Türkiye and Spain sign an important agreement » FETRI – SPANISH TRIATHLON FEDERATION

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Spain and Turkey Join Forces in Triathlon: A Match Made in Athletic Heaven!

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International – OCTOBER 22, 2024

The Spanish Triathlon Federation has decided to shake hands—presumably after a good scrub—with the Turkish Federation to join forces for the brighter future of triathlon. Yes, folks, we’re talking about an agreement that weighs heavier than a triathlete’s guilt after a post-race feast.

In a move that’s sure to make waves (or at least a few gentle ripples in the pond), the contract signed on October 20, 2024, opens the door to a treasure trove of opportunities. Both nations will be getting cozy in key areas like athlete performance, coach training, and the all-important handling of local and international organizations. Not to mention—hold onto your goggles—expanding services for sports clubs and supporting the triathlon schools project.

Yes, folks, it’s as if Spain and Turkey have decided that their shared love for running, cycling, and swimming in circles is enough to warrant an official partnership! The deal was signed by Bülent Çendik, the vice president of the Turkish Triathlon Federation, and José Hidalgo Martín, the big cheese from Spain. It’s like a sporting marriage, and let’s hope they don’t end up fighting over whose national dish is better during an international competition!

Speaking of the signing ceremony—which, let’s face it, wasn’t exactly the Super Bowl but might have had its own level of excitement—Çendik highlighted how pivotal this agreement is for Turkey. “This will not only boost the triathlon scene but filter down to all areas of Turkish sport,” he cheerfully declared. Now, I don’t know what that means, but it sounds impressive, doesn’t it?

So, are we witnessing the dawn of a new era in triathlon? Perhaps a triathlon renaissance where athletes from both countries race towards greatness, arms pumping, water splashing, and brows furrowed in concentration as they inevitably realize they forgot to put on sunscreen?

As these two powerhouses of pedal, push, and plunge join forces, the future looks bright—if a tad soggy. The agreement is a prime example of how cooperation can lead to shared success. And who knows? Maybe they’ll even collaborate on a new Olympic relay titled “Synchronized Suffering,” where participants in swimsuits try their best not to look as exhausted as they actually are.

In conclusion, let’s keep our eyes peeled on Spain and Turkey as they leap forward in the world of triathlon. After all, when it comes to international sporting agreements, it’s a journey, not a sprint! But with these two nations on the same page, we might just find they can indeed swim, cycle, and run together, building bridges while dodging the odd triathlon nutter who thinks they can outpace a cheetah.

2 people have seen this news.


International – OCTOBER 22, 2024

The Spanish Triathlon Federation has reached an agreement with the Turkish Federation to work together on the future of our sport and in various fields of action.

The contract signed between the Turkish Triathlon Federation and the Spanish Triathlon Federation will allow both countries to work together in key areas such as athlete performance, coach training, development of local and international organizations, expansion of services for sports clubs and support for the triathlon schools project.

The agreement, which also includes a consensus to increase the international impact of the projects, was signed by vice president Bülent Çendik representing the Turkish Triathlon Federation and president José Hidalgo Martín representing the Spanish Triathlon Federation.

Speaking after the signing ceremony, held on October 20, 2024, before the World Triathlon congress, Çendik highlighted the importance of this agreement for Turkey and expressed how beneficial it can be, not only for triathlon, but also for not for all Turkish sport.

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