Green investment: the CDV laboratory, leader in foot-and-mouth vaccine, is committed to clean energy – MDZ Online

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He laboratory Argentinean CDVspecialized in the production of vaccines for cattle and sheep, signed a agree with Genneiathe leading company in renewable energies in Argentina, to supply 80% of the demand of its three plants with clean energy.

It will be the first laboratory in the sector that will use wind and solar energy as a source for the generation of electrical energy for the operation of its more than 20,000 square meters distributed in the Pilar Industrial Park.

The recent alliance between both companies will be formalized through the private Renewable Energy Term Market (MATER) system, establishing a green energy supply contract for their plants for a period of seven years, with the option to be renewed. The renewable energy will come from a set of Genneia assets, made up of wind and solar farms.

CDV Laboratory

The energy consumption of both plants is 6,400 MWh per year, which is equivalent to the average consumption of 17,225 Argentine homes. This means that around 5,120 MWh consumed are of renewable origin.

CDV has a portfolio that includes viral and bacterial vaccines, vaccines against Foot and Mouth Disease, as well as reagents and diagnostic services.

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“In 2024, we will ensure that our two plants operate with electrical energy from renewable sources, thanks to the green energy supply agreements that we signed in 2023. Our third plant under development will also be added to this line, which will be operational in 2025. This It will allow us to increase production to benefit animal health, while preserving the environment. The high quality standards that we offer in our manufacturing plants, aligned with the demands of international markets, reinforce our commitment to the concept of ‘One Health’, a vision that recognizes the interconnection between human health, animal health and ecosystem health.” stated Juan Roô – General Manager of Laboratorio CDV.

Madryn Genneia Wind Farm

For his part, Gustavo Castagnino, director of Corporate, Regulatory and Sustainability Affairs | Genneia’s ESG added: “We are proud to be able to provide green energy to one of the most important animal health companies in Latin America. This action allows us to continue advancing in an increasingly solid change in renewable energy to decarbonize industrial processes.”

The third floor

After an investment of US$ 80 million, Laboratorio CDV is already in an advanced stage of construction of its third general vaccine production plant within the Pilar Industrial Park, which will be operational during the first half of 2025. This new production space It is designed under the requirements established by the international classification of world class plant or World Class Manufacturing, with the vision of adopting the characteristics of “green industry” to optimize resources and transform it into an efficient space, incorporating design, technology and innovation in its three main pillars: construction, equipment and the efficiency of natural resource management.

Juan Roô said that the company believes that they are “taking a firm step towards sustainability by ensuring that 80% of all operations come from the consumption of renewable energy by Genneia.”

“This incorporation translates into the reduction of environmental emissions, where the company already has various parks internationally certified by Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). This allows it to deliver CO2 Emissions Reduction Certificates and, from our company, we will be able to compensate productive emissions, managing to reduce our carbon footprint, achieving a process of offset or cancellation of environmental emissions,” he completes.

CDV Laboratory Goes Green: Vaccines Powered by Wind and Solar!

Well, folks, it seems that even the vaccine gods are getting greener! In a *stunning* new partnership that could make even Mother Nature crack a smile, CDV Laboratory from Argentina is taking a step towards a brighter, breezier future by signing a deal with the renewable energy titan, Genneia. Yes, you heard it right; they’re planning on powering 80% of their energy-hungry operations with clean, renewable energy! Who says you can’t mix a bit of medicine with a pinch of sustainability?

Wind and Solar: The Dynamic Duo of Vaccine Production

In a world where we’re all holding our breaths waiting for the latest vaccine in the fight against whatever variant of ‘what happened last week’, it’s nice to know that these vaccines will now be produced in plants that are as clean as a whistle—if that whistle were blown by the soft breeze of a wind turbine!

CDV is stepping out in style with its two plants in the Pilar Industrial Park, which will run on a delicious diet of wind and solar energy. Picture this: over 20,000 square meters of vaccine excellence, all powered by the elements! You can practically hear the cows and sheep mooing and baaing in approval. (It’s either that or they’re just really excited about not contributing to global warming.)

Under the agreement signed via the private Renewable Energy Term Market (MATER) system, a contract has been established that guarantees a supply of green energy for the next seven years. All this in line with our good friends at Genneia, who have a portfolio full of wind and solar assets—*as you do*.

The Numbers Game: How Green is CDV Getting?

Now, let’s talk stats for a second. The energy consumption of both plants amounts to a whopping 6,400 MWh per year. To put that in perspective, that’s the equivalent of powering about 17,225 Argentine homes! And of that, over 5,120 MWh will be coming directly from renewable sources. Not bad for two plants that want to save the planet while saving animal lives!

“For us, this is not just about vaccines; it’s about aligning our production with the demands of international markets while echoing our commitment to ‘One Health’—where human health, animal health, and environmental health are tightly knit together,” states Juan Roô, General Manager of Laboratorio CDV. It’s like a medical three-legged race, and everyone’s sprinting towards sustainability together!

A Bright Future Ahead

Meanwhile, let’s not forget that CDV is also in the midst of constructing a brand new vaccine production plant—oh la la! After a staggering investment of US$ 80 million, this third facility will boost their production capacity while ensuring environmental efficiency. To hear Mr. Roô tell it, this is the ambitious stuff of a ‘green industry’ revolution, combining technology, innovation, and, well, a bit of green thinking!

“With our commitment to source 80% of our power from renewable energy, we are translating our plans into tangible results—reducing emissions, letting the cows roam freely, and ensuring we can all breathe a little easier,” he happily concludes. How refreshing!

The Wind Beneath Our Wings

And let’s not forget the words of Gustavo Castagnino from Genneia—trust me, it’s not just hot air. “We are proud to supply green energy to one of Latin America’s premier animal health companies,” he said, sounding like he just won the renewable energy lottery. “Advancing renewable energy is key to decarbonizing industrial processes.” Quite the eco-friendly bromance blooming here, wouldn’t you say?

So here’s the takeaway: CDV Laboratory is not just launching into the future of vaccine production, they’re doing it while hugging trees, blowing in the wind, and capturing sunlight like kids trying to catch fireflies in the summer. And at the end of the day, who wouldn’t want a medicine cabinet powered by Mother Nature herself? Hats off to CDV! May your vaccines be as clean as your energy!

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