Big fuss after humiliation André van Duin – Show news

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André van Duin visited Eva Jinek‘s talk show on Wednesday evening. The comedian and presenter looked back on his sixty-year career, among other things (see video) and sang a song about it herself. Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen said on Monday in Van Roosmalen & Groenteman that they had to laugh at the performance and are now receiving a lot of criticism as a result.

“Last Thursday was the evening of the Televizier-Ring Gala, and on Wednesday evening André van Duin sat with Eva Jinek,” said Marcel van Roosmalen. “André van Duin received an Oeuvre Ring, more than deserved, because the man has had a career for sixty years. What an icon, and Eva thought so too.”

He continues: “She had invited three well-known Dutch women: Caroline Tensen, Gerdi Verbeet and Olga Zuiderhoek. They are all fans of André van Duin. They sat there talking about him and André of course has a very special position in the Dutch world. media landscape. To be honest, there is no one who can sing a song about themselves in a talk show and have everyone be moved by it. I think that is very special television.”

“It’s enough with putting someone on a pedestal, isn’t it?” Gijs wonders after watching André’s performance. They laughed a lot at the fragment while he was singing. “To sit there and gasp and applaud.” Marcel adds: “I have never seen this on Dutch TV.”


Viewers of the program said on social media that they were angry and disagreed with the statements. “André van Duin is almost universally loved, but at Van Roosmalen & Groenteman they ridiculed the popular comedian for 4 minutes. Marcel accused him of narcissism, Gijs told him that he sang poorly. It is condescending. They would not have done this with a canal belt company. comedian,” writes Victor Vlam on X.

Someone else responds with: “Andre van Duin narcissistic? Are they out of their depth? He is the very last person who can be accused of narcissism.”

See below a selection of the responses to X:

Golden Televizier Oeuvre Ring

André van Duin is the fifth winner of the Golden Televizier Oeuvre-Ring. The award, for people who have proven themselves on Dutch television for years, has only been awarded four times since 1964. 77-year-old André received the award during the Golden Televizier-Ring Gala.


These are the winners of the Golden Televizier Ring 2024

André van Duin: Dutch Comedy Royalty or Narcissist?

So, André van Duin was on Eva Jinek’s talk show, reminiscing about his incredible sixty-year career, while singing a touching little ditty about himself. Ah, isn’t that sweet? It’s like the ultimate self-love anthem, only you can’t buy it on Spotify — you have to tune in to Dutch television for that! Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen had a laugh or two at the performance, but they quickly learned that the Dutch have a soft spot for their national treasures. Who knew a sense of humor could be so… controversial?

A Glorious Career

According to Marcel van Roosmalen, last Thursday was filled with a lot of “FYI moments” as André received the Oeuvre Ring, a recognition that is, dare I say, more deserved than my morning coffee. André is not just a comedian; he’s the face of a generation! I mean, where else can you find someone who can deliver gags while managing to emotionally bond with the audience all in one go? A self-sung ballad about one’s own legendary status? That’s either the height of narcissism or the bravest irony imaginable!

Narcissism or Celebration?

Now, some of our fellow critics, in a classic twist of humor that makes you wonder if they’re just a tad too cynical, have taken issue with the whole fiasco. Gijs chimed in that it’s about time we stop putting everyone on a pedestal. I don’t know about you, but I think if you’ve lasted sixty years in comedy — you deserve a glorified pedestal, preferably gilded and equipped with a life-sized statue! It’s either that or a lifetime supply of chocolate, and let’s be real, we all know which one he’d choose!

Backlash on Socials

Meanwhile, social media exploded faster than popcorn in a microwave with viewers declaring, “How dare you critique a national treasure like André?” Some comments suggested that calling André narcissistic is like accusing a puppy of hoarding toys — it’s just not in the nature of the beast! One astute viewer even remarked, “If he’s narcissistic, then what am I? A sentinel of humility?”


In a nutshell, the whole saga reveals a classic Dutch dilemma: Can you celebrate someone so beloved without the jesters throwing pies? Well, as the late, great comedian might say, if you can’t laugh at yourself, then what can you laugh at? Just make sure to bring a mirror, a song, and possibly a can of whipped cream for effect!

André van Duin — not just a comedian but a phenomenon! Can we handle this level of talent on our screens? More importantly, do we have enough tissues for the overwhelming sentiment? Only time will tell.

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