It turned out why he was kicked out of the place

Why Was Santiago Artemis Kicked Out of a Bowling Alley in Palermo?

Oh dear, where do we even begin? It seems Santiago Artemis, the influential designer and occasional extravagant socialite, found himself embroiled in yet another theatrical fiasco—this time, in a bowling alley. I mean, if you’re going to make headlines, at least make it over something more glamorous than a couple of pins, right? But alas, here we are, reminiscing about an evening that quickly turned from strikes to scandal!

The Incident: Bowling Gone Wrong

Our tale begins early Saturday morning in Palermo, where Artemis, probably trying to channel his inner bowling champion, ended up being escorted out of the establishment. According to the viral clips and the ever-so-reliable internet gossip machine, it was not a pretty sight. Witnesses report him crying on the floor, with a broken boot to boot! Now that’s what I call a ‘fashion fail’ that even the greats would balk at.

So why did the lovely folks at the bowling alley feel the need to ask our fashion icon to leave? According to journalist Pepe Ochoa, Artemis had bump-ins with past acquaintances at the venue, leading to a bit of an uncomfortable atmosphere, or as I like to call it, “classic reality show material.” Tensions escalated, and before you know it, security was involved, accusations were flying, and Artemis was left standing in the middle of the bowling lane—probably wishing he could roll a spare in life and just get away! “Scandal in bowling,” Ochoa tweeted, quite aptly.

But What Really Happened?

Now, allow me to play the devil’s advocate here for a moment. Santiago took to Instagram to defend his honor, stating, “I’m very embarrassed…but I’m not going to allow them to disrespect me like this.” I mean, can we blame him for wanting to clarify? It’s his name out there, and if we learned anything from the likes of Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais, it’s that the best defense is a good laugh. But come on, buddy! How do you justify a night out at a bowling alley turning into a fashion show of chaos?

Artemis claimed he was merely the victim of circumstance, stating that he fell thanks to some pebbles. Now, I’ve tripped over my own shoe laces more times than I can count, but I’ve never had to drop in a formal complaint to bowling alley security. And trust me, I know how to throw a fit if the fries are cold!

Mixed Accounts: A High-Drama Event

As with all juicy narratives, multiple perspectives surfaced about the evening’s events. Witnesses claimed what many may consider ‘drunken antics’ on Artemis’s part. One said he was “very drunk” and caused quite the stir. Another witness even reported that he tried to “hit the DJ”—now, I don’t know about you, but that seems more like a mad night out at a club than a chill evening at a bowling alley. And let’s not ignore those edgy folks on social media who proved, once again, that they live for the drama: “He made a fuss,” one user tweeted, painting a vivid picture of him being dragged away. I mean, if being escorted out of a bowling alley is your angle of fame, then we should all be so lucky!

Final Thoughts: The Price of Fame

So, what’s the takeaway here? Perhaps it’s that the world of influencers can sometimes resemble a circus more than a runway. Santiago Artemis may have built a following of over 600,000, but as this incident shows, fame comes at a price—and sometimes, the toll is a little too high when you’re throwing vodka and stilettos into the mix. Yet, isn’t that the beauty of it all? We get to watch what happens when influencer glams meet real-life drama, and quite frankly, I can’t look away!

In the end, try to keep your heels and your dignity intact, everyone. And, who knows? Maybe Artemis will return stronger, wiser, and perhaps with a new bowling ball that complements his unique fashion sense! Bowling Alley King or not, it’s all about how you roll.

After some videos of the renowned and media designer went viral on social networks Santiago Artemis leaving a bowling alley in Palermo on Saturday morning, the reasons why the also influencer They invited him to leave the establishment.

On Saturday afternoon, the @elejercitodeLAM account shared on X (ex Twitter) a series of videos in which Santiago Artemis could be seen sitting at the entrance of a bowling alley located in Paseo de la Infanta.

In the post on that social network, journalist Pepe Ochoa, who manages that account, announced: “Scandal in bowling. Santiago Artemis found himself in a disco with two people who felt mistreated and denigrated by him in the past and the atmosphere became tense. “Santiago leaves bowling because of this.”

In this content, which later went viral, it was recorded how at influencer They invited him to leave the establishmentwhile he was lying on the floor, crying and with a broken boot.

In the video you hear that one of the local security people accuse him of having thrown a bottle at them and they ask him to leave the place. Then, the young man is seen walking away in socks along the Paseo de la Infanta.

A day later, last Sunday, Artemis published a disclaimer on his Instagram profile, where More than 600 thousand people follow him.

Looking at the camera, the clothing designer gave his version of the events. “I’m very embarrassed about this video, but I’m not going to allow them to disrespect me like this.. I’m going to clarify what happened. Very humiliating things happened. ANDor it’s been almost three years since I’ve been going to dance, I don’t like it. But I said ‘give yourself a chance’, I went to the party,” he said.

Later, Santiago reported having received different attacks: “They threw vodka on my back (…) When I go up the stairs, a boy pushes me and my stiletto moves forward. “So I spent two hours walking half-assed so I wouldn’t end up breaking the block.”

Regarding the images that had gone viral, Artemis justified: “When I go out to ask for my car, there are pebbles on the door, I tripped and my heel just broke. “I fell and broke my heel, that was all.”

Santiago Artemis gave his version of the events and toned down what happened.

“For people who They think I was busted in a bowling alley and was on the floor fighting with the police, they are wrong.“, closed the fashion reference.

Why did Santiago Artemis get kicked out of a bowling alley in Palermo?

Despite this extensive disclaimer that the designer made on his social networks, Clarion was able to contact different people who were present at the party on Saturday morning Rheo and the versions regarding what happened are different.

Santiago Artemis was involved in a scandal early Saturday morning in Palermo. Photo: Press / Catalina Serrano Massa

A witness who saw what happened said: “Santiago had problems with the security of the party for being very drunk and they ended up removing him for that reason.”

Another person explained that Santiago was in the VIP, so he had access to the DJ at the club. “I was trying to hit the DJ, really bad“, they revealed to this medium.

Regarding the attitude of influencerthose who were able to see him described him as someone “violent.”

“It was a horror, a horror, He took it upon himself to hurt all the people, he wanted to eat everyone, that kid is sick in the head.“, they assured.

On the other hand, a user on X (former Twitter) supported these statements and denied Artemis’s defense.

In X (former Twitter) they told why Santiago Artemis was kicked out of the bowling alley.

“Literally He made a fuss with the security guys about what was going on.. They grabbed him by the neck and took him out. backstage. They dragged him down the VIP stairs to get him out, it’s not a joke,” user @AparicioMatias tweeted.

“Artemis take charge of something once in your lifePlease,” the young man begged the influencer.



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