Salvador Dali – life and work. Who was his wife?

Salvador Dali – life and work. Who was his wife?

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Salvador Dali was one of the most famous surrealists and artists of the 20th century. He said about himself: “Surrealism is me.” In Warsaw you can visit the unique multi-sensory exhibition Dali Cybernetics and, thanks to modern technologies, go deep into the brilliant mind of the Spanish creator. See the report Dzień Dobry TVN.

What was Salvador Dali like?

While in the capital, you can visit a unique exhibition. This is the first modern, immersive experience of Salvador Dalí’s works in Poland. And all this thanks to large-format and interactive installations, holograms, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

– He was one of the most famous representatives of surrealism in art. He said about himself: “Surrealism is me.” Salvador Dali is one of the greatest artists from Spain. He was an extraordinary genius on the same level as Picasso, Velázquez and Goya – said Ramiro Fernández Bachiller, Spanish ambassador to Poland.

From an early age, Salvador Dali was known as a self-confident young man who was convinced of his genius.

– We are talking about a very talented artist. Dali began showing his works publicly at the age of 14. At the age of 17 he entered the academy in Madrid. Soon after, he got kicked out, and even more than once. He didn’t bother finishing schooltaking exams, because at that stage he already believed that professors from the academy were unable to teach him anything, because he was a more outstanding artist than them – said Stach Szabłowski, art historian and ambassador of the exhibition.

The name and motifs appearing in the works of the Spanish artist have become trademarks.

Audiences around the world associate it with several very characteristic motifs, e.g. spilling clocks, a burning giraffe, elephants traveling through space on elongated bird legs. The motifs from the beginning of his work later made a huge career – emphasized Tomasz Dziewicki, head of the ancient art department – Desa Unicum.

– Dali was interested in film, so at the exhibition we will also see one room dedicated to cinematography. He collaborated with Walt Disney, designed shop windows and designed costumes for the theater. He collaborated with Christian Dior, for whom he designed a perfume bottle, and knew Coco Chanel. He also designed a very recognizable logo of one of the most popular lollipops in the world – added Joanna Kowalkowska, the organizer of the exhibition.

The work and life of Salvador Dalí

He was undoubtedly one of the most eccentric artists in history. How did this manifest itself?

– It was mainly about creating the image of an eccentric artisti.e. during photo sessions in which Salvador Dali wore a lobster on his head instead of a hat. The story that he is the incarnation of his brother who died in childhood. Arriving at a lecture to which he was invited, wearing a diver’s outfit, but not a modern one, but a full-covered one, with a screw-on helmet. And giving a lecture from inside this helmet in such a way that no one could understand a single word – explained the exhibition ambassador.

An extremely important person in the painter’s life was his wife Gala.

She became much more than the love of his life. She was also his muse and is the heroine of many of his most important works – said Stach Szabłowski.

– Part of his image was very well created by his wife, who was almost 20 years older than him. There are many stories about how Dali met his future wife for the first time. He wanted to go out naked and roll in feathers first, that’s how he wanted to welcome guests. However, when he saw Gala through the window, he changed his mind and put on a suit – said Joanna Kowalkowska.

The gala accompanied Salvador for the rest of his life. – Dali said he should polish it, put it up and celebrate it like a perfect sculpture – summed up Tomasz Dziewicki.

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Exploring the Surreal World of Salvador Dalí: A Cheeky Peek Into His Genius!

Ah, Salvador Dalí! The man who claimed, “Surrealism is me,” and boy, did he back it up! From spilling clocks to burning giraffes, he painted like he was simultaneously having a mid-life crisis and a caffeine overdose. If you’re in Warsaw and want to know how it feels to swim in the depths of a surrealist’s mind without the risk of drowning, then head to the Dali Cybernetics exhibition. It’s like someone gave Dalí a virtual reality headset and said, “Go wild, mate!”

What Was Salvador Dalí Like?

Proud, eccentric, and, let’s be honest, probably a little bit bonkers! The exhibition is Poland’s first immersive experience showcasing his genius through holograms, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence—yes, it’s basically art’s answer to a video game convention. And if your idea of a fun afternoon involves getting lost in Dalí’s colourful mind, this is the place to be! You’ve got large-format installations—basically, they oversize everything, because why not?

Our friend Ramiro Fernández Bachiller, Spain’s ambassador in Poland, put it best: “He’s *up there* with the likes of Picasso and Goya.” You know it’s serious when ambassadors start comparing artists like they’re on a game show. “Who’s the best artist? I’ll take Dalí for a hundred!”

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The Whimsical Life of an Eccentric Artist

And let’s talk *eccentricity*—Dalí was the poster child for it. Remember that time he rocked up to a lecture in a full diver’s outfit? No? Just me? How about wearing a lobster on his head? The man took “standing out from the crowd” to a personal level. If you wanted to ensure everyone remembered your name, wearing crustaceans as headgear seems like a solid tactic!

He had his fair share of oddities, including an intense relationship with his wife Gala, who, according to art historian Stach Szabłowski, was more than just his muse. She was *the* absolute centerpiece in his eclectic life. There’s even a story about how he planned to meet her for the first time by rolling around in feathers. Because nothing says “I’m a romantic” quite like an impromptu plucking!

By the way, speaking of branding, his art was literally once recognized and loved worldwide. You know you’ve made it when your art is synonymous with terms like “melting clocks” and “long-legged elephants.” It’s almost as if he designed a playbook for future artists trying to capture attention—just slap on some bizarre images, toss a few flamboyant quotes around, and *voilà*, you’re in!

And there’s more! Did you know Dalí mingled with the greats of the film and fashion world? He paired up with Walt Disney, collaborated with fashion designers like Christian Dior—he designed a perfume bottle that was probably just as surreal as he himself. I mean, talk about multitasking! No wonder he viewed his wife as “a perfect sculpture” to polish and celebrate.

So, Why Should You Visit?

In short, Salvador Dalí was a titan of the surreal, a master of eccentricity, and if you’re in Poland, this exhibition promises to peel back the layers of a mind that was undoubtedly more colorful than a rainbow after a paint fight. Come for the interactive installations, stay for the crispy absurdity—and who knows, you might just leave with a lobster on your head as a souvenir!

For those who wish to immerse themselves in the glorious chaos of Dalí’s world, don’t forget to catch Dzień Dobry TVN. It’s all there, weaving the rich tapestry of Dalí’s life right before your very eyes!

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