Pinto da Costa and the 2023 General Assembly: «There was provocation from André Villas-Boas» – A Bola

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Another excerpt from the book «Azul till the End», which will be released on Sunday

In another excerpt from the book ‘Azul till the End’, which will be launched next Sunday at Alfândega, Pinto da Costa addressed the controversial General Assembly of November 14, 2023, in which there were attacks by members of the SuperDragões fans, classifying the chapter as “Shameful Assembly”.

«Unfortunately, my predictions were confirmed. Around two thousand members attended. The chosen location, as in all general assemblies, the amphitheater on Floor-3, was small, and we had to move to the Arena Pavilion. Even before its beginning, I predicted what could happen. André Villas-Boas arrived, left the line, spoke to the television and left, for Lisbon, where he was going to participate in an event in the morning. He was accompanied by a PSP agent and the well-known sports fan «Dr. Needles». This was all considered a provocation, especially because the PSP agent violently pushed an associate who insulted André Villas-Boas. The fuse was laid,” he writes, adding:

«Once the AG started, President Lourenço Pinto gave me the floor. I spoke of my independence from the statutes committee, its exemption and my disapproval of three articles. I was heard without any objection, in complete silence and respect. Then they spoke to Dr. Michael Bras and Dr. Hugo Nunes. While they explained how this final version of the statutes was reached, although there was no complete silence, it was possible for them to finish their speeches. When Henrique, known as «Tagarela», spoke, chaos began. I was talking, being interrupted…»

The Most “Shameful Assembly” Since the Last Time I Watched Paint Dry!

Ah, the life of a football club president! It’s like hosting a dinner party where your guests are more likely to throw the cutlery than use it. The latest chapter of Pinto da Costa’s culinary masterpiece, ‘Azul till the End’, has taken a deliciously chaotic turn, and boy, does it serve up a feast of absurdity.

“Shameful Assembly” — It’s a phrase that conjures up visions of knitting circles gone rogue! But no, dear readers, this isn’t just any old knitting circle; it involves rowdy fans, an absentee manager, and enough drama to put ‘Coronation Street’ to shame.

Our dear Pinto da Costa has opened the Pandora’s box of fan enthusiasm—or should I say chaos—with the infamous General Assembly from November 14, 2023. You can practically hear the gasps as two thousand members of the SuperDragões fans crammed into what can only be described as a glorified broom closet, a.k.a. the Arena Pavilion. Who knew being a sports fan meant experiencing a mass gathering that resembled a rock concert with half the tickets sold? Someone hand them some popcorn!

Now picture this: André Villas-Boas struts in like he owns the place. Instead of taking a seat, he decides to give the press a quick gossip session before jetting off to Lisbon. I mean, who doesn’t want to dodge the drama when you’ve got a hot date with the city? Just imagine the tension building as the PSP agent gives an enthusiastic shove to an associate who dared to hurl a few choice words at him. Did we forget we were at a sports meeting and not a WWE smackdown?

According to Pinto, after he was welcomed (well, let’s say reluctantly tolerated) with silence—remarkable in a room full of football fans—he discussed his outlined independence from the statutes committee. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the irony here? It’s like saying you’re independent while chained to a runaway bus—that’s the metaphorical wow of it all!

Despite the initial silence (perhaps everyone was busy contemplating their next chant), chaos soon erupted faster than you can say “penalty shootout.” When the speaker known as “Tagarela” kicked off his spiel, it was like trying to get a word in during a heated football debate—impossible! Cue the derisive cheers, jeers, and a general atmosphere reminiscent of my family at Christmas dinner. Isn’t politics just enchanting?

This whole affair sounds like a poorly scripted drama—complete with a protagonist, antagonists, and a plot twist that leaves you wondering if everyone involved was just trying to win an Oscar for best chaotic performance. If Pinto da Costa’s ‘Azul till the End’ doesn’t include a chapter on dodging flying chairs and dramatic exits, I’d like my money back! This saga truly seems more befitting of a reality TV show than a general assembly.

So, while the world waits for Sunday’s release, one can only ponder: Will this book be the best comedy since “The Office,” or will it read more like a training manual for how to stir the pot? One thing’s for sure—if football were treated like this in a sitcom, it would win all the awards. Until next time, remember: there’s no shame in enjoying a bit of sporting chaos, as long as you’ve got a good seat—and maybe a helmet!

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