Deputy Minister Sudaryono backs Prabowo’s food self-sufficiency vision

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Indonesian Agricultural Ambitions: A Comedy of Commitment

Well, well, well! If it isn’t the newly appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Sudaryono, stepping forward to sprinkle some optimism on the culinary landscape of Indonesia! Now, let’s chop this onion and peel back the layers of his recent comments—because like any good vegetable, it’s always better to get to the core!

Food Security or Food Security Theatre?

Ah, the grand vision of food independence, food security, and self-sufficiency. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? It’s the agricultural version of “we’ll fix it in post,” like a mediocre movie trying to salvage the plot with fancy CGI after the fact. Sudaryono, ever the loyal deputy, emphasizes just how vital this ‘togetherness and solidarity’ is. I mean, if only we could get politicians together for a group hug—not sure that would help our crops, but it’s worth a try, right?

Cross-Sectoral Synergy: The Buzzword Bingo

Sudaryono believes that some snazzy cross-sectoral synergy is the key to success. Cross-sectoral? Sounds like a term straight out of a corporate retreat where they serve kale smoothies and talk about synergy until the cows come home—or, you know, until they run out of snacks. To be fair, if we’re not careful, they might end up planning agricultural strategies in a virtual reality simulation while the real fields are left to fend for themselves!

Continuing the Jokowi Legacy: The Sequel No One Asked For

Next, we have Sudaryono boasting about continuing programs from the Jokowi administration under our new star, President Prabowo. Ah, yes! Because who doesn’t love a good sequel in politics? This one promises “more intense agricultural intensification”—a phrase so deliciously packed with enthusiasm that you almost expect it to come with a side of extra rice. He even assures us these intensification programs have been wildly successful! But like that second cupcake you know you shouldn’t have, I hear doing it twice a year might still cause some issues—in this case, with national food storage.

Experience: The Double-Edged Sword

Now, let’s talk about experience! Sudaryono, in all his bureaucratic glory, proudly mentions his time working with Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman. It’s like he’s the opening act at a concert, hoping to warm up the crowd for the main show. He throws around terms like “collaboration” as if it’s a magic wand, but let’s be honest—collaboration in government is often like herding cats in a hall of mirrors. You think you’ve got it all figured out, and suddenly someone’s knocked over the punch bowl!

Conclusion: A Recipe for Success or Disaster?

As Sudaryono takes his place on the political stage, it seems like we’re not just watching a new act unfold with President Prabowo, but potentially an entire series. Will this turn into an agricultural blockbuster, or merely a run-of-the-mill sitcom? With the right ingredients—solid teamwork, rational policies, and a sprinkle of luck—it can indeed be a triumph. Or it could turn out to be one of those awkward family dinners where everything is a bit too overcooked and under-seasoned. Here’s hoping for a little culinary magic instead!

And remember, folks—no matter how optimistic the predictions, we all know the real work gets done in the fields, not just in the speeches. Now, let’s raise a fork to Sudaryono and hope he doesn’t drop it in his own lap!

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