, because of course, where else would you announce your world dominance?

Sinibaldi Takes the Helm

During a gathering that sounds more like a cooking class than a political assembly, Sinibaldi was elected at the museum complex of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome. Was there pasta involved? We may never know. What we do know is that this meeting came after the dramatic, nail-biting non-event of the previous election attempt on October 16th. You could say it’s the political equivalent of “let’s try this again, but with slightly more gusto.”

A New Era with a Dash of Drama

Stepping into the shoes of previous president Riccardo Varone, who now plays the role of Deputy Vice President (think of it as a sequined jumpsuit in a poorly lit disco), Sinibaldi aims to bring a blend of continuity and renewal to Anci Lazio. So, what does this mean? Well, it’s all sunshine and rainbows in political speak: they’ll continue what’s been built while also expecting everyone to be merrily on board with new ideas. Never a dull moment around here!

What’s on the Agenda?

Now, as President Sinibaldi prances into office, we’re told he feels “deeply honored” and a bit like he just finished a marathon—and who wouldn’t? The workload ahead includes tackling pressing matters ranging from local policies to resource management, all while doing a delicate dance with regional and national institutions. Can anyone say ‘political cha-cha’?

Sinibaldi claims this role fills him with “responsibility and pride.” Given some of the mayors he’ll be working with, I suspect he’s going to need every ounce of that pride to maintain his sanity. But wait, there’s more! Riccardo Varone, in an act of true camaraderie, will not only offer his support but is also ready to resolve any existential crises because, let’s face it, who wouldn’t need a support group in politics?

The Challenges Ahead

The new admin team comes to office riding the rollercoaster of ‘great challenges’—which is just a euphemism for the fact that the world is a bit of a hot mess—and ‘opportunities’ to actually do something useful for the communities. The shadow of bureaucratic red tape looms large, but fear not! With Sinibaldi at the helm, at least it’ll be entertaining. If anything, watching politicians collaborate can be like watching a sitcom with terrible acting; you can’t help but laugh.

So, there you have it! A fresh face, a dash of humor, and news of an Italian mayor stepping boldly into a role with audacious goals. Let’s hope that Sinibaldi keeps his social media updated and—if all else fails—he can at least give us likeable memes along the way! Remember, politics is not just about laws; it’s also about laughs, and with this cast, we’re in for a wild ride.

The mayor of Rieti Daniele Sinibaldi was elected president Anci Lazio. He announced it himself on his social channels. “From today President of Anci Lazio – we read – I thank all the mayors for the trust placed and the outgoing Board of Directors for the important work carried out. Together we will face the great challenges that await us, working for the good of our communities and the territories we represent.”


Daniele SinibaldiMayor of Rieti, was elected the new President of Anci Lazio during the Assembly of the Association, held in second call at the museum complex of San Salvatore in Lauro, in Rome. After the failed election on 16 October, the assembly today designated Sinibaldi as successor to Riccardo Varone, already President, who now holds the role of Deputy Vice President.

The new composition of the Anci Lazio Regional Committee represents an important step towards a phase of continuity and renewal. In the next few days, the appointment of the new Board of Directors will follow, which will complete the team at the helm of the Association for the next few years.

“I am deeply honored to have been elected President of Anci Lazio – explains the new President Sinibaldi –. This role fills me with responsibility and pride. My commitment will be to continue the work already started to support our Municipalities and ensure that Anci Lazio is always alongside local administrators in their daily challenges. We must address important issues together, from territorial policies to resource management, working closely with regional and national institutions. I thank Riccardo Varone for the important work carried out and I am sure that, with his support as Deputy Vice President, we will be able to continue on this path with renewed energy”.

“It has been a great honor to serve as President of Anci Lazio in recent years, a period full of challenges but also of significant results for our Municipalities. I am proud to pass the baton to Daniele Sinibaldi, a person of great experience and competence, who will be able to lead the Association with vision and determination. I will continue to offer my full support as Deputy Vice President, to ensure continuity and consolidate the projects started. Together, we can do a lot to improve our communities.” As Riccardo Varonenew Deputy Vice President of Anci Lazio.

The new Presidency of Anci Lazio takes office in the context of great challenges, but also of opportunities to strengthen the role of the Municipalities of Lazio and promote local governance that is increasingly efficient and close to the needs of citizens.

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