“Abnormal sentence”, so judges have “exceeded their powers” –

The government’s reaction to the sentence that cancels the detention of migrants in Morocco counts allies there”>Albania “is not against the judiciary, but against the merit of this sentence”. The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, clarifies this on the sidelines of a conference in Palermo. “It is not a controversy against the judiciary – he added – but against a type of sentence that we not only do not agree with but also consider to be abnormal”. «It cannot be the judiciary – underlined the representative of Giorgia Meloni’s government – that defines a more or less safe state. Furthermore, these decisions risk creating diplomatic incidents, because defining a country like Morocco as unsafe can create problems. If we believed that countries in which rules such as the death penalty are in force are not safe, then the United States would not be a safe country either. These are questions – he concluded – of high politics that should not be left to the judiciary and will not be left to the judiciary. We will intervene with legislative measures.”

The no announced at the migrant center by the judge who is a fan of Apostolico

The Prime Minister has announced a Council of Ministers for Monday that will deal with the matter. «As a former magistrate I would consider it almost sacrilegious to think that the government to which I belong declares war on the judiciary, as it is not and never will be», said the Minister of Justice, «I have met the members of the ANM several times and we have different ideas on many things but we have always tried to converge on the efficiency of justice.”

Albania, the sentence already written: Migrants return to Italy

In the ruling of the Rome court on Bangladeshi and Egyptian migrants, «if the judiciary exceeds its powers, as in this case by attributing itself prerogatives such as that of defining a safe state, then politics must intervene, because politics expresses the popular will» . In conclusion, «if the people do not agree with what we do, we go home – added Nordio – but the judiciary, autonomous and independent, does not answer to anyone and for this very reason it cannot assume the prerogatives which are exquisitely and essentially politics.”

#Abnormal #sentence #judges #exceeded #powers #Tempo



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