High-cost users still came to hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic during first wave data in Thailand: secondary data analysis | BMC Public Health

Healthcare Costs in Thailand: A Comedy of Expenses

Welcome, dear readers, to the wonderfully confusing world of healthcare expenditures! If you thought keeping up with your Netflix subscription was tricky, wait until you see the hospital bills in Thailand. With a staggering 19,967,341 patients analyzed across approximately 30,452,449 hospitalization records over six years, we’ve got the numbers to make your head spin faster than a doctor chasing after an unpaid bill!

Patient Characteristics: The Dataset Drama

Here we are, diving into the data as if it were a cliff dive into a pool of jelly. Did you know that the demographic profiles of High-Cost Users (HCUs), Average-Cost Users (ACUs), and Low-Cost Users (LCUs) remained remarkably similar from 2016 to 2021? It’s like watching a soap opera where every character just can’t seem to change their clothes—or their hospital stay duration for that matter.

During the pandemic, the male-to-female ratio stayed about the same: a solid 55% to 45% for HCUs. Meanwhile, the average lengths of hospital stays did not change much either; about 8 days for HCUs and a mere 3 days for LCUs. That’s the kind of loyalty you’d expect from a bad relationship, not from a healthcare system!

Demographics on a Budget: The Costly Costumes of Care

Now, let’s talk dollars and cents—or in this case, Thai Baht. The average cost per patient began at roughly 16,000 THB before the pandemic and has rocketed to around 32,000 THB by 2021. That’s not just inflation, that’s a healthcare balloon animal that’s been blown up and left in the sun! 🌞

Hospitalization Trends: A Raucous Rise

Did you hear about the lavish spree of hospitalization expenditures during the pandemic? Imagine a high-stakes poker game where the stakes are nothing less than your health! The top 5% of hospitalized patients accounted for nearly 40% of annual health expenditure. So if you thought your last visit to the emergency room was pricey, just know it’s a minor player in this budget-breaking bonanza!

Top Primary Diagnoses: The Illnesses of the Elite!

What Do They All Have in Common?

Now let’s peel back the layers of this medical onion. HCUs tended to mess around with fancy diagnoses, racking up hospital bills with conditions like respiratory diseases, circulatory issues, and neoplasms (you know, just a fancy term for tumors). Meanwhile, ACUs and LCUs were left to share a few common ailments – no luxury illnesses for them!

Potential Predictors of Healthcare Costs: Who’s Who?

If you thought fashion predictors were tricky, try figuring out who’s most likely to break the bank in terms of healthcare! It seems older patients with more comorbidities were flashing the hospital credit cards like they owned the place. Those gritty details including higher mortality risk and more visits to private hospitals make for chilling (yet fascinating) reading.

Wrapping it Up: A Quick Recap

So there you have it, a deep dive into the swirl of hospital costs in Thailand! With significant findings on patient demographics, spending habits during pandemics, and the deep-seated trends in hospital stays, it becomes clear: navigating healthcare costs can feel like venturing through a maze—blindfolded! Stay healthy, stay smart, and remember, when in doubt, always ask if your hospital offers group discounts! 🎉

If you’d like to explore this topic further, check out the original article here.



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